Från professionella översättare, företag, webbsidor och fritt tillgängliga översättningsdatabaser.
el 90% de la colección de grabaciones es en idioma inglés, aunque librivox está presente también en 29 lenguas.
around ninety percent of the collection is in english, although librivox recordings are available in 33 languages altogether.
una vez que la o el voluntaria /o ha grabado su contribución, ésta es subida al sitio y testeado por miembros de la comunidad librivox.
once a volunteer has recorded his or her contribution, it is uploaded to the site, and proof-listened by members of the librivox community.
literatura. el objetivo de 'librivox' es hacer que todos los libros de dominio público estén disponibles en formato de audio libro gratuito.
literature. librivox's goal is to make all books in the public domain available as free audiobooks.
""a white heron" and the question of minor literature" (university of wisconsin press, 1985) isbn 978-0-299-09964-0* sherman, sarah w. "sarah orne jewett, an american persephone" (university press of new england, 1989) isbn 978-0-87451-484-1== enlaces externos ==* en wikisource* the sarah orne jewett text project* the country of pointed firs at* sarah orne jewett's literature online* pal* audiobooks by sarah orne jewett at librivox* index entry for sarah orne jewett at poet's corner* sarah orne jewett house museum, south berwick, maine
""a white heron" and the question of minor literature" (university of wisconsin press, 1985) isbn 978-0-299-09964-0* sherman, sarah w. "sarah orne jewett, an american persephone" (university press of new england, 1989) isbn 978-0-87451-484-1==external links==* the sarah orne jewett text project* the country of pointed firs at* sarah orne jewett's literature online* pal* audiobooks by sarah orne jewett at librivox* index entry for sarah orne jewett at poet's corner* sarah orne jewett house museum, south berwick, maine