Şunu aradınız:: setghet (Maltaca - İngilizce)

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Son Güncelleme: 2022-12-02
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


( c ) l-interess tal-kumpens ghandu jigi deciż billi tigi applikata r-rata ( ir-rata ta » referenza ) , minn jum ghal iehor hi liema hi l-inqas rata ta » l-eonia ( il-medja ta » l-indici ta » l-ewro matul il-lejl ) u r-rata marginali ta » self , ghallammont ta » l-ordni ta » hlas mhux processat minhabba funzjoni hażina ghal kull jum fil-perjodu li jibda » fiddata ta » dhul jew tad-dhul intenzjonali ta » l-ordni ta » hlas fit-target u jispicca fid-data meta l-ordni ta » hlas tkun jew setghet kienet kompluta b' success ( il-perjodu ta » funzjoni hażina ) .


7.5.2003 ( c ) the interest compensation shall be determined by applying the rate ( the reference rate ) , from day-to-day whichever is the lower of the eonia rate ( the euro overnight index average ) and the marginal lending rate , to the amount of the payment order not processed as a result of a malfunctioning for each day in the period starting on the date of the entering or the intended entering of the payment order into target and ending on the date that the payment order was or could have been successfully completed ( the period of malfunctioning ) .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim

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