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države članice z ustreznimi ukrepi zagotovijo, da je naklepno ravnanje iz odstavkov 2 do 11 kaznivo.
member states shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the intentional conduct referred to in paragraphs 2 to 11 is punishable.
storilec tega kaznivega dejanja mora pri tem ravnati naklepno in se zavedati, da zagotavlja pomoč za namene terorizma.
in addition to acting intentionally, the perpetrator must know that the assistance is rendered for the purpose of terrorism.
to odgovornost je mogoče uveljavljati le, kadar je bila kršitev povzročena naklepno ali iz hude malomarnosti z njihove strani.
such liability may only be invoked when the violation was committed intentionally or was the result of serious negligence on their part.
vsaka država članica sprejme potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovi, da se kaznuje naslednje naklepno ravnanje:
each member state shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the following intentional conduct is punishable:
da lastnik ali poveljnik nista povzročila škode naklepno ali iz malomarnosti, zavedajoč se, da bo škoda verjetno nastala; ali
except if the owner or the master acted either with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result; or
od uslužbencev se lahko zahteva delno ali celotno plačilo odškodnine za vsako škodo, ki jo center utrpi zaradi njihove hude malomarnosti ali naklepno storjenega dejanja.
staff members may be required to pay compensation, either in part or in full, for any damage sustained by the centre through their gross negligence or wilful act.
izpusti onesnaževalnih snovi z ladij naj se obravnavajo kot kršitve, kadar so storjeni naklepno, iz zavestne ali nezavestne malomarnosti.
ship-source discharges of polluting substances should be regarded as infringements if committed with intent, recklessly or by serious negligence.
kršitev mora biti namerna, to pomeni, da mora biti dejanje naklepno, pa naj gre za kršitev intelektualne lastnine ali poskus, pomoč oziroma podporo ali spodbujanje.
the infringement must be intentional, that is to say that the act must be deliberate, whether it is an actual infringement, an attempt at infringement, or aiding and abetting or inciting such an offence.
zato ne vidim, zakaj bi morali v imenu vere dopuščati anahronistično, nehigienično in včasih celo sadistično pobijanje živali, izvedeno v pompoznih ceremonialnih okoliščinah pred odraslimi in otroci.
therefore, i fail to see why, in the name of religion, we should tolerate anachronistic, unhygienic and even sadistic killings of animals, sometimes done in pompous ceremonial circumstances, carried out in front of both adults and children.
komisija lahko podjetjem in podjetniškem združenjem z odločbo določi globe, ki ne presegajo 1 % skupnega prometa v predhodnem poslovnem letu, kadar naklepno ali iz malomarnosti:
the commission may by decision impose on undertakings and associations of undertakings fines not exceeding 1 % of the total turnover in the preceding business year where, intentionally or negligently: