您搜索了: influence (尼泊尔语 - 英语)











最后更新: 2013-10-26
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causes of addiction are influence of bad company , broken home or conflict in family , feeling of loneliness, wrong role model, mental tension , etc


addiction is an unusually great interest in something or need to do or have something . it includes all kinds of bad habits affecting the health of individual, family and society, etc. a strong and harmful need to regularly have drugs or to gamble is the major addiction in our society.

最后更新: 2021-07-05
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


create your essay with chatgpt! new myessaybook site logo high-school essay essay on side effects of mobile – intro , short essay, long essay side effects of mobile – 250 and 500 words essay index introduction 250 words essay on side effects of mobile 500 words essay on side effects of mobile introduction advancements in technology has simplified our day to day life. one of the examples of these advancements is of cellphones. they have become the basic necessities in both personal and professional life. without them, life would become a lot difficult to manage on both these fronts. but, despite of its uses in our daily life, it is important to be aware of the abuses caused due to it. 250 words essay on side effects of mobile mobile phone is a very useful and essential gadget in our daily life. when used in moderation does not cause much harm. it is only when people use it unnecessarily and excessively, it leads to troubles. talking over mobile phones for several minutes to hours over useless and insignificant topics is simply a waste of time. it is one of the commonest abuses of this technological gadget. doctors keep cautioning people that excessive and continuous use of phones is damaging for the health of a person. the rays that emit from these phones can lead to hearing problems and can impact other organs too over a prolonged period of excessive usage. another common abuse includes listening to high volume music. this is especially seen among teenagers who have a tendency to keep their phone in their pockets and put ear phones in their ears. this is a very common sight among people. they walk or drive on busy roads, or listen to high volume music. this makes them incapable to listen to the horn of an approaching vehicle. by not taking timely action it causes casualties. a lot of injuries happen in this way on a day to day basis. mobile phones can be very annoying sometimes. its multipurpose use, and easy accessibility to internet has created problems related to user’s privacy. nowadays, it has become mandatory to enter the phone number in every form or a new facility that we wish to take. due to which people get annoyed by unwanted and unnecessary marketing calls that aims to sell their product. people get disturbed taking calls from marketing executives, insurance agents, etc. to buy their product, avail loan etc. who are not keen in any of these services. 500 words essay on side effects of mobile disadvantages of mobile phones mobile phones reduce communication between people widespread use of these phones has reduced face to face interaction between people. now a days, they simply take their cellphone and dial a number. meetings and in person interaction is now replaced by phone calls. our interaction has become limited to a comment on social networking websites or a chat over phone. waste of a lot of time these days people have got addicted to the use of cell phones. in every few minutes, they have a habit of checking their mails and social media accounts. doing this in work hours is definitely not a right thing to do. it not just distracts employees from work, but also waste their time and reduces work productivity. bad influence on studies not just to professionals and youths, mobile phones are also harmful for students too. lack of supervision and control can easily make them addicted. most of the students have seen to get additive to their mobile phones a lot. they are found to play games, watching movies and chatting with friends on it. when their eyes are glued to their phone screen all the time, then when will they get the time to study. it will definitely lead them to poor grades. possibility of accidents mobile phones can result in accidents too. several people are seen to drive or walk while putting earphones in their ears. as they are unable to pay complete attention on the road and vehicles, it poses chances of an accident. health issues research has claimed that mobile phones causes a negative influence on a person’s health. if you use cell phone for longer hours, then it can lead to acute health issues. prolonged exposure to cell phones, in the form of talking or looking at the screen, can cause strain to your eyes. the blue light emits from this device can impair the working of your brain that can lead to several critical ailments. people who have a habit of checking their phones even at the time of sleeping, experience damage to eye sight, headache, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness and headache. lack of attention to family with growing use of mobile phones, people have become disconnected to their own family members. nowadays, parents want to talk to their children after when they reach home after work but they are found to be busy on this technology gadget. an addiction to mobile phones has made people less empathetic and sensitive too. waste of money mobile phones are one of the major expenses that people do these days. people are seen to be crazy after latest versions, and features, that they can put any amount to buy it. off course, a few of them also indulge in this expensive shopping to show off others or peer pressure. technologies keep changing and new features keep getting introduced in the market. spending thousands of bucks on a device that has to be replaced in three to four years is not the wise thing to do. also, it is not going to give you much value at the time of selling it. essay on mobile phone 250 words home search essay creator contact terms & conditions © 2023 myessaybook, inc. all rights reserved.


最后更新: 2023-10-11
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