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as far as



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for the salvation of mankind, she gave up her rights as the mother of her son and sacrificed him for the reconciliation of divine justice, as far as she was permitted to do.


for the salvation of mankind, she gave up her rights as the mother of her son and sacrificed him for the reconciliation of divine justice, "as far as she was permitted to do".

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1



==history==the avoidant personality has been described in several sources as far back as the early 1900s, although it was not so named for some time.


==history==the avoidant personality has been described in several sources as far back as the early 1900s, although it was not so named for some time.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1


and no interest compensation shall be payable if and in so far as funds resulting from non-settled payment orders were placed in the market or used to fulfil minimum reserve requirements .


and no interest compensation shall be payable if and in so far as funds resulting from non-settled payment orders were placed in the market or used to fulfil minimum reserve requirements .

最后更新: 2011-10-23
使用频率: 1


as far as the labour market is concerned, the key challenge remains the high concentration of unemployment and inactivity in certain communities.Όσον αφορά την αγορά εργασίας, το κύριο πρόβλημα εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί η μεγάλη συγκέντρωση της ανεργίας και της αεργίας σε ορισμένες κοινότητες.


as far as the labour market is concerned, the key challenge remains the high concentration of unemployment and inactivity in certain communities.

最后更新: 2017-04-06
使用频率: 1



Για να δώσω ένα παράδειγμα, στην παράγραφο 4 και στην παράγραφο 5 τόσο της ολλανδικής όσο και της γερμανικής μετάφρασης λείπουν τέσσερεις λέξεις, και συγκεκριμένα η αγγλική φράση" in so far as".


to give you an example, in both paragraphs 4 and 5 of the dutch and german versions, the equivalents of the english words:" in so far as " have been omitted.

最后更新: 2012-03-22
使用频率: 3



and ( iii ) no interest compensation shall be payable if and in so far as funds resulting from non-settled payment orders were placed in the market or used to fulfil minimum reserve requirements .


and ( iii ) no interest compensation shall be payable if and in so far as funds resulting from non-settled payment orders were placed in the market or used to fulfil minimum reserve requirements .

最后更新: 2011-10-23
使用频率: 1


* "the end of eternity" (1955) ** "fantastic voyage" (1966) (λογοτεχνική εκδοχή της ταινίας)* "the gods themselves" (1972)* "" (1987) (δεν είναι σίκουελ του "fantastic voyage")* "nemesis" (1989) ** "nightfall" (1990), με τον robert silverberg (διήγημα του Ασίμωφ που έγινε βιβλίο από τον silverberg)* "the ugly little boy" (1992), με τον robert silverberg (aka: "child of time") (διήγημα του Ασίμωφ που έγινε βιβλίο από τον silverberg)* "the positronic man" (1993) *, με τον robert silverberg====Μυθιστορήματα====* "the death dealers" (1958), γνωστό και ως "a whiff of death"* "murder at the aba" (1976), γνωστό και ως "authorized murder"=====Σειρά black widowers=====* "tales of the black widowers" (1974)* "more tales of the black widowers" (1976)* "casebook of the black widowers" (1980)* "banquets of the black widowers" (1984)* "puzzles of the black widowers" (1990)* "the return of the black widowers" (2003)* "asimov's mysteries" (1968)* "the key word and other mysteries" (1977)* "the union club mysteries" (1983)* "the disappearing man and other mysteries" (1985)* "the best mysteries of isaac asimov" (1986)====Εκλαϊκευμένη επιστήμη====Συλλογές Δοκιμίων του Ασίμωφπου εκδόθηκαν αρχικά σε μηναία στήλη στο περιοδικό magazine of fantasy and science fiction# "fact and fancy" (1962)# "view from a height" (1963)# "adding a dimension" (1964)# "of time, space, & other things" (1965)# "from earth to heaven" (1966)# "science, numbers and i" (1968)# "the solar system and back" (1970)# "the stars in their courses" (1971)# "the left hand of the electron" (1972)# "the tragedy of the moon" (1973)# "asimov on astronomy" (1974) isbn 978-0-517-27924-3# "asimov on chemistry" (1974)# "of matters great & small" (1975)# "asimov on physics" (1976) isbn 978-0-385-00958-4# "the planet that wasn't" (1976)# "asimov on numbers" (1976)# "quasar, quasar, burning bright" (1977)# "road to infinity" (1979)# "the sun shines bright" (1981)# "counting the eons" (1983)# "x stands for unknown" (1984)# "the subatomic monster" (1985)# "far as human eye could see" (1987)# "the relativity of wrong" (1988)# "asimov on science: a 30 year retrospective 1959-1989" (1989)# "out of the everywhere" (1990)# "the secret of the universe" (1991)* "the chemicals of life" (1954) isbn 978-0-451-62418-5* "inside the atom" (1956) isbn 978-0-200-71444-0* "only a trillion" (science essay collection) (1957) isbn 978-0-441-63121-6* "building blocks of the universe" (1957; revised 1974) isbn 0-200-71099-0 isbn 978-0200710992* "the world of carbon" (1958) isbn 978-0-02-091350-4* "the world of nitrogen" (1958) isbn 978-0-02-091400-6* "words of science and the history behind them" (1959) isbn 978-0-395-06571-6* "the clock we live on" (1959) isbn 978-0-200-71100-5* "asimov on numbers" (1959) isbn 978-0-517-37145-9* "the wellsprings of life" (1960) isbn 978-0-451-03245-4* "life and energy" (1962) isbn 978-0-380-00942-8* "" (1963) isbn 978-0-451-02430-5, isbn 978-0-451-62707-0* "" (1963) isbn 978-0-451-62867-1* "planets for man" (with stephen h. dole) (1964, reprinted by rand 2007) isbn 978-0-8330-4226-2* "the intelligent man's guide to science" (1965)** Ο τίτλος άλλαξε σε κάθε έκδοση, ο τελευταίος ήταν "asimov's new guide to science" (1984) isbn 978-0-14-017213-3* "" (1966) isbn 978-0-380-01596-2* "the neutrino" (1966) asin b002jk525w** "understanding physics vol.


