您搜索了: yami (法语 - 英语)










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yami : "okay."


"at least. i hope we can be."

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1



tamador al yami twitte:


tamador al yami tweets:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


talal khalid abdulrahman al-yami


talal khalid abdulrahman al-yami

最后更新: 2016-12-01
使用频率: 1


le yami est une langue austronésienne parlée à taïwan.


it is a member of the ivatan dialect continuum spoken by the yami people of taiwan.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1


la militante tamador al-yami partage cette vidéo après avoir voté :


activist tamador al-yami shares this video after voting:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


yami laoliu , de pékin, écrit sur sina weibo, le site de microblogging bien connu :


yami laoliu from beijing wrote on the popular microblogging site sina weibo:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


la blogueuse saoudienne tamador al yami demande aux lecteurs de signer la pétition en ligne qui demande sa remise en liberté :


saudi blogger tamador al yami asks readers to sign an online petition for his release:

最后更新: 2016-02-24
使用频率: 1


ces langues sont parlées aux philippines, à l'exception du yami, parlé sur une île proche de taïwan.


they are spoken on babuyan island, just north of luzon; three of the batanes islands, between the philippines and taiwan; and on orchid island off southern taiwan.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1


mme hsila yami, une dirigeante maoïste, aurait affirmé que, dans les bastions maoïstes, les femmes constituent le tiers des militants.


ms. hsila yami, a leader of the maoists, is reported to have claimed that in the stronghold areas every third maoist is a woman.

最后更新: 2016-09-30
使用频率: 1


adat alifuru, aboriginal leadership institute, inc., abya yala nexus, agencia internacional de prensa india (aipin), ahatsu - associacao indigena xavante, ahwaz human rights organization, ainu association of hokkaido, aliansi masyarakat adat nusantara (aman), american anthropological association, american friends service committee (afsc), american indian law alliance, anti-slavery international, artic athabaskan council (aac) - council of yukon first nations, asia indigenous peoples pact (aipp), asociacion cooperacion minera la mistica ltda., asociacion de cabildos indigenas del norte del cauca (acin), asociacion de la juventud argentina, asociacion de tecnicos indigenas del ecuador (atie), asociacion interetnica de desarrollo de la selva peruana (aidesep), asociacion ixacavaa de desarrollo e informacion indigena, asociacion para la nutricion el desarrollo, educacion y salud andes peru, asociacion de indigenas evangelicos del cañar (aiec), assembly of first nations national indian brotherhood (afninib), association of third world studies inc., association tunfa (qui veut dire, bienfaisance, en tamasheq, langue des autochtones touaregs), association of indigenous peoples of the north, siberia and far east of the russian federation (raipon), association tamaynut, at-sik-hata clan yamasee native americans, australian institute of aboriginal and torres strait islander affairs (aiatsis), bikalpa gyan tatha bikas kendra, brazilian indigenous institute for intellectual property (inbrapi), capitania guarani zona santa cruz, casa nativa tampa allqo, centre d'accompagnement des autochtones pygmées et minoritaires vulnérables (camv), centre for the indigenous peoples research and development (ciprad), chin human rights organization, chirapaq - centro de culturas indigenas del peru, comarca ngobe bugle cacique regional de nedrini, comision juridica para el autodesarrollo de los pueblos originarios andinos (capaj), comite intertribal de memoria y ciencia indigena del brasil, communauté des autochtones rwandais (caurwa), community action & research for development, comuna sarayaku de sucumbios, comunidad indigena de cochiraya, comunidad indigena san francisco de asis de yantac pueblo de marcapomacocha, comunidad integradora del saber andino fundacion educativa (cisa), comunidad puetaquil (magp), confederacion de nacionalidades y pueblos indigenas del ecuador (conaie), confederacion de pueblos indigenas de bolivia (cidob), confederacion nacional de comunidades campesinas y nativas del