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31. b - bergpartei, die "Überpartei"


31. b - bergpartei, die "Überpartei"

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1



* 2013: erstmalige zulassung der "bergpartei, die Überpartei" zur bundestagswahl.


the party merged 2011 with the squatters party "Überpartei" into bergpartei, die "Überpartei".

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 2



bergpartei, die „Überpartei“ (kurzbezeichnung: b) ist eine in berlin aktive deutsche kleinpartei.


bergpartei, die "Überpartei" is an anarchist, dadaist party in berlin (germany).

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 2



* albanien:** sozialistische partei albaniens** partei der arbeit (paa), kommunistisch* armenien: armenische kommunistische partei* aserbaidschan:** aserbaidschanische kommunistische partei, kommunistisch** aserbaidschanische sozialistische sowjetrepublik (1920–1991): kommunistische partei der aserbaidschanischen ssr* belgien:** partei der arbeit belgiens, kommunistisch** (wallonie): parti communiste** (flandern): kommunistische partij* bulgarien: bulgarische kommunistische partei* dänemark:** socialistisk folkeparti (sf), grün, demokratisch-sozialistisch** enhedslisten - de rød-grønne (el), linkssozialistisch, grün-sozialistisch* dänemark-färöer: tjóðveldi (t; republik), separatistisch, grün-sozialistisch* dänemark-grönland:** inuit ataqatigiit (ia; gemeinschaft der inuit), separatistisch, demokratisch-sozialistisch** partii inuit (pi; inuitpartei), separatistisch, grün-sozialistisch* deutschland:** kommunistische partei deutschlands (kpd), 1919-1946/1956, 1956 vom bundesverfassungsgericht verboten** kommunistische partei deutschlands (aufbauorganisation) (kpd), 1970-1980, anfangs "kpd-aufbauorganisation"** kommunistische partei deutschlands (1990) (kpd; auch kpd-ost), 1990 von ehemaligen mitgliedern der sed gegründete partei** kommunistische partei deutschlands (bolschewiki), 2005-2011 abspaltung der kpd (1990)** sozialistische einheitspartei deutschlands (sed), 1946 aus der zwangsvereinigung von spd und kpd in der sowjetischen besatzungszone hervorgegangen, regierende partei der ddr (1949–1990) - 1990 umbenennung in pds** pds, 2007 fusion mit der wasg zur partei die linke** sozialistische einheitspartei westberlins (sew), sed-organisation in westberlin** die linke (siehe oben), demokratisch-sozialistisch** deutsche kommunistische partei (dkp), 1968 neukonstituierte kommunistische partei der bundesrepublik deutschland** kommunistischer arbeiterbund deutschlands (kabd), von 1972 bis 1982, maoistisch, gründete 1982 die mlpd** marxistisch-leninistische partei deutschlands (mlpd), 1982 gegründet, maoistisch** kommunistischer bund (kb), von 1971 bis 1991, maoistisch** kommunistischer bund westdeutschland (kbw), von 1973 bis 1985, maoistisch** bund westdeutscher kommunisten (bwk), von 1980 bis 1995, maoistisch, abspaltung des kbw** kommunistische partei deutschlands/marxisten-leninisten (kpd/ml), seit 1968, maoistisch, zerfallen in kpd (roter morgen), kpd/ml (roter stern), kpd (stalinisten-hoxhaisten)** revolutionär sozialistischer bund/vierte internationale (rsb), trotzkistisch** internationale sozialistische linke (isl), trotzkistisch** partei für soziale gleichheit (psg), trotzkistisch** gruppe internationale marxisten (gim), trotzkistisch, aufgelöst** vereinigte sozialistische partei (vsp), trotzkistisch, aufgelöst** linksruck, trotzkistisch, aufgelöst** sozialistische alternative (sav), trotzkistisch** bergpartei, die „Überpartei“, anarchistisch / dadaistisch* estnische ssr (1940–1990):** kommunistische partei estlands* finnland:** vasemmistoliitto (vas; linksbündnis), sozialistisch** kommunistische partei finnlands (kpfi)* frankreich:** parti communiste français (pcf), kommunistisch** mouvement républicain et citoyen (mrc), sozialistisch** fédération pour une alternative sociale et Écologique (fase), ökosozialistisch, antikapitalistisch** parti de gauche (pg), demokratisch sozialistisch** ligue communiste révolutionnaire** lutte ouvrière (arbeiterpartei)* georgien:** georgische arbeiterpartei* griechenland:** kommunistische partei griechenlands (griechisches kürzel: kke)** synaspismos* großbritannien:** british socialist party** communist party of britain** communist party of britain (marxist-leninist)** communist party of great britain** communist party of scotland** independent labour party** new communist party of britain** respect party** revolutionary communist party** social democratic federation** socialist labour party** socialist labour party** socialist party, marxistisch** socialist party of great britain** socialist workers party, trotzkistisch* großbritannien-nordirland/irland: sinn féin (sf), irisch-nationalistisch, demokratisch-sozialistisch* irland:** people before profit alliance (pbp), trotzkistisch** socialist party (sp), trotzkistisch** socialist party of ireland von 1971 bis 1980, kommunistisch* island: vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð (vg; linksgrüne bewegung), grün-sozialistisch* italien:** partito rifondazione comunista (prc), kommunistisch** partito dei comunisti italiani (pdci), kommunistisch** kommunistische partei italiens (pci, "kommunistische partei italiens" – kpi), 1990 umbenannt in partito democratico della sinistra (pds, "demokratische partei der linken")** internationalistische kommunistische partei** internationale kommunistische partei* jugoslawien: bund der kommunisten jugoslawiens (bdkj)* kasachstan: kommunistische partei kasachstans, kommunistisch* kroatien: kommunistische partei kroatiens (republik kroatien)* lettland: latvijas socialistiska partija (lsp; sozialistische partei), kommunistisch* luxemburg:** déi lénk (die linke), sozialistisch** kommunistische partei luxemburgs (kpl; parti communiste luxembourgois; pcl), kommunistisch* moldau:** partidul comuniștilor din republica moldova (pcrm), kommunistisch** blocul electoral patria - rodina (bepr; wahlblock heimat), kommunistisch* niederlande:** socialistische partij (sp), sozialistisch** nieuwe communistische partij-ncpn (ncpn), kommunistisch* norwegen:** sosialistisk folkeparti (sf) von 1961 bis 1975, sozialistisch, kontra-nato/ewr** sosialistisk venstreparti (sv), grün-sozialistisch** rødt, sozialistisch-kommunistisch* Österreich:** sozialistische linkspartei (slp), trotzkistisch** kommunistische partei Österreichs (kpÖ), kommunistisch** linke (linke)** marxistisch-leninistische partei Österreichs (mlpÖ), stalinistisch, maoistisch** arbeiter*innenstandpunkt (ast), trotzkistisch** partei der arbeit Österreichs (pda), kommunistisch* polen:** historisch: kommunistische arbeiterpartei polens, kprp (1918–1938), polska partia robotnicza polnische arbeiterpartei, ppr (1942–1948)** polska zjednoczona partia robotnicza (1948–1989)* portugal:** partido comunista português (pcp), kommunistisch** bloco do esquerda (be), kommunistisch* rumänien: kommunistische partei rumäniens (kpr)* russland:** kommunistische partei der russischen föderation (kprf; kommunistische partei), kommunistisch** rodina - narodno-patriotitscheski sojuz (nps; heimat), national-kommunistisch** kommunisten russlands** kommunistische