Från professionella översättare, företag, webbsidor och fritt tillgängliga översättningsdatabaser.
your e-mail or cail will be answered within 3 working days.
cewch ateb i'ch neges ebost neu'ch galwad o fewn 3 diwrnod gwaith.
Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1
your e-mail or call will be answered within three working days.
cewch ateb i'ch neges e-bost neu'ch galwad o fewn 3 diwrnod gwaith.
Senast uppdaterad: 2014-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1
please ensure you give a call to reconfirm your e-mailed order.
ffoniwch i gadarnhau’ch archeb e-bost.
Senast uppdaterad: 2007-01-17
Användningsfrekvens: 1
on the target of 100 ,000 jobs , i note that your e-mail quotes the figure that plaid cymru used in its strategy
o ran y targed o 100 ,000 o swyddi , nodaf fod eich e-bost yn dyfynnu'r ffigur a ddefnyddiwyd gan blaid cymru yn ei strategaeth
having read your e-mail this morning , my view is that you cannot refer back specific paragraphs or phrases from the document unless you refer back the whole document
wedi darllen eich e-bost fore heddiw , yr wyf o'r farn na allwch gyfeirio'n ôl baragraffau neu gymalau penodol o'r ddogfen oni bai eich bod yn cyfeirio'r ddogfen gyfan yn ôl
thank you for your e-mail dated 15 november 2009 with a copy of the above report as an attachment, along with a copy of your language scheme which included your action plan timetable.
diolch am eich e-bost dyddiedig 15 tachwedd 2009 yn atodi copi o’r adroddiad uchod, a chopi o’ch cynllun iaith sy’n cynnwys amserlen eich cynllun gweithredu.
if so , why did the minister for economic development place an inaccurate report in the library ? how did you come by the new figure of 6 ,000 jobs ? is it an imaginary figure to get andrew davies out of a hole ? your e-minister does not have much credibility since he has blamed his incompetence with computers for the error
os felly , pam wnaeth y gweinidog dros ddatblygu economaidd osod adroddiad gwallus yn y llyfrgell ? sut y bu ichi greu ffigur newydd o 6 ,000 o swyddi ? ai ffigur dychmygol ydyw i gael andrew davies allan o dwll ? nid oes gan eich e-weinidog lawer o hygrededd gan iddo feio ei anallu cyfrifiadurol am y gwall
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