hercules magnum fustem tenet et leonem verberat
hercules holds a large club and beats the lion
最后更新: 2019-10-29
使用频率: 1
filius ianuam aperit. celer quintum salutat et villam intrat. metella est in culina. quintus matrem vocat. metella atrium intrat. pictor metellam salutat. metella pictorem ad triclinium ducit. celer in triclinio laborat. celer picturam pingit. magnus leo est in pictura. hercules quoque est in picutra. leo herculem ferocitier petit. hercules magnum fustem tenet et leonem. verberat. hercules est fortis. caecilius ad villam revenit et triclinium intrat. caecilius picturam intente spectat et pictur
the son opens the door. swift greets quintus and enters the country. metella is in the kitchen. quintus calls his mother. metella enters the court. the painter greets metella. metella leads the painter to the dining-room. swift is working in the dining room. swift paints a picture. a big lion is in the picture. hercules is also in the picutra. the lion fiercely attacks hercules. hercules holds a big stick and a lion. beats hercules is strong. caecilius returns to the villa and enters the dining-room. caecilius looks at the picture intently and the picture
最后更新: 2023-10-22
使用频率: 10