(23) the investments of slap currently under investigation are funded from the same type of funding.
(23) the investments of slap currently under investigation are funded from the same type of funding.
最后更新: 2014-10-23
使用频率: 1
we have made no investigation of the laws of any other jurisdiction as a basis for this opinion , and do not express or imply any opinion in this regard .
we have made no investigation of the laws of any other jurisdiction as a basis for this opinion , and do not express or imply any opinion in this regard .
最后更新: 2011-10-23
使用频率: 1
based on the information submitted by the uk authorities and other interested parties in the course of the preliminary investigation, the commission has come to the preliminary conclusion that the proposed transaction contains aid.
based on the information submitted by the uk authorities and other interested parties in the course of the preliminary investigation, the commission has come to the preliminary conclusion that the proposed transaction contains aid.
最后更新: 2014-10-23
使用频率: 1
tale studio deve essere conforme alla note for guidance on the clinical investigation of medicinal products in the treatment of asthma cpmp/ ewp/ 2922/ 01.
Šādiem pētījumiem ir jāatbilst vadlīnijam pretastmas līdzekļu klīniskajiem pētījumiem cpmp/ ewp/ 2922/ 01.
最后更新: 2012-04-10
使用频率: 2
en matière d'aide État cela signifie que suite à l'annulation de la décision susmentionnée la procédure est renvoyée au stade de l'investigation formelle.
en matière d'aide État cela signifie que suite à l'annulation de la décision susmentionnée la procédure est renvoyée au stade de l'investigation formelle.
最后更新: 2014-10-23
使用频率: 1
1.3 il cese ritiene opportuno che di tale comitato pediatrico siano ampliate sin d'ora le responsabilità. suggerisce in particolare che esso abbia un ruolo rafforzato nell'ambito della rete europea dei ricercatori e dei centri per gli studi nella popolazione pediatrica e che gli venga affidata la direzione scientifica del programma di studi pediatrici denominato mice (medicines investigation for the children in europe) che la commissione si è impegnata a proporre con apposita iniziativa.
1.3 komiteja uzskata par lietderīgu jau tagad paplašināt minētās pediatrijas komitejas atbildības jomu. Īpaši tā iesaka piešķirt komitejai eiropas pētnieku un centru pētījumu veikšanai ar bērniem tīklā lielāku nozīmi un iepazīstināt komiteju ar programmas par pediatrijas pētījumiem ar apzīmējumu mice (zāļu pētījumi eiropas bērniem), ko komisija vēlas ierosināt ar īpašu iniciatīvu, zinātniskajiem sasniegumiem.
最后更新: 2008-03-04
使用频率: 1