Från professionella översättare, företag, webbsidor och fritt tillgängliga översättningsdatabaser.
ele, igual eu te falei, você teve esse problema, mas ele sugando, estimula a produção do leite.enfermeira.
he, like i told you, you had this problem, but his suckling stimulates the production of milk. nurse.
igual eu falei, antes não tinha médico de família, não tinha nada disso, tinha que se locomover daqui pra lá...
as i said, before there was no family doctor, none of this was there, she had to walk from here to there...
dc taot, «n peão, de araldo eu «k acula igual eu «upcrior « )] h · iaferior ι 45 h : aa)
containing 14* or »ore but less than 32* by »eight of starch: aa) containing no sucrose or containing less than 5* by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose)
16,80 ec) igual eu superior · * > 5% d) de teor, em peão, de sacarose (compreendendo e açúcar invertido, expresso cm sacarose.' igual ou superior a 30 % e inferior a 50 % :
16.30 d) containing 30 % or more but less than 50 % by weight of sucrose (including inven sugar expressed as sucrose):
Vissa mänskliga översättningar med låg relevans har dolts.
Visa resultat med låg relevans.