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steenblik cite reijnders (1990) qui observe que >


steenblik quotes reijnders (1990) that "if one uses the wider meaning of the concept of subsidy, one may safely state that current activities are heavily subsidised by future of generations of humans, third parties to the activity and other natural species ".

Son Güncelleme: 2016-09-30
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


van der heijden, peter reijnders et anton pieck.


van der heijden, peter reijnders, and anton pieck.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


* * * annexe i liste de participants member states / etats membres albania/albanie mr armand skapi, head of press and public diplomacy department, ministry of foreign affairs, tirana andorra/andorre 
[apologised/excusé] armenia/arménie 
mr garegin chugaszyan, executive director, it foundation, yerevan austria/autriche 
mr matthias traimer, head of department, media affairs and information society, federal chancellery, constitutional service, vienna azerbaïdjan 
mr nazim isayev, deputy head of the department for social-political issues, executive office of the president of the republic of azerbaijan, baku belgium/belgique 
mme muriel colot, attaché au service général de l’audiovisuel et des multimédia, communauté française de belgique, bruxelles [apologised/excusé] 
monsieur marc chatelet, directeur adjoint, administratie media, section media et film, ministerie van de vlaamse gemeenschap, brussel [apologised/excusée] 
ms saskia dierickx, ministry of the flemish community, administration médias, adjont du directeur, bruxelles bosnia and herzegovina/bosnie et herzégovine 
ms dunja mijatovic, director of broadcasting, communications regulatory agency, sarajevo [apologised/excusée] 
ms amelia odobasic, head of public affairs, communications regulatory agency, sarajevo bulgaria/bulgarie 
mlle zornitza anguelova, state expert, information society policy and development division, state agency for information technologies and communications, sofia ms bissera zankova, media expert, state agency for information technologies and communications, sofia croatia/croatie 
ms ivana moriĆ, minister plenipotentiary, independent department for analytics, ministry of foreign affairs and european integration, zagreb cyprus/chypre 
mr andreas christodoulou, head of media section, ministry of the interior, nicosia dr eleonora gavrielides, head of foreign press, audiovisual productions and publications division, press and information office, ministry of interior, nicosia czech republic/république tchèque 
mr artuš rejent, media department, ministry of culture, prague denmark/danemark 
ms pernille rahbek, head of section, ministry of culture, copenhagen estonia/estonie 
mr peeter sookruus, head of media and copyright department, ministry of culture, tallinn finland/finlande 
ms kristina hautala-kajos, counsellor for cultural affairs, ministry of education and culture, helsinki ms aleksandra partanen, ministry of transport and communications finland, helsinki france 
mme martine coquet, chef du bureau des affaires juridiques et multilatérales, direction de l’audiovisuel extérieur, ministère des affaires etrangères, paris m. frédéric deroin, adjoint au chef du bureau des affaires européennes et internationales, services du premier ministre, direction du développement des médias, paris georgia/géorgie 
tamar kintsurashvili, general director, public broadcasting of georgia, tbilisi germany/allemagne 
mr bernd mÖwes, head of media section "international media policy", federal government commissioner for culture and the media, berlin mr tim schÖnborn, policy officer for media affairs, state chancellery of rhineland-palatinate (rheinland-pfalz), media department, mainz greece/grèce 
mme marina papanastasiou, press attaché, secrétariat général pour la communication, secrétariat général pour l’information, athenes hungary/hongrie 
mr györgy ocskÓ, head of presidential secretariat, national radio and television commission (ortt), budapest ms viktória pÁlÓczi-horvÁth, honorary chief counsellor in charge of eu affairs / eu coordination, ministry of cultural heritage, budapest iceland/islande 
ms elfa yr gylfadÓttir, adviser, office of cultural affairs, ministry of education, science and culture, reykjavik ireland/irlande 
mr paul mulqueen, broadcasting policy division, department of communications, marine and natural resources, dublin italy/italie 
mr giovanni bruno, director, ministry of communications, directorate general for electronic communication services and broadcasting, roma latvia/lettonie 
mr andris mellakauls, member, head of international relations, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga mrs dace buceniece, lawyer, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga liechtenstein 
[apologised/excusé] lithuania/lituanie 
mr rolandas kvietkauskas, undersecretary, ministry of culture, vilnius luxembourg 
[apologised for absence/excusée] 
mme isabelle marinov, ministère d’etat, service des médias et des communications, luxembourg malta/malte 
[apologised for absence/excusée] 
