Şunu aradınız:: talk to me softly, there's something in you... (İngilizce - Rusça)

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talk to me softly, there's something in your eyes



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there's something in your eyes that is sayin' tonight


Шоу «Однажды в России» - это то, что никогда не покажут по телевизору.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


something in your eyes was so inviting,


something in your eyes was so inviting,

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


he said, " your shoulder is going to be fine, but dave, there's something in your lung


С твоим плечом все будет в порядке, но Дейв, в твоем легком что-то есть

Son Güncelleme: 2020-11-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


have you got something in your eye


Вам что-то попало в глаз

Son Güncelleme: 2020-11-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


was there something in your product that they felt would be disruptive to their existing businesse


Было ли что-то в Вашей продукции, что они чувствовали, было бы разрушительным для их существующей модели бизнеса

Son Güncelleme: 2020-11-10
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


talk to me in your own words! i’m begging you; speak so i can understand you!


talk to me in your own words! i’m begging you; speak so i can understand you!

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


11 and shechem said to her father and to her brethren, let me find favour in your eyes; and what ye shall say to me i will give.


11 Сихем же сказал отцу ее и братьям ее: только бы мне найти благоволение в очах ваших, я дам, что ни скажете мне;

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


so he said to him, if now i have grace in your eyes, then give me a sign that it is you who are talking to me.


что это Ты, Господи, говоришь со мной.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


then she went down on her face to the earth, and said to him, why have i grace in your eyes, that you give attention to me, seeing i am from a strange people?


Она упала на колени и, поклонившись лицом до земли, сказала ему: «Чем я снискала такую благосклонность в твоих глазах, что ты удостоил меня вниманием? Ведь я чужеземка».

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


ks: milan anatolyevich, often interviews start with question on what did you dream to do as a child. i`d like to pose it in another way: was there something in your childhood and adolescence that indicated that you will be at the head of a major pharmaceutical company?


КС:Милан Анатольевич, интервью нередко начинается с вопроса о том, кем вы хотели стать в детстве.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-21
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


learning is not by understand it intellectually if it didn't change your behavior you haven't learned anything in fact you've if you just accumulated knowledge it may be pushing you away from learning a realization a concrete understanding of something in our hall where you go honed now i'd get it and then you behave differently that's learning now i can quote back to you the words that you've told me there's no learning there no learning has taken place that's just that's simulation that i talked about your walking around in thinking that it's now a little more in control and now i can gain the system a little bit better thank you what is learning when changes your behavior you have learned until then you have not and i'm really not interested in getting into debates with you about whether something logically make sense orwell wouldn't this happened and all that kind of stuff that's just your motion all bullshit coming up and preventing you from taking action and learning and getting some results in your life you've learned it which change your behavior stop intellectualizing and ac another thought don't believe anything that i say don't believe in any of it and don't doubt it either many of us are so conditioned to have information come into our minds and argue with a dork touted or we've got a mess with it in some way tear i believe right don't wake septic honestly i'm getting to the point now where i don't believe anything anymore why don't i believe anything because a belief is a trap just as much as it is a liberation you may have heard me quote uh… tony robbins says one of his books that uh… he learned from jon greenberg who started the penalty john ritter said the tony robinson don't believe anything too much because the role always come a time when it's not true you always one of the situation that's not true so don't believe anything that i tell you i'm not trying to convince you to believe it i don't care whether you believe it it will not influenced her impact me or my life and all whether or not you believe what i'm sent and in fact i don't want you to believe it what i want you to do experiences do something with it play with it see if it works for you throw it out it doesn't matter throughout the doesn't work for it but don't just intellectualizing about it and decide whether or not you believe it's true i've met too many men who say well you know that just doesn't make sense to me if you do it works in its doesn't make sense or you're not doing sorted sent around a few key ideas maybe quickly preview and what's going on the program first the idea we're sleep and we don't even know what totally out of control were in a shared dream that were all fantasizing that we're having and we think we're awake and you are as much as sleep right now relative to where you could be as you are in the middle of the night when you are dreaming compared to this particular waking state we live in a simulation of reality that we have created and i've lost touch with the basic experience of life we live in a simulation that we've created a head a map or model and we act on them not on reality we've lost touch with our experience we have a missus or story his number three we have a myth or story each of us individually that shapes or perceptions it shakes how we see things shapes are perspectives it's something that's come from the early part of our life we don't even remember where it came from anymore accommodation of our wiring or really imprints or impressions are burnings that we got we re under combat is or story for everything we're not aware of it and we can't escape it number four waking up having more awareness being more conscious of ourselves and what's going on around us this is the most important team to success with women in relationships waking up becoming more aware there were five in order to change we must get outside of our comfort zone change does not come from being the inside your comfort zone that's not we're trench happens that happens outside over the boundary intersects in order to get outside of our comfort zone we need to build up a base of safety and security that's our foundation so we haven't inner strength and center just so we can go get outside the comfort zone number seven we must status vat which makes us uncomfortable directly we must face that which makes us uncomfortable directly face


