您搜索了: weithiau mae'n well dim ond i fod yn dawel (威尔士语 - 英语)







weithiau mae'n well dim ond i fod yn dawel



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dywedais wrtho ef i fod yn dawel hefyd


i also told him to be quiet

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


mae'n debyg fy mod yn gwybod yr ateb yng nghefn fy meddwl , ond i fod yn siwr , fe ysgrifennaf atoch am hynny


i probably know the answer in the back of my mind , but , just to make sure , i will write to you on that

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


dim ond eu gorfodi i fod yn bresennol i'w hateb y gellir ei wneud , a digwyddodd hynny heddiw


they can only be required to be present to answer them , and that happened today

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


nododd jenny randerson ein bod ni i gyd yn hoffi cwricwlwm eang , dim ond i'n maes ni fod yn un craidd


jenny randerson indicated that we all like a broad curriculum as long as our area is core

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


dywedoch wrthyf i fod yn dawel ar ôl eiliad neu ddwy ond cafodd ein ffrind david davies tua phum munud i siarad


you told me to be quiet after a second or two but our friend david davies was allowed around five minutes to speak

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


nid wyf am ddefnyddio iaith anseneddol , ond , i fod yn blwmp ac yn blaen , mae'n dweud celwydd


i do not want to use unparliamentary language , but , frankly , he is lying

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


dim ond mewn llys ynadon y gellir rhoi troseddau diannod ar brawf ac maent yn tueddu i fod yn fwy dibwys os gall fod dibwysedd mewn tramgwydd troseddol


summary only offences can only be tried in a magistrates ' court and tend to be more trivial if indeed there can be triviality when it comes to a criminal offence

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


dim ond nifer penodol o ffermwyr sydd wedi gallu ymuno â'r rhaglen hon gan nad yw ond i fod i wasanaethu nifer cyfyngedig o ffermwyr


only a certain number of farmers have been able to join this programme because it is only supposed to serve a limited number of farmers

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


yr oedd amheuon bod pobl yn dylanwadu'n amhriodol y tu ôl i ddrysau caeedig , a gwyddwn am nifer o bobl a oedd wedi ymuno â'r seiri rhyddion dim ond am eu bod yn teimlo'i fod yn ffordd i ddringo'r ysgol


there were suspicions of undue influence being exercised behind closed doors , and i knew several people who had joined the freemasons solely because they felt that it was a way to get on

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


os na chaiff problemau eu nodi'n ddigon cynnar , gall y canlyniadau fod yn ddifrifol , nid dim ond i'r plant , ond i'w rhieni a'u gofalwyr


if problems are not picked up early enough , the consequences can be severe , not just for the children , but for their parents and carers

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


wel, roedd yr urdd yn cynnal gemau pel droes yng nghaerffili ac aeth mam a fi yno. ond ches i ddim chwarae achos dim ond chwech oed oeddwn i ac yn rhy ifanc i fod yn y tim.


oh well, the guild maintains foot ball games in caerphilly and mother and i went there. but i did not play cause i was only six years old and too young to be in the team.

最后更新: 2013-01-03
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


a ydynt wedi cael winc fach i awgrymu y gallai fod rhagor o arian ar gael , dim ond i lafur ffurfio clymblaid â'r democratiaid rhyddfrydol yn y cynulliad cenedlaethol ? os ydynt wedi cael winc o'r fath , credaf ei fod yn briodol ein bod yn cael gwybod hynny


have they had a little wink to suggest that more money could be available , as long as labour form a coalition with the liberal democrats in the national assembly ? if they have been given such a wink , i think that it is appropriate that we be informed of that

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


dim ond 84 o eiriau a neilltuir i'r prif ffynhonnell arian arall , sef amcanion 1 , 2 a 3 -- sylw wrth fynd heibio i fod yn ymwybodol o'i bodolaeth -- er gwaethaf y £1 .2 biliwn sydd ar gael


the other major funding source , objectives 1 , 2 and 3 , is covered in only 84 words -- a passing thought to be aware of its existence -- despite the £1 .2 billion on offer

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


a fydd cynghorau iechyd cymuned unigol yn atebol i'r corff ar gyfer cymru gyfan neu a fyddant yn atebol i chi , fel gweinidog , ac i ann lloyd , fel cyfarwyddwraig gig cymru , neu ai dim ond i chi y byddant yn atebol ? rhaid inni fod yn glir ynghylch atebolrwydd o fewn y sefydliadau hyn


will individual community health councils report to the all-wales body or will they be accountable to you , as minister , and to ann lloyd as the director of nhs wales , or only directly accountable to you ? we must be clear about where accountability lies within these organisations

