Şunu aradınız:: claimed (İngilizce - Afrikanca)

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van nie meer nie as r7 000 geëis word.

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-24
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


he claimed 500,000 euros in damages.


hy het 'n half miljoen euro ge-eis.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 7


he just claimed responsibility for killing secnav.


hy beweer verantwoordelik te wees vir die moord van secnav.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 7


well, you also claimed that you didn't have any issues with marv hebner, yet your supervisor says he made complaints about you.


jy beweer ook dat jy geen probleme het met marv hebner. maar jy hoof, sê dat hy klagtes oor jy gehad het.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 7


but not knowing that this will cause trouble meaning teaches claimed that when they asked questions about such things these children were making it a joke and not knowing that we really do care about them and what to solve their problem


maar om nie te weet dat dit moeilikheid sal veroorsaak nie, wat beteken dat hulle beweer het dat wanneer hulle vrae oor sulke dinge gevra het, hierdie kinders dit 'n grap gemaak het en nie geweet het dat ons regtig vir hulle omgee en wat om hul probleem op te los nie

Son Güncelleme: 2022-09-08
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


no livestock agent may claim remuneration in an amount or at a higher rate or scale or in an amount at higher rate than usually claimed by him, unless the prior written approval of his principal has been obtained.


'n lewendehawe-agent mag nie vergoeding in 'n bedrag of teen 'n koers of skaal vorder wat hobr is as dit wat normaalweg deur horn gevorder word nie, tensy hy vooraf met sy prinsipaal skriftelik so ooreenkom.

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-24
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


well, they're keeping the threat level raised, but there's no chatter, and no terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the explosion.


hulle hou die bedreiging verhoog, maar daar is geen gerugte en geen enkele terreurgroep eis die ontploffing op.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 7

Referans: Anonim


an application in terms of subrule (1) shall be lodged with the registrar and served on all parties with a direct or substantial interest in the relief claimed and shall set out-


'n aansoek ingevolge subreël (1) word by die griffier ingedien en beteken aan alle partye met 'n regstreekse of wesenlike belang by die regshulp wat aangevra word, met vermelding van-

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-24
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


the study reveals that a vast majority of consumers see advertising as playing a key role in the economy: 80% of the world’s consumers believe that advertising helps create jobs and 72% say advertising contributes to economic growth. about 68% of the respondents believe it helps to reduce prices by stimulating competition. a clear majority of consumers across all markets also understand the importance of advertising and sponsorship as a critical source of funding for sports, the arts and the media. 1. noise: advertisements: it is just that much advertising gets lost in the noise of competing brands, and some advertising merely adds to the noise. 2. it promotes materialism: it creates the desire and taste for new products which are not actually necessities of life and income of consumers will not let them enjoy. it encourages people to buy things they do not need. it widens the gap between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. obesity among children and allegations that unrestricted consumption of fast food and beverages are the factors leading to it is because of materialism. industry says that it is basically an argument against capitalist approach to marketing. 3. advertising is harmful to children: children cannot make informed choice or cannot differentiate between real life and the life portrayed in the world of ad. industry says that they target the appropriate audiences and they do not encourage irresponsible behaviour. ads targeting children are released even before the claims are verified like complain. advertisements: about some years back, a young man had jumped from a building attempting to imitate akshay kumar’s dare-devilry stunts shown in thums up’s ad. in september, 2010, an eleven year old child killed himself allegedly under the influence of an ad done by a heinz india drink, ‘complan’, claimed to make children ‘taller’. 4. advertising reinforces stereotypes: it reduces people or objects into classes based on inferences that are made from an individual or social context, like “all professors are absent-minded”, “all blonds are dumb”, etc. industry says that they merely reflect society’s attitudes. evidence suggests that advertising generally lags behind social trends rather than shaping them. the depiction of working woman has been shown too late. the new series of 13 tv ads promoting tata docomo’s network connectivity with a tagline ‘no getting away’ – released across national channels – is being criticized for “showing class bias”, “cozying up to harmful social prejudices”and being indecent. a mad finds a mobile phone while cleaning the house and hides it inside her blouse. but just as she is about to exit, the phone rings and her employer gets to know. 5. the misleading ads: according to k v thomas, minister, govt of india, piramal healthcare ad – ‘getting complete energy in 8 days or moneyback’ , airtel digital tv on ‘free regional pack for life’ and ‘fair skin’ by fmcg producers were misleading. drugs and magic remedies (objectionable advertisements) act and the cable television network regulation act have failed to prevent misleading ads. advertisment


nadele van advertensies

Son Güncelleme: 2023-12-15
Kullanım Sıklığı: 4

Referans: Anonim

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