partei der sozialen gerechtigkeit** russische sozialistische partei* russische sfsr von 1917 bis 1991: kommunistische partei russlands* san marino: rifondazione comunista sammarinese (rcs; rifondazione comunista), kommunistisch, 1991 hervorgegangen aus der aufgelösten kommunistischen partei san marinos* schweden:** vänsterpartiet (vp), sozialistisch** kommunistiska partiet, kommunistisch* schweiz:** alternative linke** partei der arbeit (pda), kommunistisch** solidarités (sol), kommunistisch** kommunistische partei der schweiz (abspaltung von den sozialdemokraten, 1940 verboten)** kommunistische partei der schweiz/marxisten-leninisten** kommunistische partei-opposition** revolutionäre marxistische liga von 1969 bis 1990, 1980 namensänderung in "sozialistische arbeiterpartei" (sap)* serbien:** kommunistische partei (serbien) (kp; kommunistische partei (serbien)), seit 2010** socijalistička partija srbije (sozialistische partei serbiens sps), seit 1990* slowakei: komunistická strana slovenska (kss; kommunistische partei), kommunistisch* sowjetunion: kommunistische partei der sowjetunion (kpdsu)* spanien:** kommunistische partei der völker spaniens (pcpe)** izquerda unida (iu), sozialistisch** partido comunista de españa, (pce)** podemos** poum (partido obrero de unificación marxista), historisch** spanien-aragonien: chunta aragonesista (cha), sozialistisch** spanien-galizien: bloque nacionalista galego (bng), sozialistisch** spanien-katalonien: esquerra republicana de catalunya (erc), sozialistisch* tschechische republik:** komunistická strana Čech a moravy (ksČm; kommunistische partei), kommunistisch** strana demokratického socialismu (sds; partei des demokratischen sozialismus (tschechien)), demokratisch-sozialistisch* tschechoslowakei: kommunistische partei der tschechoslowakei (kpc), historisch* türkei:** kommunistische partei der türkei (tkp, 2001-2014)** kommunistische partei (kp, seit 2014)** kommunistische volkspartei der türkei (htkp, seit 2014)** partei der freiheit und solidarität (Ödp, seit 1996)** türkische kommunistische partei/marxisten leninisten (tkp/ml)** marxistisch-leninistische kommunistische partei (mlkp, seit 1994)** revolutionäre volksbefreiungspartei-front (dhkp-c, seit 1993)** arbeiterpartei (türkei) (İp, seit 1992)** arbeiterpartei der türkei (tİp, 1961–1988)** dev-genç (1965–1971)** revolutionäre linke (dev sol, 1978–1993)** revolutionärer weg (dev yol, seit 1977)** "siehe auch: liste der kommunistischen parteien der türkei"* ukraine:** komunistytschna partija ukrajiny (kpu; kommunistische partei), kommunistisch** progresyvna sozialistytschna partija ukrajiny (pspu; fortschrittlich-sozialistische partei), kommunistisch* ukrainische ssr (1919–1991): kommunistische partei der ukraine* ungarn:** magyar kommunista párt (mkp; ab 1918)** magyar dolgozók pártja (mdp; partei der ungarischen werktätigen), 1948 aus dem zusammenschluss von kp und sp hervorgegangen, regierende partei ungarns, 1956 aufgelöst** magyar szocialista munkáspárt (mszmp; ungarische sozialistische arbeiterpartei) (1956–1989), nachfolgerin der mdp, regierende partei ungarns bis 1989** magyar kommunista munkáspárt (mkmp; ungarische kommunistische arbeiterpartei), kommunistische abspaltung der mszmp („altkommunisten“)* weißrussland:** kommunistische partei weißrusslands, kpb** weißrussische sozial-sportliche partei** weißrussische vereinigte linkspartei „gerechte welt“* zypern:** anorthotiko komma ergazomenou laou (akel; fortschrittspartei des werktätigen volkes), sozialistisch=== andere kontinente ===* afghanistan: demokratische volkspartei