peru, confederacion nacional de organizaciones campesinas, indigenas y negras del ecuador (fenocin), consejo de pueblos nahuas del alto balsas guerrero a.c., consejo de pueblos y organizaciones indigenas evangelicas del ecuador (feine), consejo de todas las tierras -mapuche, consejo indio de sud america (cisa), consejo nacional de mujeres indigenas de brasil, consejo nacional de mujeres indigenas del ecuador (conmie), conselho nacional de mulher indigena (conami), coordenacao das organizaoes indigenas da amazonia brasileira (coiab), coordinadora de comunidades kichwas de la amazonia (corcka), cordillera peoples alliance, cowichan tribes/hulquminum mustimuhw, defenders of the black hills, defensoria de la mujer indigena de guatemala, defensoria de los pueblos indigenas del ecuador en america, elizabeth seton federation, els-ham papua, enlace continental de mujeres indigenas, first peoples human rights coalition, foundation for aboriginal and islander research action (faira), fundacion de desarrollo social guaman poma, fundacion de desarrollo social doctor manuel naula sagñay, fundacion indigena andes chinchasuyo, fundacion rhumy wara, fundacion rigoberta menchu tum, garo indigenous women association, global indigenous, global youth action network, groupe d'appui à la scolarisation des filles (ong gasf), habitat pro association, hmong chaofa indigenous confederation and tribal people of northern, amaos, hmong international human rights watch inc., hmong world church council (hwcc), hopi indigenous nation, house of smayusta, indian law resource centre, indigenous information network, indigenous peoples council on biocolonialism, indigenous peoples of africa coordinating committee, indigenous world association, innu council of nitassinan (innu nation), international indian treaty council, international institute for the study and preservation of aboriginal peoples and their cultures, international native tradition interchange inc., interregional public organization komi voityr, inuit circumpolar conference, jigyansu tribal research centre, jumma peoples network international (jupnet), junta parroquial de salasaca, ka lahui hawai'i, kamakakuokalani center for hawaiian studies, karenni student union, khmers kampuchea-krom federation, la red xicana indigena, lakota treaty council, mainyoito pastoralists integrated development organisation (mpido), mashpee wampanoag indian tribal council inc., mejlis of crimean tatar people, metis national council, movement for the survival of the ogoni people (mosop), movimiento indigena del peru (mip), na koa ikaika kalahui hawaii, nacionalidad tsa'chila del ecuador, national congress of american indians, native women's association of canada, nepal federation of indigenous nationalities (nefind), new age foundation - fundacion nueva era, newa de daboo, organizacion nacional indigena de colombia (onic), parbatya chattagram jana samhati samiti (pcjss), parlamento indigena de america, partnership for indigenous peoples environment (pipe), pastoralist forum ethiopia, prince kuhio hawaiian civic club, rapanui parliament, saami council, saulteau first nations, servicios en comunicacion intercultural (servindi), sherpa association of nepal, shimin gaikou centre, simba maasai outreach organization, south asia indigenous women forum, southern chief's organisation, support indigenous nations survival, taino nation of the antilles and usa, taller permanente de mujeres indigenas andinas y amazonicas - federacion de comunidades nativas yine yami (feconayy), tebtebba foundation - indigenous peoples' international centre for policy research and education, the aldet centre-saint lucia, the flying eagle woman fund, the international alliance of indigenous and tribal peoples of the tropical forests, the karelian regional public organization, the society of vepsian culture, the montagnard foundation inc., the o'odham voice against the wall-traditional o'odham communities-us-mx, tierra madre fund for indigenous women, turaga indigenous nation, united association of khmer kampuchea krom buddhist monks, united confederation of taino people, united native nations truth network - voice confederation, wara instituto indigena brasileiro, world adivasi council (wac), world hmong people's congress, yachay wasi - house of learning in the quechua language of peru, yamassee native americans mt.


