Profesyonel çevirmenler, işletmeler, web sayfaları ve erişimin serbest olduğu çeviri havuzlarından.
- at støtte mindst én "paraplyorganisation" i hvert samfund
* aim: to encourage the development of effective information strategies in public service agencies in urban areas, particularly those serving disadvantaged groups and areas.
der er derfor bestræbelser i gang på at etablere en paraplyorganisation for de enkelte fagforeningssammenslutninger.
efforts are therefore being made to establish an umbrella organisation for the individual trade union associations.
dkn har siden 1899 virket som paraplyorganisation for danske kvindeforeninger og organisationer, der arbejder med ligestillingsspørgsmål.
* a woman, sandrine meikle, of "maxim's orly", has been awarded the newlycreated "jacquart trophy" in the chef de rang category (see also "luxembourg").
dansk flygtningehjælp er en "paraplyorganisation", stiftet i 1956 i forbindelse med modtagelsen af et stort antal ungarske
the danish refugee relief organization is an "umbrella organization" which was formed in 1956 in connection with the reception of a large number of hungarian refugees.
european disability forum(edf) er en europæisk paraplyorganisation med 106 medlemmer, som varetager handicappedes interesser i europa.
the european disability forum (edf) is a european umbrella organisation with 106 members representing the interests of people withdisabilities in europe.
paraplyorganisationerne på europæisk plan skal især støttes, og et samarbejde mellem disse organisationer gøres nemmere.
umbrella organizations at european level should receive particular support, and cooperation between such bodies should be facilitated.