dr peter grech, assistant attorney general, office of the attorney general, vallettta moldova 
mr aureliu ciocoi, head of the directorate for cooperation with the council of europe and human rights issues, ministry of foreign affairs and european integration, chisinau monaco 
madame marie-pierre gramaglia, conseiller technique au département des finances et de l’economie de monaco netherlands/pays-bas 
mr nol reijnders, deputy head of media policy, ministry of education, culture and science, department for media, literature, libraries, the hague norway/norvège 
mr olav guntvedt, assistant director general, norwegian ministry of culture and church affairs, department of media and copyright, oslo poland/pologne 
mr karol jakubowicz, chairperson of the cdmc/président du cdmc, expert, national broadcasting council, warsaw [apologised/excusé] 
mr wojciech kolodziejczyk, lawyer, department of european integration and international relations, national broadcasting council, warsaw portugal 
mr sérgio gomes da silva, instituto da comunicaçao social, departamento de assessoria et assuntos internacionales, lisbonne romania/roumanie 
madame delia mucicĂ, secrétaire général, ministère de la culture et des cultes, bucureŞti mademoiselle elly-ana tÂrnĂcop-moga, conseillère d’intégration européenne, ministère de la culture et des cultes, bucureŞti russian federation/fédération de russie 
mr boris n. malakhov, deputy director, information and press department, ministry of foreign affairs, moscow mr nadzhaf abdullaev, head of division, information and press department, ministry of foreign affairs, moscow san marino/saint marin 
[apologised/excusé] serbia and montenegro / serbie et monténégro3 
mrs milka tadic-mijovic, editor of the weekly "monitor" magazine, nedeljnik monitor, podgorica slovakia/slovaquie 
mr Željko sampor, media and copyright division, ministry of culture, bratislava slovenia/slovénie 
mr sašo gazdiĆ, head of the department of media and audiovisual culture, ministry of culture, ljubljana spain/espagne 
mr francisco javier bartolome zofio, head of sector, secretary of state for telecommunications and the information society, ministry of industry, tourism and commerce, madrid sweden/suède 
ms karin liby, head of section, media division, ministry of education, research and culture, stockholm switzerland/suisse 
m. frédéric riehl, vice-directeur, office fédéral de la communication, département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication, bienne m. pierre smolik, spécialiste des médias, division des affaires internationales, office fédéral de la communication, département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication, bienne "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia"/"l'ex-république yougoslave de macédoine" 
ms vesna poposka, head of international pr department, government of "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia", secretariat general, skopje turkey/turquie 
dr ilhan yerlikaya, media expert, radio and television supreme council, ankara mrs Şebnem bİlget, head of international relations department, radio and television supreme council, ankara mrs belma Örs, media expert, radio and television supreme council, ankara ms deniz azÇay, deputy to the permanent representative, permanent representation of turkey to the council of europe, strasbourg ukraine 
[apologised/excusé] united kingdom/royaume-uni 
mr chris bone, broadcasting policy department, department for culture, media and sport, london participants / participants parliamentary assembly / assemblée parlementaire 
mr vojtech tkÁČ, committee on legal affairs and human rights congress of local and regional authorities of the council of europe / congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du conseil de l'europe 
[apologised/excusé] conference of international non-governmental organisations of the council of europe / conférence des organisations internationales non gouvernementales du conseil de l'europe 
mr gabriel nissim, président du regroupement « droits de l’homme » de la conférence des oing, association catholique mondiale pour la communication (signis), bruxelles european audiovisual observatory / observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel 
[apologised/excusé] other participants / autres participants european commission/commission européenne 
ms simona martorelli, seconded national expert, dg information society and media, european commission, brussels canada 
[apologised/excusé] holy see/saint-siège 
mgr thaddeus jones, pontifical council for social communication, vatican city japan/japon 
mr yasushi fuke, consul (attorney), consulate general of japan, strasbourg mexico/mexique 
[apologised/excusé] united states of america/etats-unis d’amérique 
[apologised/excusé] nordic council of ministers/conseil nordique des ministres 
[apologised/excusé] organisation for security and co-operation in europe (osce) / organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en europe (osce) 
[apologised/excusé] united nations educational, scientific and cultural organisation (unesco) / organisation des nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (unesco).