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


maent felly yn dod dan ddwy reol sefydlog benodol : rhifau 22 .32 a 22 .33 , sy'n caniatáu i'r pwyllgor gwaith , cyhyd â'i fod yn efelychu'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn lloegr , wneud dim ond gosod y rheoliadau gerbron y cynulliad


therefore they come under two specific standing orders : nos 22 .32 and 22 .33 , which allow the executive , providing it mirrors what is happening in england , to simply lay regulations before the assembly

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


dengys y pumed rhifyn o poverty : the facts , gan y grŵp gweithredu tlodi plant , fod y du yn parhau i fod yn rhanedig iawn a bellach dim ond mecsico sydd â record waeth o ran anghydraddoldeb rhanbarthol yn y byd diwydiannol


the fifth edition of poverty : the facts , by the child poverty action group , shows that the uk continues to be seriously divided and is now second only to mexico in having the worst regional inequality in the industrial world

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


sut y gallant ymdopi â'r 24 gorchwyl eleni os nad oes digon o arian ar gael ? a fwriadwch gymryd arian a oedd i fod i gadw ysgolion gwledig bach yn agored drwy ystyried ffurfio ffederasiynau a dulliau o gydweithredu rhwng athrawon ? a fydd yr arian hwnnw'n diflannu'n llwyr dim ond i dalu am yr ymrwymiad i weithredu'r cytundeb baich gwaith ?


how can they cope with the 24 tasks this year when the money is not there ? do you intend to take away money that was intended to keep small rural schools open by looking at federation and ways in which teachers could co-operate ? will that money disappear altogether just to cover the commitment to implement the workload agreement ?

最后更新: 2009-11-19
使用频率: 1

参考: Translated.com


hello, yr wyf russel martin o'r almaen, ac yr wyf yn awyddus i ddefnyddio'r cyfle hwn i er-rybuddio pawb yma i fod yn wyliadwrus o fenthycwyr benthyciad bob sy'n peri i fod yn real. maent i gyd yn sgamiau ac yn ffug ac mae eu bwriad yw rip chi am eich arian a enillir caled. rydw i wedi syrthio dioddefwr i gwmnïau benthyciadau hyn ond nid oedd yn gallu rhoi benthyciad gofynnaf am nes i mi ddod ar draws mrs regina o regina morganloan firm mi. mae hi'n cynnig i mi benthyciad ar gyfradd llog fforddiadwy o 2% gyda dim ond ychydig ffurfioldebau a gofynion. ar ôl i mi gyfarfod y telerau ac amodau y cwmni, fy swm y benthyciad o $ 100,000 gymeradwyo, ac i fy syndod mwyaf, cafodd ei drosglwyddo i mewn i fy nghyfrif banc yn llai na 24 awr. gallwch gysylltu â mrs. regina drwy ei e-bost reginamorganloanfirm@gmail.com neu reginaloanfirm@yahoo.com a gallwch hefyd gysylltu â mi ar fy martinrussel231@gmail.com gmail dwi yn unig tystio o mrs. regina ewyllys da a'r cymorth hi rendro i mi a fy nheulu ac yr wyf hefyd am i chi fod yn fuddiolwr ei chynnig benthyciad. diolch yn fawr.


hello, i am russel martin from germany, and i want to use this opportunity to for-warn everyone here to beware of all loan lenders that poses to be real. they are all scams and fake and their intention is to rip you of your hard earned money. i have fallen victim to these loan companies but none were able to give me the loan i seek until i came across mrs. regina from regina morganloan firm. she offered me a loan at an affordable interest rate of 2% with just a few formalities and requirements. after i met the company terms and conditions, my loan amount of $100,000 was approved and to my greatest surprise, it was transferred into my bank account in less than 24 hours. you can contact mrs. regina through her email reginamorganloanfirm@gmail.com or reginaloanfirm@yahoo.com and you can also contact me on my gmail martinrussel231@gmail.com i am only testifying of mrs. regina good will and the help she rendered to me and my family and i also want you to be a beneficiary of her loan offer. thank you.

最后更新: 2015-06-08
使用频率: 1

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