Şunu aradınız:: but you can date me here also i am sin... (İngilizce - Portekizce)

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but you can date me here also i am single for now



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you can contact me here. (also feel free to write me if you have any questions.)


você pode me contatar aqui. (também sinta-se livre para me escrever se tiver qualquer questão.)

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


"i am single for quite some time now and enjoy it a lot. it’s just that my sex life is a bit irregular.


"estou há algum tempo sozinha e sinto-me bem assim. só que a minha vida sexual é bastante irregular.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


i am clearly not going to respond in full to all the points raised but you can be sure that i will forward them to those of my colleagues who are directly responsible for the more specialised areas.


evidentemente, não responderei in extenso a todas as perguntas formuladas, mas podem estar seguros de que as transmitirei aos meus colegas directamente envolvidos, para os domínios mais especializados.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-03-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 4


i am sorry, but you can no longer return to the world and become a slave to sin anymore.


desculpe, mas você não pode mais retornar para o mundo e se tornar um escravo do pecado.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


i wish to thank your house for accepting the 700 posts that the commission had requested, but you can well imagine that i am not equally enthusiastic to learn that you are saying that 150 of them should be put in reserve in the first instance.


da mesma maneira, em 2005, é altamente provável que consideremos impossível gerir o orçamento da política externa sem recorrer aos fundos da reserva de flexibilidade.

Son Güncelleme: 2008-03-04
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


president. — i am afraid you cannot do that, but you can of course give an explanation of vote in writing.


por isso, surpreende­nos que se tente, aqui, na europa, criar um quadro global favorável das relações com os países dessa região mediterrânica do magrebe, estando estas

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


12 for now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now i know in part; but then shall i know even as also i am known.


12 porque agora vemos como por espelho, em enigma, mas então veremos face a face; agora conheço em parte, mas então conhecerei plenamente, como também sou plenamente conhecido.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 3


we are a family of four,dad,mum and two sons. my name's chengjun, dad, but you can call me "daddy good" cause i really am. haha! i am 42 years old.


somos uma família de quatro pessoas, pai, mãe e dois filhos. chengjun, pai do meu nome, mas você pode me chamar de "papai bom" porque eu realmente sou. haha! eu tenho 42 anos de idade.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


besides, and here also i am reiterating points which seem uncontroversial, it is hoped that the directive on minimum standards on procedures for granting and withdrawing refugee status will be approved rapidly by the council, as parliament demanded in the watson report and as was promised, furthermore, in seville.


de resto, repetindo também alguma coisa que parece consensual, espera-se que a directiva sobre normas mínimas aplicáveis ao procedimento de concessão e retirada do estatuto do refugiado seja, tal como o exigiu o parlamento europeu no relatório watson, rapidamente aprovada pelo conselho, como foi, aliás, prometido em sevilha.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-03-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 6


i am doing so for safety reasons; although i fully share this concern, i have a commitment to the council which i must respect, but you know that you can rely on me to try to seek solutions during the conciliation debates, the final result of which i hope will be as positive as we all wish.


as razões subjacentes à minha proposta são razões de segurança; embora partilhe plenamente esta preocupação, tenho um compromisso com o conselho que devo manter, mas os senhores deputados sabem que podem contar comigo para tentar encontrar soluções no momento do processo de conciliação, cujo resultado final espero que seja tão positivo como é desejo de todos.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-03-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 4


i hope, mr kyprianou, that i am not being unduly harsh in my criticism, but you can imagine that, as i drafted the report and prepared myself for this evening and consulted the relevant documentation, i had to rub my eyes when i saw all the things that can happen in our european institutions.


senhor comissário kyprianou, espero não ter sido demasiado duro nas minhas críticas mas, como deve imaginar, enquanto elaborava o relatório e me preparava para o debate desta noite consultando a documentação pertinente, tive de esfregar os olhos quando me deparei com todas estas coisas que podem acontecer nas nossas instituições europeias.

Son Güncelleme: 2012-02-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Translated.com


because of the fungicide/bacteriacide qualities, you can use it in the evening when it is cool. but, you must keep the plant out of strong light and warm temps for a day or so. i am unable to use it in my greenhouse right now because the current heat wave is making it impossible to lower the temperature enough.


por causa das qualidades do fungicide/bacteriacide, você pode usá-lo na noite em que está fresco. mas, você deve manter a planta fora da luz forte e temps mornos por um dia ou assim. eu sou incapaz de usá-lo agora em minha direita da estufa porque a onda de calor atual está fazendo impossível abaixar a temperatura bastantes.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


you cannot eat my flesh nor can you drink my blood, but you can become one in spirit with me even as i am one in spirit with the father. you can be nourished by the eternal word of god, which is indeed the bread of life, and which has been bestowed in the likeness of mortal flesh; and you can be watered in soul by the divine spirit, which is truly the water of life.


vós não podeis comer minha carne nem podeis beber do meu sangue, mas podeis tornar-vos um em espírito comigo, do mesmo modo que eu sou uno em espírito com o pai. podeis ser nutridos pela palavra eterna de deus, que é de fato o pão da vida, e que foi outorgado à semelhança da carne mortal; e podeis ter a vossa alma regada pelo espírito divino, que é verdadeiramente a água da vida.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Translated.com


i know my message doesn't carry much weight because i can't vote in your elections. the best i can do is use my influence as a tourist, an investor, and as a potential consumer of some your products. i can contribute to worthy causes and i can donate to other causes that oppose some of the negative destructive groups that are present in your country. the groups that are greedy, maybe evil, definitely stupid, and most always very naive.  brazilians are the ones who dictate what happens in one of the most magnificent and absolutely beautiful and amazing countries on the planet. there is no point arguing about this and i don't think i can change anyone's mind from so far away. but maybe the fact that i am writing to you from thousands of miles away, and took the time to translate it into portuguese might at least just make you stop and think. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but hopefully a little bit once in a while and you realize somebody cares this much to write to you to tell you that they are worried that your country is in danger of throwing things away that you might not be able to get back. i have nothing to gain from what you do with your land other than maybe a few breaths of fresh air. yes it is true that you are the lungs of the earth but what happens in the sea is the lungs of the planet. reforestation in the northern hemisphere probably ensures me fresh air until the day i die. but your children may not be so lucky because of the domino effect that happens when you cut trees down, clear land, and change the climate, biodiversity, soil fertility, water table, and terrain of your rainforest. the hydrological cycle  becomes weaker, becomes drier, becomes hotter. i don't know what this will cause, but i don't think it is going to be good. have you ever seen the will smith documentary one strange rock? i did, it changed the way i view the entire planet, it made me incredibly happy, but also makes me incredibly scared, it gave me hope, but i don't know what to say about feeling of despair. i write to you in the spirit of hope, hope that that the world is depending anyone that has courage to do the right thing.... i don't know what that is for you, but you do. i can guarantee it. if you have an open mind, consider others, realize that everything depends on everything else, and then you do what you can to choose wisely, please know that you will have the world cheering for you  because nobody is ever deemed a coward when they do the right thing.  saving, protecting helping, sharing, loving, defending,improving, restoring, enjoying all of these go together and are at odds with destruction, greed, overdevelopment, selfishness,  misleading, cheating, lying, ignoring, refusing to listen,  please pick the good stuff cause in the end that's what will make your life better, and mine, and all of us on this planet, and actually if you think about it every single living thing that exists and will come to exist.


Son Güncelleme: 2021-02-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim

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