"child of time") (short story written by asimov, novelized by silverberg)* "the positronic man" (1993) *, with robert silverberg====short-story collections===="see also isaac asimov short stories bibliography"===mysteries=======novels====* "the death dealers" (1958), republished as "a whiff of death"* "murder at the aba" (1976), also published as "authorized murder"====short-story collections=========black widowers series=====* "tales of the black widowers" (1974)* "more tales of the black widowers" (1976)* "casebook of the black widowers" (1980)* "banquets of the black widowers" (1984)* "puzzles of the black widowers" (1990)* "the return of the black widowers" (2003)=====other mysteries=====* "asimov's mysteries" (1968)* "the key word and other mysteries" (1977)* "the union club mysteries" (1983)* "the disappearing man and other mysteries" (1985)* "the best mysteries of isaac asimov" (1986)===nonfiction=======popular science====collections of asimov's essaysoriginally published as monthly columns in the "magazine of fantasy and science fiction# "fact and fancy" (1962)# "view from a height" (1963)# "adding a dimension" (1964)# "of time and space and other things" (1965)# "from earth to heaven" (1966)# "science, numbers, and i" (1968)# "the solar system and back" (1970)# "the stars in their courses" (1971)# "the left hand of the electron" (1972)# "the tragedy of the moon" (1973)# "asimov on astronomy" (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1974) isbn 978-0-517-27924-3# "asimov on chemistry" (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1974)# "of matters great and small" (1975)# "asimov on physics" (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1976) isbn 978-0-385-00958-4# "the planet that wasn't" (1976)# "asimov on numbers" (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1976)# "quasar, quasar, burning bright" (1977)# "the road to infinity" (1979)# "the sun shines bright" (1981)# "counting the eons" (1983)# "x stands for unknown" (1984)# "the subatomic monster" (1985)# "far as human eye could see" (1987)# "the relativity of wrong" (1988)# "asimov on science: a 30 year retrospective 1959-1989" (features the first essay in the introduction) (1989)# "out of the everywhere" (1990)# "the secret of the universe" (1991)other science books by asimov* "the chemicals of life" (1954) isbn 978-0-451-62418-5* "inside the atom" (1956) isbn 978-0-200-71444-0* "only a trillion" (science essay collection) (1957) isbn 978-0-441-63121-6* "building blocks of the universe" (1957; revised 1974) isbn 0-200-71099-0 isbn 978-0200710992* "the world of carbon" (1958) isbn 978-0-02-091350-4* "the world of nitrogen" (1958) isbn 978-0-02-091400-6* "words of science and the history behind them" (1959) isbn 978-0-395-06571-6* "the clock we live on" (1959) isbn 978-0-200-71100-5* "breakthroughs in science" (1959) isbn 978-0-395-06561-7* "realm of numbers" (1959) isbn 978-0-395-06566-2* "realm of measure" (1960)* "the wellsprings of life" (1960) isbn 978-0-451-03245-4* "life and energy" (1962) isbn 978-0-380-00942-8* "" (1963) isbn 978-0-451-02430-5, isbn 978-0-451-62707-0 (revised)* "" (1963) isbn 978-0-451-62867-1* "planets for man" (with stephen h. dole) (1964, reprinted by rand 2007) isbn 978-0-8330-4226-2* "the intelligent man's guide to science" (1965)** the title varied with each of the four editions, the last being "asimov's new guide to science" (1984) isbn 978-0-14-017213-3* "" (1966) isbn 978-0-380-01596-2* "the neutrino" (1966) asin b002jk525w** "understanding physics vol.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1



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