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selleks et rõhk edastataks manomeetrini, peab teravik kukkuma pudelisse.


the point must fall into the bottle so that the pressure can be transmitted to the manometer.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-11-18
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


kriisi on põhjustanud liiga külluslik piima pakkumine, mis paneb hinnad järsult kukkuma.


the crisis is caused by an over-abundant supply of milk, which is making prices drop sharply.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-02-29
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


me oleksime pidanud ette teadma, et troika jõupingutused selle saavutamiseks olid määratud läbi kukkuma.


we should have known in advance that the endeavours of the troika to achieve this were doomed to failure.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-02-29
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


ent kui nüüdisharidus peaks läbi kukkuma, pöördutaks peaaegu kohe tagasi ürgsete maagiliste uskumuste juurde.


but if modern methods of education should fail, there would be an almost immediate reversion to the primitive beliefs in magic.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


kukutamisseade ega mõõteköis ei tohi mudelpeale mingit tõuget anda; see peab kukkuma vertikaalselt ainult raskuskiirenduse mõjul.


no impulse may be given to the phantom head by the drop appliance or by the measuring cable, so that it is accelerated only by gravity and falls vertically.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-11-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


otsisime kolm päeva sääl omavaimu ja veiko märka pidi isegi paar korda vette kukkuma, sest ta järve sülitamisega järveema pahandas.


than the two servant men.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


see oli kogu külma sõja mõte, kui nad treenisid lapsi jooksma nende klassi laudade alla, juhul, kui aatompomm peaks kukkuma.


everything should be looked into.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


seda seepärast, et ta ei ole kindel, kas tal on õigus nõuda interneti teel ostetud kingade väljavahetamist, kui neil peaks nädala pärast tallad ära kukkuma.


this is because she may be unsure whether after an online purchase she has the right to ask for a replacement if the soles of the shoes fall off after a week.

Son Güncelleme: 2017-04-26
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


nimetatud probleemid, mis on pannud võrgustiku peaaegu et läbi kukkuma, hõlmasid sobivate vahendite puudust, vähetõhusat sekretariaati, riikide esindajate väikest panust ja väga halba töökava.


the problems thus brought to light, which have led to the virtual collapse of the network, included the lack of suitable resources, an ineffective secretariat, lack of commitment on the part of the national representatives and a very poor work programme.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-02-29
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


volinik. - me oleme veel üsna kaugel sellest, et kaaluda, mis juhtub, kui lähenevad läbirääkimised, mis pole veel alanudki, läbi peaksid kukkuma.


member of the commission. - we are some way from having to contemplate what would happen if the negotiations we are approaching, which have not even yet started, might fail.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-02-29
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


meelita esimene vaenlane kohe lõksu. mine üles ja paremale ja oota redeli juures paremal pool lühikest tulpa. kui vaenlane kohale jõuab, roni kiiresti üles. kui ta taas kannule jõuab, mine vasakule, kukuta end ja mine vasakpoolse redeliga üles. vaenlane peaks minema paremale üle betooni ja kukkuma. nüüd mine alla vasakpoolsesse nurja. vaenlane peaks kukkuma libatellisele kulla kõrval. korja ülal kogu kuld, seejärel kaeva ja kukuta end vaenlase kõrvale. seisa tema peal, kaeva vasakul ja liigu paremale. vaenlane kukub auku. liigu paremal ja kogu kukkudes kulda. roni üles, kukuta end lõksus vaenlase peale tulbaaluse libatellise abil ja korja veel viis kullatükki. nüüd kaeva ja mine alla lühikese redeliga paremal pool kive, et tappa augus olev vaenlane (kellel on kulda). ta peaks uuesti ilmuma sinu kohal ja jooksma topeltauku paremal. jookse kiiresti üle vaenlaste paremale. kukuta end viimase kullatüki peale paremal ja ilmub peidetud redel. ahh! valmis! p. s. teine viis vasakpoolne vaenlane libatellisesse lõksu meelitada on panna ta endale järgnema vasakpoolseima redeli juurde, kuni sina jooksed ülal ja kaevad, et kukutada end teise vaenlase peale. aeg on siin äärmiselt oluline. sa pead kaevama ja end kukutama, enne kui vaenlane ronib vasakult üles ja jookseb paremale. hiljem roni parempoolsetel redelitel üles, oota vasakpoolse libatellise peal oleva tulba juures, kuni vasakpoolseim vaenlane hakkab sinu suunas jooksma, ja siis kukuta end. oota taas, kuni ta hakkab end kukutama, siis kaeva kaks tellist paremal pool lühikest redelit, mine paremale ja kukuta end, seejärel jookse vasakule lühikese redeli jalamile. vaenlane peaks kukkuma läbi libatellise ja redelit mööda allasuvale libatellise. p. p. s. selle meetodi korral ei ole ruumi ega aega ei vigadele ega kõhklemisele! aga ka esimene meetod ei jäta selleks aega ega ruumi!


trap the first enemy immediately. go up and right and hang on the ladder to the right of a short bar. as the enemy arrives, climb up quickly. as he reaches you again, go left, drop and go up the left hand ladder to the top. the enemy should head right, over the concrete, and fall. now go down to the bottom left corner. the enemy should drop into a false brick next to the gold. collect all gold at the top, then dig and drop to the next enemy. stand on him, dig left and move right. the enemy will drop into the pit. move to the right and collect more gold as you fall. climb to the top, drop onto the trapped enemy via a false brick under a bar and collect five more nuggets. now dig and go down the short ladder at the right of the bricks, to kill the enemy in the pit (who has more gold). he should reappear above you and fall through a false brick back into the pit. dig three bricks between the two enemies and go down the short ladder until the enemies bunch up. dig two more bricks to release them. go up the ladder, over the concrete and, just before the enemies get up to the concrete, drop down to the floor and run to the bottom of the short ladder. the enemies should come down and run into the double pit on the right. quickly run out to the right, over the enemies. drop onto the last piece of gold, over on the right and the hidden ladders appear. phew! p. s. another way to trap the left hand enemy in the false brick is to get him to follow you up the leftmost ladder while you run across the top and dig to drop onto the second enemy. timing is very tight. you must dig and drop before the enemy climbs over the top left and runs right. later, climb the right hand ladders to the top, wait on the left hand bar over a false brick till the leftmost enemy starts to run towards you, then drop. wait again till he starts to drop, then dig two bricks at the right of a short ladder, go right and drop, then run left to the bottom of a short ladder. the enemy should drop through a false brick and a ladder into the false brick beneath. p. p. s. there is no room for error or hesitation in this method! not much in the first method either!

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

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