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did you watch game of thrones
did you watch game of thrones
Son Güncelleme: 2023-04-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1
desde 2011 interpreta esporádicamente a walder frey en la exitosa serie de la hbo "game of thrones".
in 2011, and again in 2013, bradley appeared as lord walder frey in the hbo series "game of thrones".
la apertura de "game of thrones" muestra los distintos lugares destacados en la serie en un mapa tridimensional del continente ficticio poniente.
the "game of thrones" opening shows the various locations featured in the series on a three-dimensional map of the fictional continent westeros.
el 19 de marzo de 2010 se anunció que remplazaría a jennifer ehle en el papel de catelyn stark en la serie de hbo "game of thrones".
on 19 march 2010, it was announced that she would play the role of catelyn stark in the hbo series "game of thrones" replacing jennifer ehle who played the character in the original pilot episode.
¡este es el último episodio de la quinta temporada de game of thrones, mother's mercy! por favor, nada de spoilers.
this is game of thrones fifth season finale! the episode is called "mother's mercy".
estamos completamente seguros de que blackwateres uno de los mejores episodios de game of thrones. entre otras cosas, el episodio contiene el masivo ataque de stannis baratheon a desembarco del rey.
we're definitely sure that blackwateris one of the best episodes from the entire series. this chapter features the massive attack from stannis baratheon to king's landing.
eugene michael simon nació en inglaterra el 11 de junio de 1992 es un actor y modelo inglés, mejor conocido por su papel de jerome clarke en house of anubis y como lancel lannister en game of thrones.
eugene michael simon (born 11 june 1992) is an english actor and fashion model best known for his roles as jerome clarke in the television series "house of anubis" and lancel lannister in "game of thrones".
dance tiene el papel de tywin lannister en la serie de hbo, game of thrones, basada en la serie de novelas canción de hielo y fuego de george r. r. martin.
he played the role of tywin lannister in hbo's "game of thrones", based on the "song of ice and fire" novels by george r. r. martin.
in 1999, carey was part of the pregame ceremonies at the first game of the return of the cleveland browns, televised on espn.
in 1999, carey was part of the pregame ceremonies at the first game of the return of the cleveland browns, televised on espn.
borchgrevink se dedicó principalmente a actividades deportivas y literarias, escribió un libro titulado "the game of norway".
borchgrevink devoted himself mainly to sporting and literary activities, producing a book entitled "the game of norway".
jenna busch de zap2it y kelly west de cinema blend, ambas seguidoras de "game of thrones", llamaron a la apertura «lo mejor en la historia de la serie».
" jenna busch of zap2it and kelly west of cinema blend, both fans of "game of thrones", named the opening the best in the history of the show.
"the way to go: how to play the asian game of go", asociación americana de go, new york, rev.
"the way to go: how to play the asian game of go", american go association, new york, rev.
en 1927, la creación de música para ocasiones especiales surgió con la final de la copa de fútbol y desde 1932 se incorporaron los medios de comunicación a la difusión de esta expresión popular con la canción i do like to see a game of football que favoreció el diario daily herald.
in 1927, the creation of music for special occasions appeared with the final of the football cup and since 1932, the mass media were incorporated into the dissemination of this popular expression with the song i do like to see a game of football which favored the daily named daily herald.