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¿cómo pronunciar vacuum cleaner?


how to pronounce vacuum cleaner?

Senast uppdaterad: 2018-02-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1


see element naming controversy* edwin hall — efecto hall* edmond halley — cometa halley* hugh halligan — halligan bar* laurens hammond — hammond organ* hamo, a 6th-century saxon settler y landowner — hampshire* john hancock, signatory of the us declaration of independence — john hancock, a signature* elliot handler y harold "matt" matson — mattel* william hanna y joseph barbera — hanna–barbera productions* gerhard armauer hansen — enfermedad de hansen* charles henry harrod — fundador de harrods* william harley y arthur davidson — harley–davidson*alexis hartmann — hartmann's solution, given via the iv route to patients* douglas hartree — energía de hartree* gerry harvey y ian norman — harvey norman* hashimoto hakaru — hashimoto's thyroiditis* hassan-i-sabah, leader of the murderous hashshashin cult — assassin from "hassansin" (this etymology is disputed)* victor hasselblad — hasselblad, medium format photographic camera system* stephen hawking — radiación de hawking;* paul hawkins — hawk-eye tracking system used in cricket y other sports* frank hawthorne — mineral frankhawthorneite* oliver heaviside y arthur edwin kennelly — kennelly–heaviside layer* henry heimlich — heimlich maneuver* gerard adriaan heineken — fundador de la compañía heineken* joseph henry — henry, unidad de inductancia* william henry — henry's law* hermann von helmholtz — sistema de notación musical de helmholtz* milton s. hershey — hershey company* heinrich rudolf hertz — hertz, unidad de frecuencia* ejnar hertzsprung y henry norris russell — diagrama de hertzsprung–russell* william hewlett y david packard — fundadores, hewlett–packard* edward c. heyde — síndrome de heyde* miguel hidalgo — hidalgo* david hilbert — programa de hilbert* eugen von hippel — enfermedad de von hippel–lindau* harald hirschsprung, físico danés— enfermedad de hirschsprung* paul von hindenburg — after whom the hindenburg airship was named* thomas hobbes, filósofo del siglo xvii — hobbes from "calvin y hobbes" comic strip* thomas hobson (1544–1630), stable manager en inglaterra— hobson's choice, an only apparently free choice that is no choice at all* thomas hodgkin — enfermedad de hodgkin, non-hodgkin's lymphoma* homer, father of matt groening, creator of the simpsons — homer simpson, personaje in the simpsons animated tv series* sherlock holmes — anyone who solves a mystery or a difficult problem, basado en el personaje de ficción de sir arthur conan doyle* soichiro honda — fundador de la compañía honda* mark honeywell — fundador de honeywell* robin hood, héroe popular inglés — efecto robin hood, robin hood foundation, robin hood flour, robin hood hills, robin hood hat, robin hood index, robin hood gardens, robin hood plan, robin hood tax, robin hood test, robin hood personaje (someone who steals money to give it to the poor or a criminal who becomes a folk hero), robin of the batman series* robert hooke — ley de hooke* william henry hoover (1849–1932) — the hoover company; in inglés británico, the verb "hoover" means "to vacuum a floor" while the noun is the vacuum cleaner.


see element naming controversy* edwin hall – hall effect* edmond halley – halley's comet* hugh halligan – halligan bar* laurens hammond – hammond organ* hamo, a 6th-century saxon settler and landowner – hampshire* john hancock, signatory of the us declaration of independence – john hancock, a signature* elliot handler and harold "matt" matson – mattel* william hanna and joseph barbera – hanna–barbera productions* gerhard armauer hansen – hansen's disease* charles henry harrod – founder, harrods* william harley and arthur davidson – harley–davidson*david harris (protester) – david's album*alexis hartmann – hartmann's solution, given via the iv route to patients* douglas hartree – hartree energy* gerry harvey and ian norman – harvey norman* hashimoto hakaru – hashimoto's thyroiditis* hassan-i-sabah, leader of the murderous hashshashin cult – assassin from "hassansin" (this etymology is disputed)* victor hasselblad – hasselblad, medium format photographic camera system* stephen hawking – hawking radiation* paul hawkins – hawk-eye tracking system used in cricket and other sports* frank hawthorne – mineral frankhawthorneite* oliver heaviside and arthur edwin kennelly – kennelly–heaviside layer* henry heimlich – heimlich maneuver* gerard adriaan heineken – founder, heineken* joseph henry – henry, unit of inductance* william henry – henry's law* milton s. hershey – hershey company* heinrich rudolf hertz – hertz, unit of frequency* ejnar hertzsprung and henry norris russell – hertzsprung–russell diagram* william hewlett and david packard – founders, hewlett–packard* edward c. heyde – heyde's syndrome* miguel hidalgo – hidalgo* david hilbert – hilbert's program* eugen von hippel – von hippel–lindau disease* harald hirschsprung, danish physician – hirschsprung's disease* paul von hindenburg – after whom the hindenburg airship was named* thomas hobbes, 17th century philosopher – hobbes from "calvin and hobbes" comic strip* thomas hobson (1544–1630), stable manager in england – hobson's choice, an only apparently free choice that is no choice at all* thomas hodgkin – hodgkin's disease, non-hodgkin's lymphoma* homer, father of matt groening, creator of the simpsons – homer simpson, character in the simpsons animated tv series* sherlock holmes – anyone who solves a mystery or a difficult problem, based on the fictional character by sir arthur conan doyle* soichiro honda – founder, honda* mark honeywell – founder, honeywell* robin hood, english folk hero – robin hood effect, robin hood foundation, robin hood flour, robin hood hills, robin hood hat, robin hood index, robin hood gardens, robin hood plan, robin hood tax, robin hood test, robin hood character (someone who steals money to give it to the poor or a criminal who becomes a folk hero), robin of the batman series* robert hooke – hooke's law* william henry hoover (1849–1932) – the hoover company; in british english, the verb "hoover" means "to vacuum a floor" while the noun is the vacuum cleaner.

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-03-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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