afghanistans (dvpa)* Ägypten:** hizb al-dimuqratiyah al wataniyah (hdw; nationaldemokratische partei), autoritär-sozialistisch** national-progressive unionistische partei (htwtw; national-progressive unionistische partei), kommunistisch** nasseristische partei, arabisch-sozialistisch* algerien:** nationale befreiungsfront, sozialistisch** arbeiterpartei (algerien), trotzkistisch** front sozialistischer kräfte* argentinien:** movimento al socialismo, trotzkistisch** partido comunista revolucionario* Äthiopien:** demokratische volksrepublik Äthiopien (1984–1990): arbeiterpartei Äthiopiens** amharische nationaldemokratische bewegung, marxistisch-leninistisch** gesamtäthiopische sozialistische bewegung, sozialistisch** volksbefreiungsfront von tigray, marxistisch-leninistisch und sozialistisch* benin: volksrevolutionäre partei benins* bolivien: kommunistische partei boliviens (pcb)* brasilien:** partido dos trabalhadores (pt), sozialistisch** partido socialista brasileiro (psb), sozialistisch** partido democrático trabalhista (pdt), sozialistisch** partido popular socialista (pps), sozialistisch** partido comunista brasileiro (pcb), kommunistisch** partido comunista do brasil (pcdob), kommunistisch** partido socialismo e liberdade, linkssozialistisch* chile:** kommunistische partei chiles* republik china (taiwan)** kommunistische partei taiwans (kpt)* volksrepublik china:** kommunistische partei chinas (kpch)* ecuador:** partido comunista del ecuador** partido comunista marxista leninista del ecuador** movimiento popular democrático* eritrea:** volksfront für demokratie und gerechtigkeit (pfdj), früher marxistisch, heute sozialistisch** eritreische befreiungsfront (elf), marxistisch** eritreische volksbefreiungsfront, vorgänger der elf, marxistisch* gambia:** people's democratic organisation for independence and socialism (pdois), sozialistisch** gambian people's party (gpp), von 1987 bis 1994, verboten, sozialistisch** gambian socialist revolutionary party (gsrp), marxistisch und linkssozialistisch* ghana:** convention people's party (cpp), sozialistisch* indien:** communist party of india (marxist) (cpi-m), kommunistisch** samajwadi party (sp), sozialistisch** communist party of india (cpi), kommunistisch* indonesien: kommunistische partei indonesiens* irak:** irakische kommunistische partei** kurdische kommunistische partei** arbeiterkommunistische partei von irak** linke arbeiterkommunistische partei von irak** unabhängige partei der arbeiter kurdistans* iran:** tudeh-partei des iran, marxistisch-leninistisch** arbeiterkommunistische partei irans (api)** sozialistische partei iran (spi)* israel:** chadasch (demokratische front für frieden und gleichberechtigung), sozialistisch-kommunistische listenverbindung, enthält die kommunistische partei (israel)** am ekhad (ae; gewerkschaftspartei), sozialistisch* japan: kommunistische partei japans, reformkommunistisch* jemen: jemenitische sozialistische partei (ysm), demokratisch-sozialistisch* kambodscha: kambodschanische volkspartei (cpp = :en:cambodian people's party) regiert dort als stärkste fraktion in einer koalition mit anderen parteien in einer parlamentarischen monarchie* kirgisistan:** ata-meken, sozialistische unternehmerpartei** partei der kommunisten kirgisistans, nachfolgepartei der kp der kirgisischen ssr** kommunistische partei kirgisistans, kommunistisch* kuba: kommunistische partei kubas (pcc)* kurdistan:** sozialistische partei kurdistans (psk)** arbeiterpartei kurdistans (pkk)** kurdische kommunistische partei (kkp)* laos: laotische revolutionäre volkspartei (lprp bzw.


* - communist party of china leads the united front* - communist party of cuba* - lao people's revolutionary party leads the lao front for national construction* - communist party of vietnam leads the vietnamese fatherland front==communist parties as ruling parties or part of ruling coalition in multi-party states==* - communist party of argentina and communist party of argentina (extraordinary congress) participate in the ruling coalition* - workers party of bangladesh participates in the ruling coalition* - communist party of brazil participates in the ruling coalition* - communist party of chile participates in the ruling coalition* - communist party of the donetsk people's republic participates in ruling coalition* - communist party of ecuador participates in the ruling coalition lead by pais alliance* - communist organization of greece, renewing communist ecological left and movement for the united in action left participate in the ruling coalition* - people's progressive party is a ruling party* - communist party of nepal (unified marxist–leninist) participates in the ruling coalition lead by nepali congress* - popular front for the liberation of palestine and democratic front for the liberation of palestine participates in the ruling coalition* - peruvian communist party participates in the ruling coalition* - south african communist party participates in the ruling coalition* - syrian communist party and syrian communist party (unified) participate in the ruling coalition* - communist party of uruguay and people's victory party participate in the ruling coalition* - communist party of venezuela and tupamaro participate in the ruling coalition==formerly ruling==* (1978–1990) - people's democratic party of afghanistan abandoned marxism–leninism for social democracy* (1944–1991) - party of labour of albania (known from 1941 to 1948 as the communist party of albania)* (1977–1990) - popular movement for the liberation of angola – labour party abandoned marxism–leninism for social democracy* (1975–1989) - people's revolutionary party of benin abandoned marxism–leninism for social democracy* (1944–1948, 1948–1990) - bulgarian communist party* (1976-1979, 1979–1991) - communist party of kampuchea, kampuchian people's revolutionary party* (1970–1990) - congolese party of labour abandoned marxism–leninism for social democracy* (2008–2013) - progressive party of working people* (1948–1989) - communist party of czechoslovakia* (1979–1990) - commission for organizing the party of the working people of ethiopia, workers' party of ethiopia* (1949–1989) - socialist unity party of germany* (1979–1983) - new jewel movement* (1919, 1949–1956, 1956–1989) - hungarian communist party, hungarian working people's party, hungarian socialist workers' party* (1948–1992) - korean workers' party abandoned marxism–leninism for juche* (2001–2009) - party of communists of the republic of moldova* (1921–1991) - mongolian people's revolutionary party (known from 1921 to 1925 as the mongolian people's party) abandoned marxism–leninism for social democracy* (1977–1992) - frelimo party (known from 1962 to 1977 as the mozambique liberation front) abandoned marxism–leninism for social democracy* (1994–1995, 2008–2013) - communist party of nepal (unified marxist-leninist), unified communist party of nepal (maoist) (known from 1994 to 2009 as the communist party of nepal (maoist))* (1945–1989) - polish workers' party, polish united workers' party* (1947–1989) - romanian communist party (known from 1948 to 1965 as the romanian workers' party)* (1945–1957) - sammarinese communist party* (1976–1991) - somali revolutionary socialist party* (1922–1991) - communist party of the soviet union (known from 1918 to 1925 as the russian communist party (bolsheviks) and from 1925 to 1952 as the all-union communist party (bolsheviks))* (1978–1990) - yemeni socialist party* (1943–1990) - league of communists of yugoslavia (known from 1919 to 1952 as the communist party of yugoslavia)==modern (non-ruling)==* abkhazia (unrecognized country) - communist party of abkhazia* afghanistan - communist (maoist) party of afghanistan, afghanistan liberation organization, marxist–leninist organization of afghanistan* albania - communist party of albania, communist party of albania 8 november* algeria - algerian party for democracy and socialism* angola - party of the angolan communist community* argentina - revolutionary communist party of argentina, liberation party* armenia - armenian communist party, united communist party of armenia, progressive united communist party of armenia* australia - communist party of australia, communist party of australia (marxist–leninist)* austria - communist party of austria, party of labour of austria* azerbaijan - azerbaijan communist party, communist party of azerbaijancommunist party of azerbaijan[2011, united communist party of azerbaijan* bahrain - national liberation front – bahrain, progressive democratic tribune* bangladesh - communist party of bangladesh, socialist party of bangladesh, revolutionary workers party of bangladesh, communist party of bangladesh (marxist–leninist)communist party of bangladesh (marxist–leninist)[umar, proletarian party of east bengal, proletarian party of east bengal(maoist bolshevik reorganisation movement), workers peasants socialist party, united communist league of bangladesh* belarus - communist party of belarus, group of revolutionary communists ‘red wedge’, communist party of the workers of belarus, republican committee of the communist party of belarus* belgium - workers' party of belgium, communist party* benin - communist party of benin, marxist–leninist communist party of benin* bhutan - bhutan communist party (marxist–leninist–maoist)* bolivia - communist party of bolivia, people's revolutionary front (marxist−leninist−maoist), communist party (marxist–leninist) of bolivia, communist party (marxist–leninist–maoist) of bolivia* bosnia and herzegovina - workers' communist party of bosnia and herzegovina, communist party* botswana - marx, engels, lenin, stalin movement* brazil - brazilian communist party, revolutionary communist party, free homeland party, marxist–leninist communist party* bulgaria - communist party of bulgaria, bulgarian communist party – marxists, union of communists in bulgaria, party of the bulgarian communists, bulgarian communist party, bulgarian workers' party (communist), resistance movement ‘23rd september’ bulgaria* burkina faso - party for democracy and socialism/metba, voltaic revolutionary communist party* burma - communist party of burma* canada - communist party of canada, communist party of quebec, communist party of canada (marxist–leninist), communist league* chad - chadian action for unity and socialism* chile - chilean communist party (proletarian action), revolutionary left movement* china - maoist communist party of china* colombia - colombian communist party, clandestine colombian communist party, communist party of colombia (marxist–leninist), colombian communist party – maoist, revolutionary communist group of colombia, revolutionary independent labour movement, labour party of colombia, revolutionary party of the workers of colombia* costa rica - popular vanguard party, costa rican people's party* congo - revolutionary organization of congo* côte d'ivoire - revolutionary communist party of côte d'ivoire, proletarian communist party of côte d'ivoire* croatia - socialist labour party of croatia* cyprus - progressive party of working people, committee for a radical left rally* czech republic - communist party of bohemia and moravia, communist party of czechoslovakia – czechoslovak labour party* denmark - communist party of denmark, communist party, workers' communist party, communist party in denmark* dominican republic - dominican workers' party, communist party of labour, international communist party, communist party of the dominican republic, dominican workers' party (marxist–leninist), force of the revolution, communist party (marxist–leninist)* ecuador - communist party of ecuador, marxist–leninist communist party of ecuador, workers' party of ecuador, democratic people's movement, communist party of ecuador – red sun* egypt - egyptian communist party* el salvador - communist party of el salvador* estonia - communist party of estonia* finland - communist party of finland, communist workers' party – for peace and socialism, league of communists* france - french communist party, pole of communist rebirth in france, workers' communist party of france, marxist–leninist communist organization – proletarian way, union of revolutionary communists of france* georgia - communist party of georgia, united communist party of georgia, new communist party of georgia* germany - german communist party, marxist–leninist party of germany, communist party of germany* greece - communist party of greece, marxist–leninist communist party of greece, communist party of greece (marxist–leninist), organization for the reconstruction of the communist party of greece, movement for the reorganization of the communist party of greece 1918–55, communist renewal, left anti-capitalist group, left group, left recomposition, new left current, revolutionary communist movement of greece* guadeloupe - guadeloupe communist party* guatemala - guatemalan party of labour* haiti - new communist party of haiti (marxist–leninist)* honduras - communist party of honduras* hungary - hungarian workers' party, workers' party of hungary 2006, hungarian socialist workers' party* india - communist party of india (marxist), communist party of india, communist party of india (maoist), revolutionary socialist party, revolutionary socialist party of india (marxist–leninist), socialist unity centre of india (communist), communist party of india (marxist–leninist) new democracy, communist party of india (marxist–leninist) liberation, communist party of india (marxist–leninist) naxalbari, communist party of india (marxist–leninist) janashakti, communist party of india (marxist-leninist) red star, communist party of india (marxist–leninist) sanyal, communist party of india (marxist–leninist) mukherjee, provisional central committee, communist party of india (marxist–leninist), communist party of india (marxist–leninist) red flag, communist revolt party of india, communist marxist party, communist party of bharat, communist party of revolutionary marxists, communist party of united states of india, communist revolutionary league of india, communist revolutionary party, workers party of india, peasants and workers party of india, workers party, revolutionary communist party, red flag party, red flag party (leninist), marxist co-ordination committee, marxist communist party of india (united), marxist platform, marxist periarist communist party, marxist–leninist committee, odisha communist party, peoples revolutionary party of india, revolutionary communist centre of india (marxist–leninist–maoist), revolutionary communist party of india, truthseeker communist party, telangana communist party, revolutionary marxist party, forward block, united communist party of india, unity centre of communist revolutionaries of india (marxist–leninist), maoist communist party of manipur* indonesia - indonesia revolutionary* iran - tudeh party of iran, communist party of iran, communist party of iran (marxist–leninist–maoist), labour party of iran, worker-communist party of iran, worker-communist party of iran – hekmatist, worker-communism unity party of iran, workers left unity – iran, fedaian organisation (minority), organization of iranian people's fedai guerrillas, organization of iranian people's fedai guerrillas (in search of identity program), iranian people's fedai guerrillas, toilers' party of iran* iraq - iraqi communist party, worker-communist party of iraq, left worker-communist party of iraq, popular unity party, iraqi revolutionary marxist–leninists regroupment, kurdistan communist party – iraq, worker-communist party of kurdistan* ireland - workers' party of ireland, communist party of ireland, irish republican socialist party* israel - israeli communist party, democratic front for peace and equality, israeli communist forum* italy - communist refoundation party, party of italian communists, italian marxist–leninist party, communist platform, communist party, marxist–leninist italian communist party, movement for peace and socialism, movement for the confederation of the communists, unified communist party of italy* japan - japanese communist party, japanese communist party (action faction), japanese communist party (left faction), japan labor party, workers' communist party in japan, workers socialist league, revolutionary communist league, national committee, japan revolutionary communist league (revolutionary marxist faction)* jordan - jordanian communist party, jordanian democratic people's party* kazakhstan - communist people's party of kazakhstan, communist party of kazakhstan* kenya - social democratic party of kenya* kyrgyzstan - party of communists of kyrgyzstan, communist party of kyrgyzstan* latvia - socialist party of latvia, communist party of latvia* lebanon - lebanese communist party, communist action organization in lebanon* lesotho - communist party of lesotho* lithuania - socialist people's front, communist party of lithuania* luxembourg - communist party of luxembourg, communist organization of luxembourg* macedonia - league of communists of macedonia, union of tito's left forces, communist party of macedonia* madagascar - congress party for the independence of madagascar* mali - malian party of labour, african solidarity for democracy and independence* malta - communist party of malta* martinique - martinican communist party, communist party for independence and socialism* mexico - popular socialist party, popular socialist party of mexico, communist party of mexico, communist party of mexico (marxist–leninist), marxist-leninist centre in mexico, communists' party* moldova - party of communists of the republic of moldova, communist party of moldova, people's resistance moldova, communist reformist party of moldova* montenegro - yugoslav communist party of montenegro, new communist party of montenegro* morocco - democratic way, moroccan marxist–leninist proletarian line* nagorno-karabakh (unrecognized country) - communist party of artsakh* namibia - communist party of namibia* nepal - unified communist party of nepal (maoist), communist party of nepal (marxist–leninist), communist party of nepal (united), nepal workers peasants party, communist party of nepal (masal), communist party of nepal (marxist), communist party of nepal - maoist, communist party of nepal* netherlands - new communist party of the netherlands, united communist party, group of