Şunu aradınız:: stoma (İngilizce - Arapça)

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الثغير فتحة صغيرة في أحد الحيوانات

Son Güncelleme: 2022-11-16
Kullanım Sıklığı: 3


stoma ulcer


‎ قَرْحَةُ الفُغْرَة,قَرْحَةٌ هامِشِيَّة‎

Son Güncelleme: 2022-10-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Bu hizalama yanlış olabilir..
Böyle düşünüyorsanız lütfen silin.


stoma measuring devices


أجهزة قياس الفغرة

Son Güncelleme: 2018-07-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Drkhateeb


this is called a stoma


هذا ما يُعرف بالفُغرَة

Son Güncelleme: 2018-03-04
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Drkhateeb
Uyarı: Bu hizalama yanlış olabilir..
Böyle düşünüyorsanız lütfen silin.


well, i doubt he has a stoma.


-أعتقد انه قام بستوما

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


she was getting a little stoma prolapse


فقد كانت تعاني من تدلّ الفغرة قليلاً

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


it creates an opening called a stoma.


سنقوم بعمل فتحة

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


diagnosis of malfunction of external stoma of urinary tract


تشخيص خلل في الثغير الخارجي للمسالك البولية

Son Güncelleme: 2018-07-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Drkhateeb


if the person needs breaths, give them directly into the stoma


إذا كان الشخص يحتاج إلى تنفس اصطناعي، فعليك أن تجريه من خلال الفغرة مباشرةً

Son Güncelleme: 2018-03-04
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Drkhateeb
Uyarı: Bu hizalama yanlış olabilir..
Böyle düşünüyorsanız lütfen silin.


susan suddenly had an awful feeling in the pit of her stoma...


شعرت (سوزان) فجأة بشعور ...سيء في مركز معدتها

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


discharge instruction: stoma base and bag changed daily for 3 months


تعليمات الخروج: يتم تغيير قاعدة وكيس الفغر يوميًا لمدة 3 أشهر

Son Güncelleme: 2020-02-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Drkhateeb
Uyarı: Bu hizalama yanlış olabilir..
Böyle düşünüyorsanız lütfen silin.


i'll take off my jacket d tense my stoma,and you just...


سأخلع معطفي وانت سوف...

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


instead of the intestine, we use, uh, the appendix to make the stoma.


سنستخدم شيئا لا يحتاجه على أي حال.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


saving kids with ping-pong balls or making an end stoma with an appendix... stapler.


إنقاذ الأطفال بكرات تنس الطاولة أو عمل مفاغرة مع الزائدة .. دباسة.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Drkhateeb


the stoma complex regulates the exchange of gases and water vapor between the outside air and the interior of the leaf.


وينظم مجمع الفوهات تبادل الغازات وبخار الماء بين الهواء الخارجي وداخل الورقة.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Drkhateeb


ms. stoma (poland) said that there were shelters for human-trafficking victims, single mothers and pregnant women.


29 - السيدة ستوما (بولندا): قالت إنه لا توجد أماكن إيواء لضحايا الاتجار بالبشر، والأمهات العازبات والحوامل.

Son Güncelleme: 2013-02-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Alqasemy2006


29. ms. stoma (poland) said that there were shelters for human-trafficking victims, single mothers and pregnant women.


29 - السيدة ستوما (بولندا): قالت إنه لا توجد أماكن إيواء لضحايا الاتجار بالبشر، والأمهات العازبات والحوامل.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-12-02
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alqasemy2006


i mean, this guy could've had surgery, leaving him without a voice box breathing through a stoma and i would never know because i've never actually heard his voice.


هذا الرجل كما لو انه قام بعملية جعلته لا يتحدث كمثل عملية ستوما (عملية ستوما هى عملية تجرى عن طريق فتحة فى الجسم من الداخل للخارج) ولن اعرف أبداً لاننى لم أسمع صوته

Son Güncelleme: 2016-10-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Alqasemy2006


