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-technical and operational ground handling at airports, such as aircraft push back, refuelling, cleaning and security,
-teknisk og driftsmaessig ground handling i lufthavne, f.eks. fly push back, braendstofpaafyldning, rengoering og sikkerhedstjeneste;
it recommends what it has the cheek to call active ageing, in other words to make people work longer and to push back the age of retirement.
den prædiker det, som den er fræk nok til at kalde" aktiv aldring", det vil sige længere tid på arbejdsmarkedet og senere pensionsalder.
that is why, while welcoming the efforts of mr cercas and of the socialist group in the european parliament to push back the ultraliberalism with which the directive is stamped, i have abstained.
den europæiske faglige samarbejdsorganisation( etuc) støtter fuldt ud betænkningen, idet den giver rimelige betingelser for arbejdstagere overalt i eu.
now, i want to be controversial and i am spelling out that word, because i do not agree that all we should do is push back the spending and get an enormous lump in four or five years time.
nu vil jeg være kontroversiel, og jeg fremhæver det ord, for jeg er ikke enig i, at vi bare skal udsætte forbruget, så vi får en enorm sum om 4-5 år.
i would call on everyone here to have the courage to face up to this new challenge, and to ensure that we introduce appropriate, clear, and fair legislation to control our own inventiveness and our constant urge to push back the limits of our ability.
jeg vil gerne her opfordre alle til, at vi som mennesker også tør tage den nye udfordring op, nemlig at sørge for, at vi i passende lovbestemmelser tydeligt og rigtigt kontrollerer vor egen opfindsomhed og vor trang til hele tiden at flytte vore grænser.
additionally, it shall mean the moving of an aircraft by towing and push-back vehicles or by powers which are typical for the drive and the lift of aircraft, particularly air streams;
herudover betyder det flytning af et luftfartøj med slæbe- og push-backkøretøjer eller med drivkraft, der typisk anvendes til at køre eller løfte luftfartøjer, navnlig luftstrømme
does the commission agree with me that the reference to this regulation 2408/92 is not enough to push back aircraft noise?
er kommissionen ligesom jeg af den opfattelse, at henvisning til denne forordning nr. 2408/92 ikke er tilstrækkelig til at begrænse flystøjen?
we must continue to keep inflation under control, proceed with liberalisation, ensure more competition, encourage the dissemination of information technology and all new technologies; push forward with science, and push back scientific boundaries, and develop an appetite for being at the cutting edge of science.
vi skal fortsat holde inflationen nede, foretage liberaliseringer, sikre konkurrencen i stadig større grad, fremme udbredelsen af informationsteknologi og alle former for ny teknologi samt fremme videnskaben, flytte dens grænser og have lyst til at være med fremme i videnskabens forreste række.
for too long, the expectation - at least in the brussels bubble - was that the eu institutions would always try to do more than the treaties allowed them, while the expectation within member states was that they would push back to make them do less.
alt for længe har det været forventningen - i hvert fald i bruxelles-boblen - at eu-institutionerne altid vil prøve at gøre mere, end traktaterne giver dem lov til, mens forventningen i medlemsstaterne har været, at de vil tvinge institutionerne til at gøre mindre.
'live longer, save more, spend less! 'these are the watchwords of the 'pensions reform '.the commission and the high-level working party on social protection are calling for new regulations to push back the current retirement age.
" arbejd længere, spar mere, lev mere beskedent " er " pensionsreformens " ledemotiv, kommissionen og den højt rangerede arbejdsgruppe om social beskyttelse kræver nye bestemmelser for at udskyde den aktuelle pensionsalder.