Şunu aradınız:: modulation (İngilizce - Türkçe)

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Son Güncelleme: 2013-01-25
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Wikipedia





Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Wikipedia


frequency modulation


frekans modülasyonu

Son Güncelleme: 2014-03-20
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Wikipedia


pulse code modulation


darbe kodu modülasyonu

Son Güncelleme: 2006-09-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Wikipedia


amplitude modulation (am)


genlik kiplenimi

Son Güncelleme: 2017-02-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


quadrature amplitude modulation


karesel genlik modülasyonu

Son Güncelleme: 2014-08-20
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Wikipedia


adaptive differential pulse code modulation


uyarlanır darbe darbe kod kiplenimi

Son Güncelleme: 2017-02-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


double sideband suppress carrier modulation


taşıyıcısız çift yanbant kiplenimi

Son Güncelleme: 2017-02-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


and learning modulation and control is deteriorating.


Öğrenme modülasyonu ve kontrol bozuluyor.

Son Güncelleme: 2015-10-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


amplitude modulation (am) is used, and the conversation is performed in simplex mode.


uçaklarda komünikasyonda amplitude modulation (am) modülasyon türü de kullanılır.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


iq modulation has been the method in both wired and wireless digital modulation since morsetting carrier signal 100 years ago.


iq modülasyonu 100 yıl önce taşıyıcı sinyalini morsetting olduğundan beri hem kablolu hem de kablosuz sayısal modülasyon yöntemi olmuştur.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


binary offset carrier (boc) is the modulation used by galileo, modernized gps, and compass.


İkili ofset taşıyıcı (boc) modülasyon, geliştirilmiş galileo, gps ve compass sistemleri tarafından kullanılan bir modüle yöntemidir.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


===sound===the sid chip has three channels, each with its own adsr envelope generator, ring modulation and filter capabilities.


ses çipi sid, her biri kendi adsr envelope üreticisine ve çeşitli dalga formları, ring modülasyonu, filtre özelliklerine sahip 3 kanal içeriyordu.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


consequently, modulating signals applied to control input may cause frequency modulation (fm) or phase modulation (pm).


sinyaller modüle edilirken, frekans modülasyonu (fm) veya faz modulasyonu (pm) üretmek için gko'da beslenebilirler.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


the modulation (and therefore the tracking strategy) of the data bits on the l2sf code has recently changed from unmodulated to 250 bit/s burst at random intervals.


l2p ​​kodu veri bitlerinin modülasyonu (ve bu nedenle izleme stratejisi) son modüle edilmemiş bu sinyalin kullanım modülasyonu rastgele aralıklarda ancak 250 bit/s içinde açığa çıkma riski taşır.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


a growing body of research suggests that chronic drug use can produce long-term disruptions in the modulation of neurocognitive circuits involved in motivation and attention, decision-making and the ability to inhibit impulses.


giderek sayısı artan araştırmalar, kronik uyuşturucu ilaç kullanımının motivasyon, dikkat, karar verme ve içgüdüleri baskılamayla ilgili nörokognitif devrelerin modülasyonunda uzun süreli bozulma yarattığına işaret etmektedir.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Alpaycanta


insulin directly influences neurons by processes not linked to modulation of glucose uptake. neurotransmitter release, neuronal outgrowth, tubulin activity, neuronal survival, and synaptic plasticity are all directly modulated by insulin.


İnsülin, glikoz alımının modülasyonu ile bağlantılı olmayan süreçlerle nöronları doğrudan etkiler. nörotransmitter salınımı, nöronal büyüme, tübülin aktivitesi, nöronal hayatta kalma ve sinaptik plastisite, tümü doğrudan insülin tarafından modüle edilir.

