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wish you success in your exam



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i wish you endless happiness


i wish you abundant happiness and love

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-01-01
Användningsfrekvens: 1


here are 7 lessons from rich dad's guide to investing by robert t. kiyosaki: 1. financial literacy is key: kiyosaki argues that traditional education often neglects financial literacy, leading to financial struggles for many. he emphasizes understanding concepts like asset acquisition, liabilities, and financial intelligence. 2. challenge traditional advice: the book questions conventional financial wisdom like "get a good job, save money, invest for retirement." instead, it advocates for actively building assets that generate passive income and creating your own financial system. 3. focus on assets, not income: kiyosaki differentiates between assets (things that put money in your pocket) and liabilities (things that take money out of your pocket). he encourages investing in assets like businesses, real estate, or intellectual property, not just focusing on increasing your income. 4. mindset matters: the book emphasizes the importance of developing an entrepreneurial mindset. cultivating financial literacy, taking risks, and embracing delayed gratification are key to building wealth, even with limited resources. 5. master corporations and taxes: kiyosaki encourages learning about corporations and using them as wealth-building vehicles. he also advises understanding tax laws and using them to your advantage to maximize financial gains. 6. invest for the long term: the book emphasizes the importance of patience and a long-term perspective when investing. building wealth takes time and consistent effort, not quick fixes or get-rich-quick schemes. 7. financial independence is the goal: kiyosaki's ultimate goal is financial independence, where your passive income covers your living expenses, allowing you to live life on your own terms. he encourages readers to focus on creating multiple income streams and building wealth


please forgive me

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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