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work pro actively



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more pro-actively publicising meetings to increase the participation of members of the public


rhoi rhagor o gyhoeddusrwydd i'w cyfarfodydd er mwyn denu mwy o aelodau'r cyhoedd i gymryd rhan

Senast uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
Användningsfrekvens: 2



to work pro-actively to represent the rights and interests of welsh speakers as they come into contact with public services.


gweithio’n rhagweithiol i gynrychioli hawliau a buddiannau siaradwyr cymraeg wrth iddynt ddod i gyswllt gyda gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.

Senast uppdaterad: 2008-09-08
Användningsfrekvens: 1



we must build on the disability discrimination act 1995 with comprehensive and enforceable anti-discrimination legislation , which the disability rights commission should pro-actively enforce


rhaid inni adeiladu ar ddeddf gwahaniaethu ar sail anabledd 1995 gyda deddfwriaeth gynhwysfawr a gorfodadwy yn erbyn gwahaniaethu , y dylai'r comisiwn hawliau anabledd ei gorfodi'n rhagweithiol

Senast uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
Användningsfrekvens: 1



you referred to the bellwin formula , will you consider asking your officials to contact the local authorities that are most affected pro-actively , with a view to triggering the bellwin process as quickly as possible , should that become necessary ? if you find that you are receiving large-scale requests from local authorities for bellwin moneys or other support , are you confident that you have sufficient flexibility in your budget to meet those requests ? in particular , will you be able to make some 100 per cent grants available , as was done during the first assembly by the minister who had responsibility for the environment , when bellwin's grant of 85 per cent was not considered to be sufficient ? i know that the previous minister looked at this matter , but will you take this opportunity to initiate discussions with insurance companies , with a view to ensuring that homes that are subject to repeated flooding are not left uninsured and uninsurable ? will you consider this issue further with the minister for social justice and regeneration ? mechanisms such as bellwin are in place to respond to one-off emergencies , but some people are put in this position time and time again , and some are talking about being forced out of their homes , which i am sure none of us wish to see


bu ichi gyfeirio at fformiwla bellwin , a wnewch ystyried gofyn i'ch swyddogion fod yn rhagweithiol a chysylltu â'r awdurdodau lleol yr effeithir arnynt fwyaf , gyda'r bwriad o ddechrau'r broses bellwin mor gyflym â phosibl , pe bai angen hynny ? os cewch fod awdurdodau lleol yn cyflwyno ceisiadau mawr ichi am arian bellwin neu gymorth arall , a ydych yn ffyddiog bod gennych ddigon o hyblygrwydd yn eich cyllideb i fodloni'r ceisiadau hynny ? yn benodol , a allwch ddarparu rhai grantiau 100 y cant , fel y gwnaed yn ystod y cynulliad cyntaf gan y gweinidog a oedd yn gyfrifol am yr amgylchedd , pan ystyriwyd nad oedd grant bellwin o 85 y cant yn ddigonol ? gwn fod y gweinidog blaenorol wedi ystyried y mater hwn , ond a wnewch fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddechrau trafodaethau gyda chwmnïau yswiriant , gyda'r bwriad o sicrhau na chaiff tai sy'n mynd dan ddwr dro ar ôl tro eu gadael heb eu hyswirio ac nad aiff yn amhosibl i'w hyswirio ? a wnewch ystyried y mater hwn ymhellach gyda'r gweinidog dros gyfiawnder cymdeithasol ac adfywio ? mae systemau megis bellwin ar waith i ymateb i achosion brys unigol , ond mae rhai pobl yn wynebu'r sefyllfa hon dro ar ôl tro ac mae rhai yn sôn am orfod gadael eu cartrefi , nad oes yr un ohonom am weld hynny , yr wyf yn siwr

Senast uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
Användningsfrekvens: 1


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