* * * appendix i list of participants member states / etats membres albania/albanie mr armand skapi, head of press and public diplomacy department, ministry of foreign affairs, tirana andorra/andorre 
[apologised/excusé] armenia/arménie 
mr garegin chugaszyan, executive director, it foundation, yerevan austria/autriche 
mr matthias traimer, head of department, media affairs and information society, federal chancellery, constitutional service, vienna azerbaïdjan 
mr nazim isayev, deputy head of the department for social-political issues, executive office of the president of the republic of azerbaijan, baku belgium/belgique 
mme muriel colot, attaché au service général de l’audiovisuel et des multimédia, communauté française de belgique, bruxelles [apologised/excusé] 
monsieur marc chatelet, directeur adjoint, administratie media, section media et film, ministerie van de vlaamse gemeenschap, brussel [apologised/excusée] 
ms saskia dierickx, ministry of the flemish community, administration médias, adjont du directeur, bruxelles bosnia and herzegovina/bosnie et herzégovine 
ms dunja mijatovic, director of broadcasting, communications regulatory agency, sarajevo [apologised/excusée] 
ms amelia odobasic, head of public affairs, communications regulatory agency, sarajevo bulgaria/bulgarie 
mlle zornitza anguelova, state expert, information society policy and development division, state agency for information technologies and communications, sofia ms bissera zankova, media expert, state agency for information technologies and communications, sofia croatia/croatie 
ms ivana moriĆ, minister plenipotentiary, independent department for analytics, ministry of foreign affairs and european integration, zagreb cyprus/chypre 
mr andreas christodoulou, head of media section, ministry of the interior, nicosia dr eleonora gavrielides, head of foreign press, audiovisual productions and publications division, press and information office, ministry of interior, nicosia czech republic/république tchèque 
mr artuš rejent, media department, ministry of culture, prague denmark/danemark 
ms pernille rahbek, head of section, ministry of culture, copenhagen estonia/estonie 
mr peeter sookruus, head of media and copyright department, ministry of culture, tallinn finland/finlande 
ms kristina hautala-kajos, counsellor for cultural affairs, ministry of education and culture, helsinki ms aleksandra partanen, ministry of transport and communications finland, helsinki france 
mme martine coquet, chef du bureau des affaires juridiques et multilatérales, direction de l’audiovisuel extérieur, ministère des affaires etrangères, paris m. frédéric deroin, adjoint au chef du bureau des affaires européennes et internationales, services du premier ministre, direction du développement des médias, paris georgia/géorgie 
tamar kintsurashvili, general director, public broadcasting of georgia, tbilisi germany/allemagne 
mr bernd mÖwes, head of media section "international media policy", federal government commissioner for culture and the media, berlin mr tim schÖnborn, policy officer for media affairs, state chancellery of rhineland-palatinate (rheinland-pfalz), media department mainz greece/grèce 
mme marina papanastasiou, press attaché, secrétariat général pour la communication, secrétariat général pour l’information, athenes hungary/hongrie 
mr györgy ocskÓ, head of presidential secretariat, national radio and television commission (ortt), budapest ms viktória pÁlÓczi-horvÁth, honorary chief counsellor in charge of eu affairs / eu coordination, ministry of cultural heritage, budapest iceland/islande 
ms elfa yr gylfadÓttir, adviser, office of cultural affairs, ministry of education, science and culture, reykjavik ireland/irlande 
mr paul mulqueen, broadcasting policy division, department of communications, marine and natural resources, dublin italy/italie 
mr giovanni bruno, director, ministry of communications, directorate general for electronic communication services and broadcasting, roma latvia/lettonie 
mr andris mellakauls, member, head of international relations, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga mrs dace buceniece, lawyer, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga liechtenstein 
[apologised/excusé] lithuania/lituanie 
mr rolandas kvietkauskas, undersecretary, ministry of culture, vilnius luxembourg 
[apologised for absence/excusée] 
mme isabelle marinov, ministère d’etat, service des médias et des communications, luxembourg malta/malte 
[apologised for absence/excusée] 
dr peter grech, assistant attorney general, office of the attorney general, vallettta moldova 
mr aureliu ciocoi, head of the directorate for cooperation with the council of europe and human rights issues, ministry of foreign affairs and european integration, chisinau monaco 
madame marie-pierre gramaglia, conseiller technique au département des finances et de l’economie de monaco netherlands/pays-bas 