Спасибо что же такое обучение когда твоё поведение меняется ты научился чему-то но пока поведение остаётся прежним, то об обучении не может быть речи и я абсолютно не намерен вступать с вами в бесполезные препирательства, логично ли то или это make sense orwell wouldn't this happened and all that kind of stuff that's just your motion all bullshit coming up and preventing you from taking action and learning and getting some results in your life you've learned it which change your behavior stop intellectualizing and ac another thought don't believe anything that i say don't believe in any of it and don't doubt it either many of us are so conditioned to have information come into our minds and argue with a dork touted or we've got a mess with it in some way tear i believe right don't wake septic honestly i'm getting to the point now where i don't believe anything anymore why don't i believe anything because a belief is a trap just as much as it is a liberation you may have heard me quote uh… tony robbins says one of his books that uh… he learned from jon greenberg who started the penalty john ritter said the tony robinson don't believe anything too much because the role always come a time when it's not true you always one of the situation that's not true so don't believe anything that i tell you i'm not trying to convince you to believe it i don't care whether you believe it it will not influenced her impact me or my life and all whether or not you believe what i'm sent and in fact i don't want you to believe it what i want you to do experiences do something with it play with it see if it works for you throw it out it doesn't matter throughout the doesn't work for it but don't just intellectualizing about it and decide whether or not you believe it's true i've met too many men who say well you know that just doesn't make sense to me if you do it works in its doesn't make sense or you're not doing sorted sent around a few key ideas maybe quickly preview and what's going on the program first the idea we're sleep and we don't even know what totally out of control were in a shared dream that were all fantasizing that we're having and we think we're awake and you are as much as sleep right now relative to where you could be as you are in the middle of the night when you are dreaming compared to this particular waking state номер два. мы живем в виртуальной реальности, которую сами создали. и давно потеряли связь с основным опытом жизни. мы живем в симуляции, которую создали в своей голове, типа карты или модели, по которой мы действуем. а не по реальности. мы потеряли связь с нашим непосредственным опытом. мы создали миф либо историю. и это будет пункт номер три. у нас есть миф или история. у каждого из нас по отдельности, которая придает форму нашему восприятию, it shakes how we see things shapes are perspectives it's something that's come from the early part of our life we don't even remember where it came from anymore accommodation of our wiring or really imprints or impressions are burnings that we got we re under combat is or story for everything we're not aware of it and we can't escape it number four waking up having more awareness being more conscious of ourselves and what's going on around us this is the most important team to success with women in relationships waking up becoming more aware there were five in order to change мы должны выбраться за пределы нашей зоны комфорта изменение не приходят внутри вашей зоны комфорта that's not we're trench happens that happens outside over the boundary intersects для того, чтобы выбраться за пределы нашей зоны комфорта мы должны создать базу сохранности и безопасности Это наша основа so we haven't inner strength and center just so we can go get outside the comfort zone number seven we must status vat which makes us uncomfortable directly we must face that which makes us uncomfortable directly face

Son Güncelleme: 2020-11-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

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