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let me know
rho i fi wbod
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-01-26
Användningsfrekvens: 1
let me know.
gad i mi wybod.
Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-01
Användningsfrekvens: 1
can you let me know
fedri di adael i mi wybod
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-07-11
Användningsfrekvens: 1
please let me know asap
rhowch wybod i mi cyn gynted â phosib
Senast uppdaterad: 2021-02-02
Användningsfrekvens: 1
could you please let me know if you are satisfied with these responses and if you would like us to take further action regarding your complaint.
a fyddech cystal â gadael i mi wybod a ydych yn fodlon gyda’r ymatebion hyn ac a oes camau eraill yr hoffech i ni eu cymryd yn dilyn eich cwyn.
let me know if you know of cases there , but a vehicle per day is crucial on some of these roads and some have more travelling on them than others
rhowch wybod imi os gwyddoch am achosion yno , ond rhaid cael un cerbyd y dydd ar rai o'r ffyrdd hyn ac mae mwy yn teithio ar rai nag eraill
however , let me know if links need to be emphasised further or if paths need to be smoothed
fodd bynnag , rhowch wybod imi os oes angen rhoi pwyslais ychwanegol ar y cysylltiadau neu os oes angen hwyluso llwybrau
he told me that he would let me know if his recollection was faulty as to which cabinet ministers knew about it
dywedodd wrthyf y rhoddai wybod i mi os oedd ei gof yn ddiffygiol o ran pa weinidogion cabinet a wyddai amdano
dafydd wigley : next time you are up in the north , let me know and i will welcome you to the constituency
dafydd wigley : y tro nesaf y byddwch i fyny yn y gogledd , rhowch wybod imi ac fe fyddaf yn falch iawn o'ch croesawu i'r etholaeth
if you'd like to receive text message reminders, please ensure you've given your gp practice and hospital department your mobile phone number
os hoffech dderbyn atgoffa negeseuon testun, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod wedi rhoi eich meddygfa i chi
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-08-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
you write to me regularly , mick , in fact you are one of my best correspondents , so let me know about where you are concerned
yr ydych yn ysgrifennu ataf yn rheolaidd , mick , yn wir chi yw un o'm gohebwyr gorau , felly rhowch wybod imi am ble yr ydych yn poeni
if you , or any other members , feel that there are instances where that has not happened , please let me know
os ydych chi , neu unrhyw aelodau eraill , o'r farn bod achlysuron wedi codi lle na ddigwyddodd hynny , gadewch imi wybod