mr nol reijnders, deputy head of media policy, ministry of education, culture and science, department for media, literature, libraries, the hague norway/norvège 
mr olav guntvedt, assistant director general, norwegian ministry of culture and church affairs, department of media and copyright, oslo poland/pologne 
mr karol jakubowicz, chairperson of the cdmc/président du cdmc, expert, national broadcasting council, warsaw [apologised/excusé] 
mr wojciech kolodziejczyk, lawyer, department of european integration and international relations, national broadcasting council, warsaw portugal 
mr sérgio gomes da silva, instituto da comunicaçao social, departamento de assessoria et assuntos internacionales, lisbonne romania/roumanie 
madame delia mucicĂ, secrétaire général, ministère de la culture et des cultes, bucureŞti mademoiselle elly-ana tÂrnĂcop-moga, conseillère d’intégration européenne, ministère de la culture et des cultes, bucureŞti russian federation/fédération de russie 
mr boris n. malakhov, deputy director, information and press department, ministry of foreign affairs, moscow mr nadzhaf abdullaev, head of division, information and press department, ministry of foreign affairs, moscow san marino/saint marin 
[apologised/excusé] serbia and montenegro / serbie et monténégro3 
mrs milka tadic-mijovic, editor of the weekly "monitor" magazine, nedeljnik monitor, podgorica slovakia/slovaquie 
mr Željko sampor, media and copyright division, ministry of culture, bratislava slovenia/slovénie 
mr sašo gazdiĆ, head of the department of media and audiovisual culture, ministry of culture, ljubljana spain/espagne 
mr francisco javier bartolome zofio, head of sector, secretary of state for telecommunications and the information society, ministry of industry, tourism and commerce, madrid sweden/suède 
ms karin liby, head of section, media division, ministry of education, research and culture, stockholm switzerland/suisse 
m. frédéric riehl, vice-directeur, office fédéral de la communication, département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication, bienne m. pierre smolik, spécialiste des médias, division des affaires internationales, office fédéral de la communication, département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication, bienne "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia"/"l'ex-république yougoslave de macédoine" 
ms vesna poposka, head of international pr department, government of "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia", secretariat general, skopje turkey/turquie 
dr ilhan yerlikaya, media expert, radio and television supreme council, ankara mrs Şebnem bİlget, head of international relations department, radio and television supreme council, ankara mrs belma Örs, media expert, radio and television supreme council, ankara ms deniz azÇay, deputy to the permanent representative, permanent representation of turkey to the council of europe, strasbourg ukraine 
[apologised/excusé] united kingdom/royaume-uni 
mr chris bone, broadcasting policy department, department for culture, media and sport, london participants / participants parliamentary assembly / assemblée parlementaire 
mr vojtech tkÁČ, committee on legal affairs and human rights congress of local and regional authorities of the council of europe / congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du conseil de l'europe 
[apologised/excusé] conference of international non-governmental organisations of the council of europe / conférence des organisations internationales non gouvernementales du conseil de l'europe 
mr gabriel nissim, président du regroupement « droits de l’homme » de la conférence des oing, association catholique mondiale pour la communication (signis), bruxelles european audiovisual observatory / observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel 
[apologised/excusé] other participants / autres participants european commission/commission européenne 
ms simona martorelli, seconded national expert, dg information society and media, european commission, brussels canada 
[apologised/excusé] holy see/saint-siège 
mgr thaddeus jones, pontifical council for social communication, vatican city japan/japon 
mr yasushi fuke, consul (attorney), consulate general of japan, strasbourg mexico/mexique 
[apologised/excusé] united states of america/etats-unis d’amérique 
[apologised/excusé] nordic council of ministers/conseil nordique des ministres 
[apologised/excusé] organisation for security and co-operation in europe (osce) / organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en europe (osce) 
[apologised/excusé] united nations educational, scientific and cultural organisation (unesco) / organisation des nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (unesco).

Son Güncelleme: 2015-05-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor

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