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don't want to talk



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this folder contains all the files which you see on your desktop. you can change the location of this folder if you want to, and the contents will move automatically to the new location as well.


يحتوي هذا المجلد كل الملفات التي تراها على سطح مكتبك. تستطيع تغيير موقع هذا المجلد إن أردت ، تسنقل عندها كل المحتويات تلقائياً للموقع الجديد.

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-12-24
Användningsfrekvens: 2


kvpnc is unable to save% 1 password securely in your wallet. do you want to save the password in the unsafe configuration file instead? ", qstring( i18n (" preshared key passwordunable to store secure% 1 ", qstring( i18n (" reshared key passwordstore & unsafe "), qlatin1string (" unlock "), qstring:: fromlatin1 (" kwalletfallbacktokconfigpre shared keykvpnc is unable to save% 1 password securely in your wallet. do you want to save the password in the unsafe configuration file instead? ", qstring( i18n (" preshared key passwordunable to store secure% 1 ", qstring( i18n (" reshared key passwordstore & unsafe "), qlatin1string (" unlock "), qstring:: fromlatin1 (" kwalletfallbacktokconfigpre shared key


kvpnc is unable to save% 1 password securely in your wallet. do you want to save the password in the unsafe configuration file instead? ", qstring( i18n (" preshared key passwordunable to store secure% 1 ", qstring( i18n (" reshared key passwordstore & unsafe "), qlatin1string (" unlock "), qstring:: fromlatin1 (" kwalletfallbacktokconfigpre shared keykvpnc is unable to save% 1 password securely in your wallet. do you want to save the password in the unsafe configuration file instead? ", qstring( i18n (" preshared key passwordunable to store secure% 1 ", qstring( i18n (" reshared key passwordstore & unsafe "), qlatin1string (" unlock "), qstring:: fromlatin1 (" kwalletfallbacktokconfigpre shared key

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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