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school of engineering je jednou ze čtyř škol, které jsou součástí jönköping university (stejně jako jibs).
school of engineering is one of the four faculties, which are a part of jönköping university (like jibs).
zdeněk vystudoval právnickou fakultu univerzity karlovy v praze, absolvoval studijní pobyt na jönköping international business school, jönköping university ve Švédsku.
zdeněk graduated from the law faculty of the charles university in prague and he passed a half-year internship in jönköping international business school, jönköping university, sweden.
pro studenty, kteří splňují požadavky pro přijetí, ale nemají znalosti z angličtiny na dostatečném levelu, pořádá jönköping universitytzv. pathway kurzy.
for those students that meet the entry requirements, but do not have a sufficient level of english proficiency, jönköping university has prepared the pathway courses.
engel is represented by subsidiaries in solrød strand, denmark, and jönköping, sweden, as well as a sales and service office in hobøl near oslo, norway.
engel is represented by subsidiaries in solrød strand, denmark, and jönköping, sweden, as well as a sales and service office in hobøl near oslo, norway.
jönköping international business school (jibs) na jönköping university je první a dosud jediná instituce ve Švédsku, která má akreditaci kvality aacsb a akreditaci equis.
jönköping international business school (jibs) at jönköping university is the only institution in sweden that has the aacsb and equis accreditations.
jönköping je rychle rostoucí město s počtem obyvatel kolem 129.000 (včetně kraje jönköping) a je centrem širšího regionu ve kterém žije až 380,000 obyvatel.
jönköping is a fast growing city of 129 000 inhabitants (in the whole municipality). it is also the center of a wider region, containing altogether 380 000 inhabitants.
a na konci listopadu se můžeme těšit na dreamhack winter, který se jako vždy bude konat ve švédském jönköpingu mezi 28. listopadem a 1. prosincem.
and at the very end of the month, dreamhack winter is scheduled for november 28th – december 1st at its usual setting in jönköping, sweden.