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rhaid i chi llawer o waith pryd cymrd amser stopio



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rwy’n cyfaddau bydd rhaid i mi wneud llawer o waith dros y dwy fis nesaf i gyrraedd lle y dylwn i fod, ond gobeithio bod yr adroddiad hwn yn dangos bod hyn wedi dechrau digwydd.


i recognise that there is much work to be done over the next two months in order to reach the point that i should be at, but i hope that this report demonstrates that this has started to happen.

最后更新: 2007-10-02
使用频率: 1


fodd bynnag , rhaid i bawb yng nghymru sylweddoli bod llawer o waith i'w wneud o hyd , yn enwedig gan y swyddogion , gan swyddfa ariannu ewropeaidd cymru a chan y pwyllgor monitro


however , everyone in wales must realise that there is still much work to be done , especially by the officials , by the welsh european funding office and by the monitoring committee

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


wel, mae gwynt teg wedi chwythu hyd yn hyn, ond ni fyddai' r gêm yn llawer o hwyl heb elynion. maent hwythau ar ôl yr aur, ond yn waeth fyth, maent ar eich ôl chi! byddwch yn marw os y llwyddent eich dal, ond efallai bydd ganddoch ambell fywyd ar ôl ac yn gallu dechrau eto. gallwch oresgyn gelynion drwy redeg i ffwrdd, palu twll, neu eu denu i ardal o' r maes lle ni allent ddianc. os byddai gelyn yn syrthio i mewn i dwll, bydd yn gollwng unrhyw aur y mae' n ei gario, yna' n aros yn y twll am ychydig cyn dringo allan. os bydd y twll yn cau tra ei fod ynddo, bydd yn marw ac yn ailymddangos yn rhywle arall ar y maes. gallwch ladd gelynion yn fwriadol drwy balu sawl twll yn olynol. yn bwysicach fyth, gallwch redeg ar draws ben gelyn. fe fydd yn rhaid i chi wneud hyn ar ddechrau' r lefel yma. palwch dwll, arhoswch i' r gelyn syrthio i mewn, yna rhedwch drosto cyn i' r llall ddal i fyny â chi...


well, it has been nice and easy up to now, but the game would be no fun without enemies. they are after the gold too: worse still they are after you! you die if they catch you, but maybe you will have a few lives left and can start again. you can handle enemies by running away, digging a hole or luring them into part of the playing area where they get stranded. if an enemy falls into a hole, he gives up any gold he is carrying, then gets stuck in the hole for a time and climbs out. if the hole closes while he is in it, he dies and reappears somewhere else on the screen. you can deliberately kill enemies by digging several holes in a row. more importantly, you can run over an enemy's head. you should do that right at the start of this level. dig a hole, trap the enemy, wait for him to fall all the way in, then run over him, with the other enemy in hot pursuit... if you are feeling stressed, you can hit the pause key at any time (default p or esc) and take a break. hit it again when you wish to continue.

最后更新: 2011-10-23
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


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