您搜索了: your words pop up in my mind (印地语 - 英语)







your words pop up in my mind



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but something feel in my mind


最后更新: 2021-06-16
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


getting a naughty thoughts in my mind


getting a naughty thoughts meaning in hindi

最后更新: 2024-09-17
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


the person in my mind to see that place


the person in my mind to see that place

最后更新: 2021-02-26
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


as a child . i have a dream school in my mind


最后更新: 2024-04-11
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i wish you knew how much space you occupy in my mind"-💙🌍


i wish you knew how much i really love you

最后更新: 2020-10-30
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i am not happy. i am not sad. but something feeling in my mind.


i am not happy i am not sad but something feeling in my mind

最后更新: 2022-05-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i try miss you but i try to let you go but at the end you are always in my mind.


i try miss you but i try to let you go but at the end you are always in my mind meaning in hindi

最后更新: 2022-07-23
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


to my special person you still important to me with or without convention you are always in my mind


to my special person you still important to me with or without convention you are always in my mind

最后更新: 2024-05-05
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


happy birthday to the love of my life tha beart of my heart and tha thought in my mind in hindi meaning.


happy birthday to the love of my life tha beart of my heart and tha thought in my mind in hindi meaning

最后更新: 2024-05-22
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i am doing nothingit may look like i'm not doing anything, but in my mind i'm pretty busy.


i m doing nothingit may look like i’m not doing anything, but in my mind i’m pretty busy

