Şunu aradınız:: vous dev (Fransızca - İngilizce)

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vous dev



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si vous aimez inviter vos amis a vos fêtes, le plus important est avoir un bon tablier pour préparer une bonne sangria. si vous ne connaissez pas la recette, ce tablier vous explique ce que vous dev…


if you like inviting your friends to your parties, the most important is to have a nice apron to prepare some sangria. if you don’t know the recipe, this apron explains what you have to pour in the …

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


si vous aimez inviter vos amis a vos fêtes, le plus important est avoir un bon tablier pour préparer une bonne sangria. si vous ne connaissez pas la recette, ce tablier vous explique ce que vous dev… lire plus


if you like inviting your friends to your parties, the most important is to have a nice apron to prepare some sangria. if you don’t know the recipe, this apron explains what you have to pour in the … read more

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


~n n~ duit nlittilnis~r l'arnpl~ur ;1'au~tm ura~~ ct la d~~isiun cie l~af~l~runter ~tu nun tluii ctre prise en functit~n dc,s ~unsitierations suiv~antes : e~pt~rienee clu pilute, pl ;lnifi~atit,n pre~ul . ~unnai,santes, ~cnt~ ~'a~iun et pert~trman,~~s, suuti~n rall3r . ~t~llljll~ certl~ :11z ~t a p!)ari'n~e (l~ 1'~)i'a~~~ . v ~ c~t ~'p ;lrll, ~ .. il ~st 1)ret-erable d'zriter, ~lan ; la mesurc du i wssihle, iout ura~,e citint les ~chc,s ra~lar sittlent lc' plat~~nd a 3~ l)0() pictjs ou plus, ll e~istc~ snuvznt tlne ntar~~~ ~'crreur ~c plusi~urs rnillicrs de f)ietls dan~ ~e tellc's cslinlatiun~ .'1 toutclcris . si vous dev'cz y p~nc~trer, ~c,nturnler--tiuus aux prt~cejures ~en~rales


thcrc arc still a few around who can remember those "kuoci ol' davs" when, in 19~ 1, w~c~ 11ew thosc screunung yclluwr llarvards out uf stn 11acgc~nald, h1an, tu carrv c~ut air wca i~uns excrciscs un lltc lan~ruth :1ir-tu-gruund ran>;e . . each aircraft carried i 00 ruunds of .30 ~" annnunitiun whiclt, the night before, had their hullet tips dipped in ntg~lted ~oluured wax su tllat . when fired at a 1 ~' hy 1'' c ;cnvas target strung up bctween twc~ poles . "hits" wuuld leave a distinctive colnllr marking on the canvas . fndividual scores were then deterntined hv closin : thc ran~c duwn, luwering the canvas tar~ets il? ye~ullevs), and countinl? lltc nurnher of "reds" or . . "hlucs" . ~tc . found on thc canvas . ilules in lhr ~anvas wcrc thcn "~ n~clled" ( c~r 1~atchcd over l, tlrr targ et rais~d into ia ~ p usitiun and the ran~e re-u 1~cned for further husiness . lt was arduous wurk carried uut by our arntourcrs, usually undcr cxtrcme wurking cunditians . thc amount uf range down-timc to count scurcs rcsullctl in a vcry incflicient uperation and, worse still, the pilot ncver really kncw whcn lle tnadc ilis guud ur bad pass as, udds are, he never received his tutul scure until citller thai evening ur the next day . bad busincss all aruund . l he unlv diversiun at ,tll was eating thuse 16 uuncc t-bune ~teaks three times a dav at th~ range, whilc thc piluts fuund tlirir way baek lu base abuut 4u f~et u1f the deck (tu check un the duck pupulatiun, so thcy said 1 . a vcrv slrurt limc later, the f-birds arrivecl, and at i~ther ran~es, such as tracadie ran k e in n .ij ., tliat beautiful sahre was making its first appcarancc . in later vlars, thc cfs camc ul ~ c und then, finallv, uur ;trine, starfi g ilter was p rovided . ~ with a curlvcntiun ;rl wea f~uns ra f tabilitv . . the 1~oint to be made bv lllcsc rclniniscences is tltat, until . thc early 1970s, in spitc of impruvrd high-spccd taeti~al air~ cral'l and sophisticated weapons and weapons cl~livery sysiems, weapons seoring rnethuds remained unchanged, as uftcn is tlrc casc, econurnics irn poscd cllan g c u i ~on us . conventiunal wcapuns were once again in voguc thus resullinx in an ever-incrcasin~ necd f;>r ranl;c timc . fa~cd with thc r . chuice uf operating uur ranges more efficientlv ur huilding ntore ran~es with moncv we didn't have, the decision wasn't all that difficult . . a study was conclucted tu see whether uur nato friends were experiencing sunilar problents, und if so, what sc~lutions had been found . hlost european nr1tu cuuntries were using an automatic strafe seoring systern manuf~a~tured by saab electr~nics, whcreas states-sidc, two uther svstems wcre in an v, advanced state of develo 1~ment : anc based onjradartechnulo g.

Son Güncelleme: 2015-05-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

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