Son Güncelleme: 2021-10-20
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Anonim


2 1962# askaryan ga,'projection of plasmoids through magnetic fields (magnetodynamic traps)', soviet physics-technical physics 7 (6): 492& 1962# askaryan ga, prokhorov am, chanturiya gf, et al.,'the effects of a laser beam in a liquid', soviet physics jetp-ussr 17 (6): 1463-1465 1963# askaryan ga,'directed coherent radiation due to breakdown near the track of an ionizing particle', soviet physics jetp-ussr 17 (4): 901-902 1963# askaryan ga,'excitation and dissociation of molecules in an intense light field', soviet physics jetp-ussr 19 (1): 273-274 1964# askaryan ga,'emission of radio waves upon modulation of an intense beam of light in a medium', soviet physics jetp-ussr 18 (2): 441-443 1964# askaryan ga,'coherent radio emission from cosmic showers in air and in dense media', soviet physics jetp-ussr 21 (3): 658& 1965# askaryan ga, golts ey, rabinovi.ms, 'use of artificial meteors for laser pumping', jetp letters-ussr 4 (11): 305& 1966# askaryan ga, 'optocaloric effect (amplification of atomic interaction and cooling of medium) in a laser beam', jetp letters-ussr 3 (4): 105& 1966# askaryan ga, 'self-focusing and focusing of ultrasound and hypersound', jetp letters-ussr 4 (4): 99& 1966# askaryan ga,'self-focusing of a light beam upon excitation of atoms and molecules of medium in beam' jetp letters-ussr 4 (10): 270& 1966# askaryan ga, rabinovi.ms, smirnova ad, et al.,'currents produced by light pressure when a laser beam acts on matter' jetp letters-ussr 5 (4): 93& 1967# askaryan ga, 'nonlinearity of media due to induced deformation of molecules atoms and particles of a medium', jetp letters-ussr 6 (5): 157& 1967# askaryan ga, 'waveguide properties of a tubular light beam', soviet physics jetp-ussr 28 (4): 732& 1969# askaryan ga, studenov vb,'banana self focusing of beams', jetp letters-ussr 10 (3): 71& 1969# askaryan ga, chistyi il,'thermal self-focusing in a light beam with low intensity near axis', soviet physics jetp-ussr 31 (1): 76& 1970# askaryan ga, pustovoi.vi,'self-focusing and focusing of ultrasound and hypersound in metals and semiconductors', soviet physics jetp-ussr 31 (2): 346& 1970# arutyunyan.in, askaryan ga, pogosyan va, 'multiphoton processes in focus of an intense laser beam with expansion of interactive region taken into consideration', soviet physics jetp-ussr 31 (3): 548& 1970# askaryan ga, stepanov vk, 'simultaneous extended action of a high-power light beam on matter', soviet physics jetp-ussr 32 (2): 198& 1971# askaryan ga, 'self-focusing of powerful sound during production of bubbles'jetp letters-ussr 13 (7): 283& 1971# askaryan ga, tarasova nm, 'initial stage of optical explosion of a material particle in an intense light flux', soviet physics jetp-ussr 33 (2): 336& 1971# askaryan ga, diyanov ka, mukhamad.m,'new experiments on formation of a self-focusing filament from focus of beam on surface of a medium', jetp letters-ussr 14 (8): 308& 1971# askaryan ga, rakhmani.tg,'scattering, refraction and reflection of sound under action of intense light on medium', soviet physics jetp-ussr 34 (3): 639& 1972# askaryan ga, manukyan sd, 'particle acceleration by a moving laser focus, focusing front or front of an ultrashort laser pulse', zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki 62 (6): 2156-2160 1972# askaryan ga, 'effect of self-focusing',uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 111 (2): 249-260 1973# askaryan ga, diyanov ka, mukhamad.ma, 'suppression of nonlinear processes of stimulated scattering, beam collapse, and breakdown of medium during beam scanning - self-focusing of strolling-beams', jetp letters 19 (5): 172-174 1974# askaryan ga, namiot va, rabinovi.ms, 'utilization of overcompression of a substance by light-reactive pressure for preparation of microcritical mass of fissionable elements, super-strong magnetic-fields and particle acceleration', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 113 (4): 716-718 1974# askaryan ga, namiot va, 'compression and focusing of a neutron gas by moving moderator', jetp letters 20 (5): 148-149 1974# askaryan ga, dolgoshein ba, 'acoustic registration of high-energy neutrinos', jetp letters 25 (5): 213-214 1977# askaryan ga, dolgoshein va,'microelectrostriction in an ionized medium', jetp letters 28 (10): 571-574 1978# askaryan ga, raevskii im, 'excitation of high-frequency oscillations by a laser-pulse', jetp letters 32 (2): 104-108 1980# askaryan ga, mukhamadzhanov ma, 'non-linear defocusing of a focused beam - a fine beam from the focus', jetp letters 33 (1): 44-48 1981# askaryan ga, 'increase of laser and other radiation transmissions through soft opaque physical and biological media', kvantovaya elektronika 9 (7): 1379-1383 1982# askaryan ga, manzon bm, 'laser dragon directed by the beam of light discharge ejection into the atmosphere', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 139 (2): 370-372 1983# askaryan ga, 'neutrino study of the earth, the neutrino geology', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 144 (3): 523-530 1984# askaryan ga, 'decay of a high-energy pion beam in a medium - formation of a decay channel', jetp letters 41 (12): 651-654 1985# askaryan ga, yurkin av, 'new studies in optothermoacoustics', jetp letters 43 (4): 221-225 feb 25 1986# askaryan ga, 'cherenkov radiation from optical pulses', physical review letters 57 (19): 2470-2470 nov 10 1986# askaryan ga, raevskii im, 'laser simulation of the light and plasma action on comets and planets', kvantovaya elektronika 14 (2): 229-231 feb 1987# askaryan ga, batanov gm, kossyi ia, et al., 'consequences of microwave emissions in the stratosphere', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 156 (2): 370-372 oct 1988# askaryan ga, yurkin av, 'nanosecond photography of fast processes in invisible (uv) light with a nitrogen laser and new study of a train of shock-waves', jetp letters 58 (7): 563-567 oct 10 1993# askaryan ga, bulanov sv, dudnikova gi, et al., 'magnetic interaction of ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses in plasmas', plasma physics and controlled fusion 39 (5a): 137-144 sp.