最后更新: 2022-09-06
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


being responsible vs being victim of circumstances introduction being responsible for our own actions means that we are accountable for the choices we make and the consequences that follow. it means that we take ownership of our decisions and the outcomes from them, whether they are positive or negative. this includes taking responsibility for our behavior, words, and actions, and being willing to face the consequences of our choices. being responsible for our own actions is an important aspect of personal growth and development, as it helps us to learn from our mistakes, make better choices in the future, and become more self-aware and accountable individuals. "being a victim of circumstances" means that a person is in a difficult or unpleasant situation that is beyond their control, and they are suffering the consequences of events or factors that are outside of their influence. this phrase suggests that the person is not responsible for the situation they find themselves in, and that they are experiencing negative consequences as a result of external factors such as bad luck, unfortunate events, or the actions of others. it implies that the person is not to blame for their situation, but rather that they are experiencing the effects of circumstances that are beyond their control. being responsible for our own action: 'being responsible for our own action can be easily interpreted as being liable for the consequences of one's own choice. it involves being able to understand the outcomes which could be unfavourable and negative as well and how would it affect them and people around them before making a choice and acting upon it. it's easy to say that if something good and positive happens after we do something then we all would like to take the credit of doing that thing and making right decision and we also expect praise but it totally changes when outcomes are negative and undesirable. it actually explains our human nature and behaviour that we avoid taking the responsibility of negative impact which are the results of our own action and try to blame it on the circumstances and often call it 'situational', but to what extent would it be appropriate to blame the circumstances and to take the responsibility for our own actions? taking decision on the basis of circumstances isn't the only option sometimes and we should use our unique way to make it still possible which is where our creativity and our passion to produce something out of nothing but our sheer will comes forward. but on the other hand it's not always the situation where people can be creative and make it happen instead of blaming the circumstances because sometimes it can actually be circumstantial. there are many instances and situations which are prone to handled in one or two possible ways while we prefer to crib and blame it on the circumstances, which isn't right way to handle things. there are times when our decisions actually rely on our surroundings, people and circumstances and that time we have to take suitable decisions by taking into account the goodwill of other people and the possible impacts as well. but this doesn't mean we become the victim of circumstances instantly but we can still take the responsibility of our own actions unless the surroundings isn't giving us many options and we are left with one option which may not give us desirable results either for us or them. we also have to understand that sometimes it happens that despite being in a similar situation, two people may have completely different and sometimes limited options, which may be the reason for their specific decision making because they also have to be aware of how their decisions will affect the people around them. being victim of circumstances: victim of circumstances refers to an individual who has been negatively impacted by their own choices and decisions which were beyond their control. they were placed in a difficult position because of external factors and the restrictions on their freedom to have options to choose. victim of circumstances could be the result of different situation such as social, economical, political and environmental. when we talk about a standard individual that means that person has moral and ethics and they can not always make decisions against their family and people around them. they always have to be aware of the impact on other people and how much it would affect their relationship with them and that is why sometimes they have to make a decision with very limited options. this term implies that we can not always know the part of their stories and why did they have to take that certain decision because it could be completely circumstantially beyond their control that is why we shouldn't make assumptions without knowing the whole story and we should be empathetic and understanding towards those individuals. sometimes we have to make decisions based on only two options either 'this' or 'that'. we have to choose between these two options only, one would affect us in any way negatively or positively and one would affect not only us but our family and people around us negatively. but again we can't be completely sure of the impact of 'this' and 'that' on us and the society or family around us. in that situation, a normal human being will choose the option with lesser negative impact on the people around them. even sometimes if one option has positive impacts on us but if that option is affecting our relationship with our family and society then we try to choose the other option because that is what should be done ethically. but even if the impact is negative, people shouldn't blame the person for making that choice that were based and made upon societal and situational restrictions. life experiences: life is a teacher and every day we learn something from it. some things from good experiences by making good decisions and sometimes by making bad decisions. but it is true that bad choices make us learn a lot of things in the contrast to good ones. whenever we make bad decisions sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, but it is obligatory for us to take the responsibility for our own actions. same as we like to take the credit when the outcomes are desirable for us. but again the question is: to what extent we should take the responsibility for our actions no matter what the results are? in this assignment we are asked to relate our life experiences to the topic and write about it. in my case, i've chosen this topic because it piqued my interest during our class and i wanted to explore these terms and really wanted to understand when should i take the responsibility, when should i blame the circumstances, and if i can be both responsible for my actions and victim of circumstances at the same time? as i've read in a research paper by -"we can be responsible even when we are not morally to blame or legally liable for our actions. we can be responsible for unintended aspects or outcomes of our conduct and for actions performed when we are not fully capable of acting rationally or when our freedom is restricted." according to him we can take the responsibility of our actions even during those time when we are morally not liable for the taken actions or decisions when our freedom is restricted. it's true and i completely agree with him. but is it actually morally appropriate for the people to blame one person even when they don't deserve it? these kind of thoughts made me relate my life experiences with this topic and to analyze it with a very different perspective now. at some point of my life i chose a subject (which i don't like) to please my father also when i was in 11th standard, my father asked me to appear in a competitive exam and i did it without thinking much about it. but i surprisingly achieved good rank and then my father suggested that i should leave intermediate and go for the diploma studies. i had no interest in fashion designing at all but again just to make him feel proud, i decided to do what he wanted me to do. again i had options but i chose the other one only so i won't be a disappointment to him. i had options in both situations and that's why whatever consequences i would face, it's obligatory for me to take the responsibility for my own actions or choices. i can not blame this on my father in any way. this was the examples of when i completely take the responsibility for my own actions but there are many instances where i'm still unable to decide if i should take the responsibility of my actions or should i blame the circumstances? during my diploma, we were required to do an internship in a different city and my marks were also based on it. however, at that time, my father said i could not go to another city for an internship and it did not matter if it affected my marks and my all over performance during academic year. that was the time when i had no other option left but to comply what he said because one, it was simply ethical for me to not go against my parents, and two, i was just a student with no source of income, so it would have been only him who could have sent me with his money. did i have a choice in that matter? if i scored less than other students, do i deserve to be blame for it? was it entirely my fault? even if i decided to go against his wishes, where would i have gotten the money from? so that's where i believe i was the victim of circumstances or i could blame circumstances and society for making it a norm that children should always respect their parents and do not go against their wishes because societal norms play a big role in decision making as well. during the last days of our diploma, our college conducted a placement program and i got selected for a company in delhi. again, my father restricted me from joining that company. later in two years, i applied for several jobs and got selected in big brand companies. however, my father found excuse to say 'no' by telling that salary was not enough, he couldn't allow me to work until 9. he would refuse to let me take a job that required training, he would simply say "no, find a job which is without training, have good salary and allow you to leave at evening". he had a lot of conditions. in all those cases, i had two choices: i could either go completely against him and leave home without any money or just do what he said. what if i had chosen the first option and left home? i would have many consequences, such as being frowned upon by society for taking that step, being a disappointment to my family, bringing shame to my family, and facing personal consequences such as trying to survive without any money, no place to live, and other such things. when i chose the second option, now i ended up wasting almost 6 years of my life and could not establish a successful career even after trying so many times. people ask me about my diploma and make fun of me for not doing anything with that. i had to choose a different path and started pursuing bachelor's degree in arts. he didn't like the idea of me studying something other than science but for the first time, i took a stand and other members of family supported me. same thing happened when i decided to take admission in the university. he didn't like the fact that i was going to pursue master's degree in arts instead of science. he didn't completely stop me this time but now he restricts me from going to the university daily. i live at the distance of 60+ kms and i have to travel by bus. the total cost of my one day travel is around 200 rupees and he says it's better to stay home and study. now i do not have a choice in this case either because it's his money and only he has the right to allow me to use it when or how. it will surely affect my internal marks which are based on attendance but do i actually have a choice in this case? and when i would score less than other students, would it be my fault? those are the cases where i don't want to be called victim of circumstances but i am. these are the things people don't know about me, and if the topic were to arise, they would blame me for not doing the job, for not building career, for not attending classes and getting fewer marks than i deserve. it's not their fault or my father's and my fault either. it's our upbringing. it's the society we grew up in, where letting girls work in another city, far from home and working at night isn't the thing people appreciate. whether we accept it or not, at some point we have to make decisions by keeping those things in our mind as well. i do not want to blame the society, my father and even circumstances as long as people don't blame me for those actions which i had to take when my freedom of choice was restricted and i had very limited options. the phrase "easier said than done" can be very applicable here. it's easy to say that you should have done this and that or you could have handled things differently but they won't actually understand the enigma unless they've faced the same situation. just because i don't want to completely take the responsibility for what happened that does not mean that i gave up putting efforts and i am not trying to improve myself. i'm still trying and learning and i will keep learning.


最后更新: 2023-10-09
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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