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accesso al presidents club
access to the presidents club
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
planes of the presidents.
planes of the presidents.
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
questa esperienza congregazione ha ispirato la sua tesi rabbinica che ha presentato nel giugno 1985: “the rabbinic function seen by the congregational presidents.”
this congregational experience inspired his rabbinical thesis he presented in june 1985: "the rabbinic function seen by the congregational presidents".
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
Varning: Innehåller osynlig HTML-formatering
she is also a member of the young presidents´ organization group (ypo) and of the international women forum (iwf).
she is also a member of the young presidents' organization group and of the international women forum.
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-04-26
Användningsfrekvens: 1
sarà consentito l'accesso reciproco alle lounge: i passeggeri skyteam aventi diritto, tra cui i soci skyteam elite plus, potranno accedere ai 26 presidents club di continental fino al 24 ottobre 2009.
for reciprocal lounge access: eligible skyteam passengers, including skyteam elite plus members, can access continental’s 26 presidents clubs through october 24, 2009.
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1
a livello globale, la rete internazionale delle agenzie di garanzia della qualità nell’istruzione superiore (international network for quality assurance agencies in higher education - inqaahe) sta lavorando su una guida di buone pratiche destinata alle agenzie e l’associazione internazionale di rettori delle università (international association of university presidents - iaup) sta considerando l’attuabilità di un “registro mondiale della qualità” per le agenzie che si occupano di garantire la qualità.
on a global level, the international network for quality assurance agencies in higher education inqaahe is working on a good practice guide for agencies and the international association of university presidents iaup is considering the viability of a ‘world quality register’ for quality assurance agencies.
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-04-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1