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the shia/sunni schism is so deep that each side condemns followers of the other as apostates, kafir.
das schisma zwischen schiiten und sunniten ist so tief, das jede seite die andere als kafirs verurteilt, als vom glauben abgefallene.
2:39 but those who are kafir and deny our signs are the companions of the fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever.
2:39 und diejenigen, die kufr betrieben und unsere ayat ableugnet haben, diese sind die weggenossen des feuers. darin bleiben sie ewig.
the endless reports that have reached us over the years of the abuse of our ummah at the hands of the kafir are strong reminders that we need our shield, we need our khaleefah to protect us.
von al-ʿabbās haben wir die jahres-zakāt zum jahresanfang erhalten.
it was said that this is not possible unless the ummah folds and put in the dustbin of history the geopolitical system created by colonialist kafir states at the end of world war i after the removal of the khilafah system in turkey in early 20th century.
dies, obwohl der islam sich noch nicht in einem staat, der die umma vereint, etabliert hat.
40:22 that was because their messengers brought them the clear signs but they remained kafir. so allah seized them. he is most strong, severe in retribution.
40:22 dies, weil ihre gesandten immer wieder mit den klaren beweisen zu ihnen kamen, sie aber ungl
21:30 do those who are kafir not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then we unstitched them and that we made from water every living thing? so will they not have iman?
21:30 sehen denn diejenigen, die ungl
21:36 when those who are kafir see you, they only make a mockery out of you: ´is this the one who makes mention of your gods?´ yet they are kuffar about the mention of the all-merciful.
21:36 und wenn diejenigen, die ungl