2 1962# askaryan ga,'projection of plasmoids through magnetic fields (magnetodynamic traps)', soviet physics-technical physics 7 (6): 492& 1962# askaryan ga, prokhorov am, chanturiya gf, et al.,'the effects of a laser beam in a liquid', soviet physics jetp-ussr 17 (6): 1463-1465 1963# askaryan ga,'directed coherent radiation due to breakdown near the track of an ionizing particle', soviet physics jetp-ussr 17 (4): 901-902 1963# askaryan ga,'excitation and dissociation of molecules in an intense light field', soviet physics jetp-ussr 19 (1): 273-274 1964# askaryan ga,'emission of radio waves upon modulation of an intense beam of light in a medium', soviet physics jetp-ussr 18 (2): 441-443 1964# askaryan ga,'coherent radio emission from cosmic showers in air and in dense media', soviet physics jetp-ussr 21 (3): 658& 1965# askaryan ga, golts ey, rabinovi.ms, 'use of artificial meteors for laser pumping', jetp letters-ussr 4 (11): 305& 1966# askaryan ga, 'optocaloric effect (amplification of atomic interaction and cooling of medium) in a laser beam', jetp letters-ussr 3 (4): 105& 1966# askaryan ga, 'self-focusing and focusing of ultrasound and hypersound', jetp letters-ussr 4 (4): 99& 1966# askaryan ga,'self-focusing of a light beam upon excitation of atoms and molecules of medium in beam' jetp letters-ussr 4 (10): 270& 1966# askaryan ga, rabinovi.ms, smirnova ad, et al.,'currents produced by light pressure when a laser beam acts on matter' jetp letters-ussr 5 (4): 93& 1967# askaryan ga, 'nonlinearity of media due to induced deformation of molecules atoms and particles of a medium', jetp letters-ussr 6 (5): 157& 1967# askaryan ga, 'waveguide properties of a tubular light beam', soviet physics jetp-ussr 28 (4): 732& 1969# askaryan ga, studenov vb,'banana self focusing of beams', jetp letters-ussr 10 (3): 71& 1969# askaryan ga, chistyi il,'thermal self-focusing in a light beam with low intensity near axis', soviet physics jetp-ussr 31 (1): 76& 1970# askaryan ga, pustovoi.vi,'self-focusing and focusing of ultrasound and hypersound in metals and semiconductors', soviet physics jetp-ussr 31 (2): 346& 1970# arutyunyan.in, askaryan ga, pogosyan va, 'multiphoton processes in focus of an intense laser beam with expansion of interactive region taken into consideration', soviet physics jetp-ussr 31 (3): 548& 1970# askaryan ga, stepanov vk, 'simultaneous extended action of a high-power light beam on matter', soviet physics jetp-ussr 32 (2): 198& 1971# askaryan ga, 'self-focusing of powerful sound during production of bubbles'jetp letters-ussr 13 (7): 283& 1971# askaryan ga, tarasova nm, 'initial stage of optical explosion of a material particle in an intense light flux', soviet physics jetp-ussr 33 (2): 336& 1971# askaryan ga, diyanov ka, mukhamad.m,'new experiments on formation of a self-focusing filament from focus of beam on surface of a medium', jetp letters-ussr 14 (8): 308& 1971# askaryan ga, rakhmani.tg,'scattering, refraction and reflection of sound under action of intense light on medium', soviet physics jetp-ussr 34 (3): 639& 1972# askaryan ga, manukyan sd, 'particle acceleration by a moving laser