estnsko a poľsko maj teraz dva mesiace na splnenie svojich povinnost, a po uplynut tejto lehoty sa komisia mže rozhodnť postpiť ich prpady sdnemu dvoru eÚ.
estonia and poland now have two months to comply with their obligations, after which the commission may decide to refer these member states to the court of justice of the eu.
chemick ltky narajce endokrinn systm s ltky, ktor menia funkcie hormonlneho systmu, a preto maj nepriazniv činky na ľud alebo zvierat.
endocrine-disrupting chemical substances are substances that alter the functions of the hormonal system and consequently cause adverse effects to human health.
bulharsko a slovensko maj dva mesiace na to, aby informovali komisiu o opatreniach prijatch na odstrnenie nedostatkov; v opačnom prpade tieto prpady mžu byť postpen sdnemu dvoru eÚ.
bulgaria and slovakia have two months to inform the commission of the measures taken to address the shortcomings; otherwise, these cases may be referred to the court of justice of the eu.