Şunu aradınız:: erosion (İngilizce - Galce)

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Son Güncelleme: 2012-03-11
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Wikipedia


i cannot agree with you in terms of the erosion of civil liberties


ni allaf gytuno â chi o ran dileu hawliau sifil

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


during that time , we have seen further erosion of the assets of local authorities


yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw , gwelsom ragor o erydu ar asedau'r awdurdodau lleol

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


that company said that , indirectly , it may have affected the erosion of the manufacturing base


dywedodd y cwmni y gallai fod wedi achosi , yn anuniongyrchol , erydu'r sylfaen gweithgynhyrchu

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


1training - language skills, using language tools and erosion of skills;


1hyfforddiant – sgiliau iaith, ddefnyddio cymhorthion iaith, erydiad sgiliau;

Son Güncelleme: 2008-11-11
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


i expect that any public concerns over sand erosion in the swansea bay area to be addressed by this plan


disgwyliaf i'r cynllun hwn roi sylw i unrhyw bryderon gan y cyhoedd ynghylch erydiad tywod yn ardal bae abertawe

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


people will not view lightly the erosion of the right to jury trial when that point of view is so firmly embedded in the national psyche


ni fydd erydu'r hawl i dreial gerbron rheithgor yn cael ei drin yn ysgafn gan bobl pan fo'r safbwynt hwn wedi ei wreiddio mor ddwfn yn y seice cenedlaethol

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


however , in my constituency , there has been a serious breach in the flood defence walls because of erosion of the riverbank


fodd bynnag , yn fy etholaeth i , cafwyd rhwyg ddifrifol yn y muriau atal llifogydd gan fod glan yr afon wedi erydu

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


last week i received a presentation on the river teifi , where a bank of land with severe land erosion due to overgrazing had been redeveloped and redone


yr wythnos diwethaf cefais gyflwyniad ar afon teifi , lle y mae llechwedd a erydwyd yn ddifrifol oherwydd gorbori wedi cael ei hailddatblygu a'i hail-wneud

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


it amazes them that we still argue scientifically about whether sand erosion takes place , when it is obvious to anyone that looks at the beaches that it happens


maent yn synnu ein bod yn dal i ddadlau'n wyddonol ynghylch a yw erydiad y tywod yn digwydd , a hithau'n amlwg i unrhyw un sydd yn edrych ar y traethau ei fod yn digwydd

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


however , as you rightly say , if we were to consider the long term , the advice of the environment agency is that the erosion on the bend of the river needs to be tackled


fodd bynnag , fel y dywedwch , a hynny'n gywir , petaem yn ystyried yr hirdymor , cyngor asiantaeth yr amgylchedd yw bod angen mynd i'r afael â'r erydiad ar y ddolen yn yr afon

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


on 19 december 2000 , the assembly carried an amendment , which stated that the restriction of jury trial was a serious erosion of civil liberty -- that is still the case


ar 19 rhagfyr 2000 , derbyniodd y cynulliad welliant , a ddatganai fod cyfyngu ar dreialon o flaen rheithgor yn ymosodiad difrifol ar ryddid sifil -- ac mae hynny'n dal i fod yn wir

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


many people can describe the effects of erosion -- it is not necessarily erosion but change , because in some places there is sediment accumulation -- and the effects of change


gall llawer o bobl ddisgrifio effeithiau erydiad -- nid erydiad ydyw o reidrwydd ond newid , oherwydd mewn rhai mannau ceir croniad gwaddodion -- ac effeithiau newid

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


on risca road , you are right , it is a complex problem because there is the issue of flooding affecting those properties on the road , along with the long-term problem of erosion of the riverbank


yr ydych yn iawn i ddweud bod ffordd rhisga yn broblem gymhleth gan fod llifogydd yn effeithio ar yr eiddo hynny sydd ar y ffordd , ynghyd â'r broblem hirdymor o erydu ar lan yr afon

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


the lack of new legislation to tackle the problem of increasing waiting times for nhs treatment the proposed serious erosion of civil liberties that proposals on freedom of information err on the side of caution and secrecy the failure to set national road traffic reduction targets the failure to make provision for an office of the proposed strategic rail authority in wales that the child support agency is to be reformed rather than scrapped altogether that the proposed pensions bill will not solve the problem of pensioner poverty that the proposed reforms of the post office amount to a first step towards privatisation that the proposed new systems for local government provide potential for establishing local authorities that are more secretive and less accountable


bod diffyg deddfwriaeth newydd i fynd i'r afael â phroblem amserau aros hwy ar gyfer triniaeth yr nhs y bwriedir lleihau rhyddid sifil yn sylweddol bod y cynigion ynghylch rhyddid gwybodaeth yn tueddu at bwyll a chyfrinachedd na phennwyd targedau lleihau traffig ffordd cenedlaethol na sicrhawyd darpariaeth ar gyfer swyddfa i'r awdurdod rheilffyrdd strategol arfaethedig yng nghymru y bwriedir ad-drefnu'r asiantaeth cynnal plant yn hytrach na chael gwared yn llwyr â hi na fydd y mesur pensiynau arfaethedig yn datrys problem tlodi ymhlith pensiynwyr bod yr ad-drefnu arfaethedig ar swyddfa'r post yn gam cyntaf i bob pwrpas tuag at ei phreifateiddio y gallai'r systemau newydd arfaethedig ar gyfer llywodraeth leol olygu y bydd awdurdodau lleol yn fwy cyfrinachgar ac yn llai atebol

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Translated.com


can you give me significant examples of erosion of , and structural damage to , the soil in wales ? can you give me significant examples of soil management in wales ? welsh farmers have been successfully managing the soil for generations -- in fact , for hundreds of years


a allwch gynnig enghreifftiau sylweddol i mi o erydu a difrod i adeiledd pridd yng nghymru ? a allwch gynnig enghreifftiau sylweddol i mi o reoli pridd yng nghymru ? bu ffermwyr cymru'n rheoli'r pridd yn llwyddiannus ers cenedlaethau -- am gannoedd o flynyddoedd , mewn gwirionedd

Son Güncelleme: 2009-11-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com

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