Şunu aradınız:: a reasonable degree of permanence (İngilizce - Nepalce)

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a reasonable degree of permanence



Kimden: Makine Çevirisi
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the degree of enlargment


जूमको दर्जा

Son Güncelleme: 2014-08-15
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


the maximum degree of enlargment


विस्तारको अधिकतम डिग्री

Son Güncelleme: 2014-08-20
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


cleansing is, however, aided by a reasonable flow of water..


यद्यपि, धुने कामलाई पानीको उल्लेख्य बहावद्वारा सघाइन्छ।

Son Güncelleme: 2020-08-25
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


degree of slope of each piece's edge


हरेक टुक्रा किनाराको झुकावको डिग्रि

Son Güncelleme: 2014-08-20
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2


nature of stimulus all type of stimulus are not to bring the same degree of attention


Son Güncelleme: 2021-06-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


what degree of hinting to use; hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, or hintfull


इशाराको के डिग्री प्रयोग हुन्छ:कुनै पनि हुँदैन , स्लाईट , मध्यम वा पुरै

Son Güncelleme: 2014-08-15
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


in stark contrast, the rbds of sars-cov-2 and ratg13 are more divergent, albeit a higher degree of sequence homology genome-wide.


यसको ठीक विपरीत, sars-cov-2 र ratg13 का rbd हरू होमोलोजी जिनोम-व्यापक अनुक्रमको उच्च डिग्रीमा भएपनि अधिक भिन्न छन्।

Son Güncelleme: 2020-08-25
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


please enter the desired subnetmask for the interface here. for small private networks, will most often be a reasonable default value. this field will change from a popup box to a combo box as soon as you enable the advanced settings below.


कृपया इन्टरफेसका लागि यहाँ चाहेको सब- नेटमास्क प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस् । सानो व्यक्तिगत सञ्जालका लागि, प्राय: 255. 255. 255. 0 पूर्वनिर्धारित मानका रूपमा सबैभन्दा उपयुक्त हुनेछ । तपाईँले तलको उन्नत सेटिङ सक्षम बनाएपछि यो फिल्ड पपअप बाकसबाट कम्बोबाकसमा परिवर्तन हुनेछ ।

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


the main contents of this paper are all studied by questionnaire. we selected nepalese students from china as the statistical sample. the design of the questionnaire mainly includes two parts: in class and out of class (social) target language environment. design the analysis and investigation of the use of communicative and non communicative language environment by nepalese students. through the sample collection of the questionnaire to analyze the conclusions. after the questionnaire is collected, the data will be analyzed systematically. different statistical analysis methods have different applicability, requirements for data, and problems to be solved. the following statistical analysis methods may be used. here is a brief description, which will be selected finally according to the research purpose and data situation. frequency analysis: describe the value distribution of variables, mainly for the distribution of options selected by the respondents; interactive analysis: group two or more variables and compare the distribution of each group, mainly for similarity or relevance analysis of data between related topics; linear regression: analyze the linear relationship between two or more variables, mainly for the correlation or interrelationship between variables in the same kind of variables; cluster analysis: classify the data without classification information according to the degree of similarity; correspondence analysis: the relationship of various categories of multiple variables is represented in low dimensional space to find the corresponding attributes. after the questionnaire is collected, the data will be analyzed systematically. different statistical analysis methods have different applicability, requirements for data, and problems to be solved. the following statistical analysis methods may be used. here is a brief description, which will be selected finally according to the research purpose and data situation. frequency analysis: describe the value distribution of variables, mainly for the distribution of options selected by the respondents; interactive analysis: group two or more variables and compare the distribution of each group, mainly for similarity or relevance analysis of data between related topics; linear regression: analyze the linear relationship between two or more variables, mainly for the correlation or interrelationship between variables in the same kind of variables; cluster analysis: classify the data without classification information according to the degree of similarity; correspondence analysis: the relationship of various categories of multiple variables is represented in low dimensional space to find the corresponding attributes.


यस कागजको मुख्य सामग्रीहरू सबै प्रश्नावली द्वारा अध्ययन गरिएको छ। हामीले सांख्यिकीय नमूनाका रूपमा चीनबाट नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरू चयन गरेका थियौं। प्रश्नावलीको डिजाइनले मुख्यतया दुई भागहरू समावेश गर्दछ: कक्षा र कक्षा बाहिर (social) लक्षित भाषा वातावरण। नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरूले संचार र गैर संचार भाषा वातावरणको प्रयोगको विश्लेषण र अनुसन्धानको डिजाइन गर्नुहोस्। प्रश्नावलीको नमूना संग्रह मार्फत निष्कर्षहरूको विश्लेषण गर्न। प्रश्नावली पछि कोलेक हुन्छ

Son Güncelleme: 2020-03-17
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim

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