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このオプションを有効にすると、k3b は iso9660 ファイルシステムの他に udf ファイルシステムの構造を作成します。 udf (universal disk format) は主に dvd で使用されます。
if this option is checked k3b will create udf filesystem structures in addition to the iso9660 filesystem. the udf (universal disk format) is mainly used for dvds.
some psychologists have examined how certain aspects of music — mode, tempo, rhythm, timbre — relate to the emotions listeners feel. studies have found that certain forms of song serve nearly universal functions: across countries and cultures, for instance, lullabies tend to share similar acoustic features that imbue infants and adults alike with a sense of safety.
some psychologists have examined how certain aspects of music — mode, tempo, rhythm, timbre — relate to the emotions listeners feel. studies have found that certain forms of song serve nearly universal functions: across countries and cultures, for instance, lullabies tend to share similar acoustic features that imbue infants and adults alike with a sense of safety.e, lullabies tend to share similar acoustic features that imbue infants and adults alike with a sense of safety.