[1] patient's name (initials only) ________________ bed number __________ assessor: __________________________¬¬_____ interview date: _________ source of information (specify): ___________ reliability : good fair poor. birth date: __________ age: _____ gender: m. f. marital status: s m w d. if married, years married ______ number of children _______ highest level of education: _________ occupation: _______________ admission date: _________________ admitted from: _____________ medical diagnosis: _________________________________ address: _________________________ lives: alone with:_____________________ health insurance: yes no. past medical history:________________________________________________________________ past surgical history:________________________________________________________________ chief complaint(s):[2] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ reason for admission:[2] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nursing diagnosis health perception and management [1] regular physical check ups: yes no. smoker: yes no. if yes, packs/day: _____ number of years _________ altered health maintenance narjileh use: yes no. if yes, frequency of use/week_______________ alcohol use: yes no. if yes, frequency/week_______ amount:______ other drugs: yes no. if yes, type, frequency, amount: _____________ safety and protection: [1] allergies (food, drug, dye, other) _____________ reaction: _______________ risk for suffocation impaired vision/hearing: yes no. mental disability ______________ risk for poisoning ambulatory devices _______ deformities ______ prosthesis _________ risk for injury blood transfusions: yes no. if yes, date: _______ reaction: _______ moving nursing diagnosis subjective [1] exercise habits (type, frequency) ________________________________ impaired physical mobility limitation(s) in mobility (specify): ______________________________ *(walking, bed mobility, fatigue weakness pain dyspnea ____________________________ * transferability) sleep: hours: ________ naps: ___________ aids: _______________ fatigue difficulty falling/remaining asleep: _____________________________ sleep pattern disturbance objective:[1] response to activity: at rest after activity (risk for) activity intolerance a- cardiovascular: hr ___________ ___________ b- respiratory: rr ___________ ___________ type of activity: ______________ other response:____________ muscle mass/tone/strength: emaciation flaccidity rigidity paralysis. posture: ______________ gait: ________________ range of motion: full other:______________________ fracture/dislocations: __________ joint problems: ___________ back problems:_______________ other: _________________ activities of daily living: subjective:[1] independent. dependent (check what applies to your client): mobility feeding hygiene dressing/grooming toileting impaired mobility other (specify): ______________________________________________ feeding self care deficit objective:[1] bathing/hygiene self care deficit body odor: ____________ presence of vermin: yes no dressing/grooming self care deficit toileting self care deficit systems i- cardiovascular subjective:[2] history of: hypertension: __________ heart disease: ________ altered tissue perfusion: rheumatic fever: _______ ankle/leg edema: ______ *cardiopulmonary phlebitis: ______________ *peripheral numbness/tingling (location):________________ chest pain (describe): _______________________________ altered comfort related to chest pain objective:[2] bp: rt: _______lt: ________ position: lying sitting standing. bp: r_________________l________________ position �lying �sitting �standing pulse pressure: _____________ nursing diagnosis pulses (palpation): carotid: ___temporal: ____ brachial: ____ radial: _____ femoral: ____ popliteal: ____ posttibial _____dorsalis pedis: ______ heart sounds: _______________________________________ heart rate: ______rhythm: regular irregular. quality: strong weak jugular vein distention: yes no. position: lying sitting. extremities: skin temperature: warm cold. capillary refill: ______ homan's sign: yes no. varicosities: ______________________ edema(specify): general dependent ascites (risk for) fluid volume excess skin: pallor: overall lips nailbeds conjunctiva skin: cyanosis: overall lips nailbeds conjunctiva ii- oxygenation: subjective:[2] dyspnea/orthopnea (describe): ________________________________ cough: productive nonproductive. hemoptysis: yes no history of: bronchitis: _________________ asthma: _________________ tuberculosis: _______________ emphysema: ______________ use of respiratory aids: _________________oxygen: _______________ objective:[2] respirations: rate:____ depth: _______ rhythm:_________ ineffective breathing pattern quality: labored unlabored. chest expansion: _____________________. accessory muscles use: yes no. pursed lip breathing: yes no breath sounds: rt upper lobe: normal decreased abnormal ___________________ lt upper lobe:normal decreased abnormal ____________________ rt lower lobe: normal decreased abnormal ___________________ lt lower lobe: normal decreased abnormal ___________________ sputum: color: _________ amount:________ consistency: thick thin ineffective airway clearance use of incentive spirometer: yes no. clubbing of fingers: yes no iii-nutrition subjective:[2] type of diet: at home: ____________ current ___________________ altered nutrition (risk for): food intolerance: yes no. if yes, describe______________________ *less than body requirement appetite changes: yes no. if yes, describe____________________ *more than body requirement nausea/vomiting: yes no. if yes, describe______________________ nursing diagnosis history of: ulcers heart burn indigestion: ____________________ altered oral mucous membranes dentures: upper lower. mastication problems: yes no. altered dentition swallowing problems: ___________________________ impaired swallowing usual weight: ________ changes in weight ( or ): _____________ risk for aspiration history of diabetes mellitus: ________________________________ objective:[2] current weight: _____ height: ______ body mass index:_________ hernia/masses: yes no. if yes, location/size:_________________ thyroid enlarged: yes no. halitosis: yes no condition of teeth/gums/tongue/mucous membranes: _____________ iv therapy: ______________________________________________ iv-elimination: - gastrointestinal/bowel subjective:[2] usual bowel patterns: frequency____ color/consistency: ________ constipation (risk for) diarrhea constipation incontinence. stoma/ostomy:yes no. diarrhea remedies used for bowel problems: _________________________ bowel incontinence history of bleeding: ________________ hemorrhoids: __________ altered comfort objective:[2] risk for fluid volume deficit bowel sounds (describe):___________________________________ abdomen tender: yes no. soft firm. liver enlarged: yes no palpable mass: yes no. if yes, describe______________________ hemorrhoids: (external): yes no - renal/urinary subjective:[2] (risk for): usual urinary patterns: times/day:_____ color_____ hematuria altered urinary elimination incontinence urgency frequency retention *incontinence pain burning difficulty voiding dribbling *retention use of aids to void:_______________________________________ history of kidney/ bladder disease: ____________________________ objective:[2] urine: color: _______ odor: _______ output/hr/shift:__________ fluid volume excess bladder palpable: yes no catheter/stoma/ostomy: yes no fluid volume deficit v- skin integrity nursing diagnosis subjective:[2] changes in moles: ________________ enlarged nodes: ____________ history of fever/infectious diseases: ____________________________ history of cancer: __________________________________________ objective:[2] temperature: ________ lymph nodes enlargement: ______________ hyperthermia skin: moist dry warm cool pale pink jaundiced hypothermia skin turgor: elastic firm fragile dehydrated impaired skin integrity skin integrity: intact. rashes: ____________ blisters: __________ impaired tissue integrity surgical incision/scar: ________________ ecchymosis: ______________ (risk for) lacerations: ________________________ ulcerations: _______________ risk for infection pressure sores: _________________________________________________ cognitive /perceptual subjective:[2] history of: fainting/ syncope:___________ dizziness:___________ headaches: location___________ frequency _________________ stroke _____________________ seizures ____________________ sensory/perceptual disturbance: vision: no problem deficit: right left. glasses lenses *visual hearing: no problem deficit: right left. hearing aid *auditory smell: no problem deficit:__________________________ *olfactory taste: no problem deficit:__________________________ *gustatory objective:[2] level of consciousness (check what applies to your patient): altered thought processes alert drowsy stuporous comatose restless/agitated orientation: time: yes no. place: yes no. person: yes no. loss of memory: recent: yes no. past: yes no. impaired memory pupils: equal size: yes no. if no, describe:_________________ pupil reaction: -direct: brisk: rt lt. sluggish: rt lt. non reactive: rt lt. -consensual: brisk: rt lt. sluggish: rt lt. non reactive: rt lt. facial droop: rt lt. gag reflex: present absent handgrasp: rt: __________________ lt: ___________________ deep tendon reflexes:___________________________________ nursing diagnosis verbal response: clear slurred unintelligible aphasic impaired verbal communication gait disturbance � yes � no paralysis (describe)_________________________ feeling a-pain subjective: [2] pain: yes no. pain onset: __________location: _________ radiation: __________ intensity (1-10): ______ quality: ________ frequency:_______ duration: _____ associated with: _________________________ aggravated by: ________________ alleviated by: ___________ objective:[2] facial grimacing: yes no. guarding affected area: yes no. emotional response to pain: crying withdrawn angry b-psycho-socio-cultural emotional integrity: subjective:[1] recent stressful life events other than illness: yes no. if yes, describe:____________________________________ how do you usually manage stress?____________________ objective:[1] emotional status (check those that apply): anxiety calm cooperative anxious angry withdrawn fear combative irritable euphoric other_____________________ grieving associated physical manifestations:__________________________ impaired social interaction role:[1] role within family: breadwinner caregiver other__________ altered role performance how does your illness affect your: family____________________________________________ job_______________________________________________ valuing:[1] does illness/hospitalization interfere with any of the following: 1. religious practices: yes no. _________________________ 2. cultural practices: yes no. __________________________ 3. family traditions: yes no. ___________________________ sexuality/reproduction nursing diagnosis female subjective:[1] age at menarche: ____ length of cycle: _____ duration: ________ last menstrual period: _______________ menopause: yes no. vaginal discharge: __________ bleeding between periods: : yes no. altered sexuality patterns practices breast self-examination: ______ last pap smear: _________ history of std: __________________________________________ sexual concerns/problems:___________________________________ objective:[1] breast examination: ______________________________________ vaginal warts/lesions: _____________________________________ male [2] penile discharge: _____________ prostate disorder: _____________ practices self-examination: breast: __________ testicles: ________ last prostate exam: _____________ history of std:________________________ sexual concerns/problems: _________________________________ knowing [1] familial history (specify which relative has the disease): anemia/blood dyscrasias ___________ peripheral vascular ____________ cancer _________________________ kidney disease _______________ diabetes ________________________ stroke ______________________ heart disease _____________________tuberculosis _________________ hypertension _____________________ other: ______________________ knowledge about current illness: ________________________________ knowledge deficit ___________________________________________________________ knowledge about current medications/treatments: ___________________ ___________________________________________________________ expectations of therapy: _______________________________________ requesting information concerning: _________________________________ list the nursing diagnoses identified to your client in priority order: 1. ______________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________



Son Güncelleme: 2013-02-18
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com

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