adat alifuru, aboriginal leadership institute, inc., abya yala nexus, agencia internacional de prensa india (aipin), ahatsu - associacao indigena xavante, ahwaz human rights organization, ainu association of hokkaido, aliansi masyarakat adat nusantara (aman), american anthropological association, american friends service committee (afsc), american indian law alliance, anti-slavery international, artic athabaskan council (aac) - council of yukon first nations, asia indigenous peoples pact (aipp), asociacion cooperacion minera la mistica ltda., asociacion de cabildos indigenas del norte del cauca (acin), asociacion de la juventud argentina, asociacion de tecnicos indigenas del ecuador (atie), asociacion interetnica de desarrollo de la selva peruana (aidesep), asociacion ixacavaa de desarrollo e informacion indigena, asociacion para la nutricion el desarrollo, educacion y salud andes peru, asociacion de indigenas evangelicos del cañar (aiec), assembly of first nations national indian brotherhood (afninib), association of third world studies inc., association tunfa (qui veut dire, bienfaisance, en tamasheq, langue des autochtones touaregs), association of indigenous peoples of the north, siberia and far east of the russian federation (raipon), association tamaynut, at-sik-hata clan yamasee native americans, australian institute of aboriginal and torres strait islander affairs (aiatsis), bikalpa gyan tatha bikas kendra, brazilian indigenous institute for intellectual property (inbrapi), capitania guarani zona santa cruz, casa nativa tampa allqo, centre d'accompagnement des autochtones pygmees et minoritaires vulnerabbles (camv), centre for the indigenous peoples research and development (ciprad), chin human rights organization, chirapaq - centro de culturas indigenas del peru, comarca ngobe bugle cacique regional de nedrini, comision juridica para el autodesarrollo de los pueblos originarios andinos (capaj), comite intertribal de memoria y ciencia indigena del brasil, communaute des autochtones rwandais (caurwa), community action & research for development, comuna sarayaku de sucumbios, comunidad indigena de cochiraya, comunidad indigena san francisco de asis de yantac pueblo de marcapomacocha, comunidad integradora del saber andino fundacion educativa (cisa), comunidad puetaquil (magp), confederacion de nacionalidades y pueblos indigenas del ecuador (conaie), confederacion de pueblos indigenas de bolivia (cidob), confederacion nacional de comunidades campesinas y nativas del peru, confederacion nacional de organizaciones campesinas, indigenas y negras del ecuador (fenocin), consejo de pueblos nahuas del alto balsas guerrero a.c., consejo de pueblos y organizaciones indigenas evangelicas del ecuador (feine), consejo de todas las tierras -mapuche, consejo indio de sud america (cisa), consejo nacional de mujeres indigenas de brasil, consejo nacional de mujeres indigenas del ecuador (conmie), conselho nacional de mulher indigena (conami), coordenacao das organizaoes indigenas da amazonia brasileira (coiab), coordinadora de comunidades kichwas de la amazonia (corcka), cordillera peoples alliance, cowichan tribes/hulquminum mustimuhw, defenders of the black hills, defensoria de la mujer indigena de guatemala, defensoria de los pueblos indigenas del ecuador en america, elizabeth seton federation, els-ham papua, enlace continental de mujeres indigenas, first peoples human rights coalition, foundation for aboriginal and islander research action (faira), fundacion de desarrollo social guaman poma, fundacion de desarrollo social doctor manuel naula sagñay, fundacion indigena andes chinchasuyo, fundacion rhumy wara, fundacion rigoberta menchu tum, garo indigenous women association, global indigenous, global youth action network, groupe d'appui à la scolarisation des filles (ong gasf), habitat pro association, hmong chaofa indigenous confederation and tribal people of northern, amaos, hmong international human rights watch inc., hmong world church council (hwcc), hopi indigenous nation, house of smayusta, indian law resource centre, indigenous information network, indigenous peoples council on biocolonialism, indigenous peoples of africa coordinating committee, indigenous world association, innu council of nitassinan (innu nation), international indian treaty council, international institute for the study and preservation of aboriginal peoples and their cultures, international native tradition interchange inc., interregional public organization komi voityr, inuit circumpolar conference, jigyansu tribal research centre, jumma peoples network international (jupnet), junta parroquial de salasaca, ka lahui hawai'i, kamakakuokalani center for hawaiian studies, karenni student union, khmers kampuchea-krom federation, la red xicana indigena, lakota treaty council, mainyoito pastoralists integrated development organisation (mpido), mashpee wampanoag indian tribal council inc., mejlis of crimean tatar people, metis national council, movement for the survival of the ogoni people (mosop), movimiento indigena del peru (mip), na koa ikaika kalahui hawaii, nacionalidad tsa'chila del ecuador, national congress of american indians, native women's association of canada, nepal federation of indigenous nationalities (nefind), new age foundation -fundacion nueva era, newa de daboo, organizacion nacional indigena de colombia (onic), parbatya chattagram jana samhati samiti (pcjss), parlamento indigena de america, partnership for indigenous peoples environment (pipe), pastoralist forum ethiopia, prince kuhio hawaiian civic club, rapanui parliament, saami council, saulteau first nations, servicios en comunicacion intercultural (servindi), sherpa association of nepal, shimin gaikou centre, simba maasai outreach organization, south asia indigenous women forum, southern chief's organisation, support indigenous nations survival, taino nation of the antilles and usa, taller permanente de mujeres indigenas andinas y amazonicas - federacion de comunidades nativas yine yami (feconayy), tebtebba foundation - indigenous peoples' international centre for policy research and education, the aldet centre-saint lucia, the flying eagle woman fund, the international alliance of indigenous and tribal peoples of the tropical forests, the karelian regional public organization, the society of vepsian culture, the montagnard foundation inc., the o'odham voice against the wall-traditional o'odham communities-us-mx, tierra madre fund for indigenous women, turaga indigenous nation, united association of khmer kampuchea krom buddhist monks, united confederation of taino people, united native nations truth network - voice confederation, wara instituto indigena brasileiro, world adivasi council (wac), world hmong people's congress, yachay wasi - house of learning in the quechua language of peru, yamassee native americans mt.

最后更新: 2016-09-30
使用频率: 1


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