marxist–leninists/red dawn* new zealand - socialist party of aotearoa, communist party of aotearoa, communist league* nicaragua - communist party of nicaragua, marxist–leninist popular action movement* norway - communist party of norway, red party, communist platform, radical socialists, serve the people – communist league* palestine - popular front for the liberation of palestine, democratic front for the liberation of palestine, revolutionary palestinian communist party, palestinian communist party* panama - people's party of panama, communist party (marxist–leninist) of panama, november 29 national liberation movement* paraguay - paraguayan communist party, free fatherland party, communist party of paraguay (independent)* pakistan - communist workers and peasants party, communist party of pakistan, communist party of pakistan (thaheem)* peru - communist party of peru – red fatherland, communist party of peru (marxist–leninist), communist party of peru path, proletarian party of peru, marxist–leninist party of peru* philippines - communist party of the philippines, communist party of the philippines[pkp-1930], filipino workers party, marxist–leninist party of the philippines, revolutionary workers' party of the philippines* poland - communist party of poland, polish party of the working class - initiative group* portugal - portuguese communist party, portuguese workers' communist party/reorganized movement of the party of the proletariat, proletarian communist organization (marxist–bolshevik) of portugal, revolutionary party of the proletariat – bases for revolution* puerto rico - puerto rican workers' revolutionary party, communist party of puerto rico* réunion - communist party of réunion* romania - romanian communist party, communist party (nepeceriști)* russia - communist party of the russian federation, russian communist workers' party of the communist party of the soviet union, russian united labour front, russian maoist party, party of the dictatorship of the proletariat, alliance of the revolutionary socialists, labour russia, regional party of communists, marxist–leninist platform, communist party of social justice, communists of russia* san marino - united left* serbia - new communist party of yugoslavia, communist party, party of labour* slovakia - communist party of slovakia, dawn, society for scientific communism, resistance – labour movement* south africa - communist party of south africa (marxist–leninist)* south ossetia (unrecognized country) - communist party of south ossetia, party of communists of the republic of south ossetia* south sudan - south sudan communist party* spain - communist party of spain, communist party of the people of spain, communist party of spain (marxist–leninist), communist party of spain (reconstituted), communist unification of spain, spanish communist workers' party, revolutionary communist party, marxist–leninist front of the peoples of spain, party of the communists of catalonia, living unified socialist party of catalonia, united and alternative left, communist party of the catalan people, communist workers bloc of andalusia, galician people's union, communist party of the menadores, communist party of spain (maoist), communist reconstruction* sudan - sudanese communist party* sweden - communist party of sweden, communist party, communist league* switzerland - swiss party of labour, party of labour basel (founded in 1944), marxist–leninist group switzerland* sri lanka - people's liberation front, communist party of sri lanka, ceylon communist party (maoist)* syria - people's will party, communist labour party* tajikistan - communist party of tajikistan* togo - communist party of togo* transnistria (unrecognized country) - pridnestrovie communist party, communist party of pridnestrovie* tunisia - workers' party, patriotic socialist revolutionary party watad, progressive people's party* turkey - communist party, people's communist party of turkey, marxist–leninist communist party, workers' party, communist labour party of turkey/leninist, revolutionary communist party of turkey, labour party, communist party of turkey (workers voice), communist party of turkey/marxist–leninist, communist party of turkey/marxist–leninist (maoist party centre), communist revolution movement/leninist, communist workers party of turkey, maoist communist party, revolutionary people's liberation party–front, union of revolutionary communists of turkey, communist party of kurdistan, revolutionary party of kurdistan, bolshevik party (north kurdistan – turkey)* turkmenistan - communist party of turkmenistan* ukraine - communist party of ukraine, communist party of ukraine (renewed), marxist–leninist party of ukraine, communist party of workers and peasants, all-union communist party bolsheviks - ukraine, union of communists of ukraine, association “struggle”* united kingdom - communist p

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