focus, focusing front or front of an ultrashort laser pulse', zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki 62 (6): 2156-2160 1972# askaryan ga, 'effect of self-focusing',uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 111 (2): 249-260 1973# askaryan ga, diyanov ka, mukhamad.ma, 'suppression of nonlinear processes of stimulated scattering, beam collapse, and breakdown of medium during beam scanning - self-focusing of strolling-beams', jetp letters 19 (5): 172-174 1974# askaryan ga, namiot va, rabinovi.ms, 'utilization of overcompression of a substance by light-reactive pressure for preparation of microcritical mass of fissionable elements, super-strong magnetic-fields and particle acceleration', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 113 (4): 716-718 1974# askaryan ga, namiot va, 'compression and focusing of a neutron gas by moving moderator', jetp letters 20 (5): 148-149 1974# askaryan ga, dolgoshein ba, 'acoustic registration of high-energy neutrinos', jetp letters 25 (5): 213-214 1977# askaryan ga, dolgoshein va,'microelectrostriction in an ionized medium', jetp letters 28 (10): 571-574 1978# askaryan ga, raevskii im, 'excitation of high-frequency oscillations by a laser-pulse', jetp letters 32 (2): 104-108 1980# askaryan ga, mukhamadzhanov ma, 'non-linear defocusing of a focused beam - a fine beam from the focus', jetp letters 33 (1): 44-48 1981# askaryan ga, 'increase of laser and other radiation transmissions through soft opaque physical and biological media', kvantovaya elektronika 9 (7): 1379-1383 1982# askaryan ga, manzon bm, 'laser dragon directed by the beam of light discharge ejection into the atmosphere', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 139 (2): 370-372 1983# askaryan ga, 'neutrino study of the earth, the neutrino geology', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 144 (3): 523-530 1984# askaryan ga, 'decay of a high-energy pion beam in a medium - formation of a decay channel', jetp letters 41 (12): 651-654 1985# askaryan ga, yurkin av, 'new studies in optothermoacoustics', jetp letters 43 (4): 221-225 feb 25 1986# askaryan ga, 'cherenkov radiation from optical pulses', physical review letters 57 (19): 2470-2470 nov 10 1986# askaryan ga, raevskii im, 'laser simulation of the light and plasma action on comets and planets', kvantovaya elektronika 14 (2): 229-231 feb 1987# askaryan ga, batanov gm, kossyi ia, et al., 'consequences of microwave emissions in the stratosphere', uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 156 (2): 370-372 oct 1988# askaryan ga, yurkin av, 'nanosecond photography of fast processes in invisible (uv) light with a nitrogen laser and new study of a train of shock-waves', jetp letters 58 (7): 563-567 oct 10 1993# askaryan ga, bulanov sv, dudnikova gi, et al., 'magnetic interaction of ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses in plasmas', plasma physics and controlled fusion 39 (5a): 137-144 sp.

Son Güncelleme: 2016-03-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim
Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor

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