您搜索了: nkosazana (科萨语 - 英语)











最后更新: 2014-03-27
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


awusemhle nkosazana


that's ok i have a beautiful heart which is more important nana

最后更新: 2020-04-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


nkosazana is a form of address used for you


princess refers to

最后更新: 2020-02-07
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


ngaphezulu: malunga: ngoko: phesheya: ncam: adj: emvar: emva kwe: kwakhona: chasene: onke: phantse: yodwa: nga: se: ne: naxa: oko: phakathi: phakathi kwa: na: enye: nayiphi: nakanjani: nabani: nantoni: naphi: zi: azi: azijikelele: waba: ngokuba: yiba: uba: iba: sele: phambi: phambi kwayo: qala: iyaqala: emva: izaku: ngezantsi: ngaphandle: ngaphandle: phakathi: ngaphaya: iziigidi: zombini: kodwa: nga: ayinge: ayinaku: iwonga: inoku: cayinako: yaba: zange: yenza: ayenzi: suku: phantsi: ngexesha: nganye: isibhozo: amashumi asibhozo: nokuba: enye: enye indawo: phela: isiphelo: kwanele: njalo- njalo: elingeneyo: okokoko: yonke: wonke ubani: yonke into: yonke indawo: ngaphandle: mbalwa: amashumi amahlanu: eyokuqala: hlanu: ye: owokuqala: eyokuqala: amashumi amane: ifunyenwe: ne: isuka ku: phambili: ibine: ine: ayina: ine: ayina: njengoko: yakhe: apha: apha emva: apha nge: apha kwi: apha: apha ngeyena ngokwakhe: yena u: yena yena ngokwakhe: yakhe: njani: ngoko ke: ikhulu: inc: kanye: endaweni: kwi: ayi: yi: yona ngokwayo: eyokugqibela: emva kwexesha: owokugqibela: ekugqibelenill: noko: ngaphantsivumela: njengenjengey: ltd: wenze: yenza: wenza: ninzi: inga: mhlawumbi: okwelithuba: ngoko: inga: isigidi: nkosazana: ngaphezulu: ngaphezulu kwe: eninzi: eninzi kakhulu nkosikazi: ninzi: kufuneka: mna: igama: okanye: zange: nakanye: elandelayo: thoba: amashumi asithoba: akukho mntu: akukho namnye: amnye: emini: okanye: ayina: akukho nto: ngoku: akukho ndawo: susa: rhoqo: kanye: nye: kuphela: ku: abanye: kungenjalo: eyethu: yeyethu: eyethu: phandle: phezu: phezu konke: eyakho: iphepha: ngokwe: mhlawumbi: kungcono: esandulukubakho: esandukubakho: inye: ijongeka: ijongeke: iyajongeka: jongeka: xhenxe: amashumi asixhenxe: eninzi: u: u: waza akazu: ukusukela: thandathu: amashumi anesithandathu: ezinye: nakanjani: omnye: enye into: ngelinye ixesha: ngamanye amaxesha: kwenye indawo: ise: yima: enjalo: iyathatha: ishumi: kuna: leyo: i: ezabo: bona: bona ngokwabo: ngoko: ngoko ke: apho: aphoemva: apho nge: ngoko ke: apho kwi: apho nge: ezi: ba: amashumi amathathu: le: ezo: naxa: iwaka: thathu: ngapha: ngaphaya: ngapha: noko: iincam: kunye: nanko: ngapho: ngakuyo: izigidi: amashumi amabini: bini: phantsi: ngaphandle: engafani ne: engafaniyo: kude kube: gqiba: igqityiwe: iyagqiba: phezu: iyasetyenziswa: isebenzisa: kakhulu: gqitha: funa: yafunwa: ifuna: wa: zange: indlela: iindlela: ukutshata: kakuhlel: zazi: zange: ntoni: ntoni: nantoni: xa: xana: naxa: phi: phi emva koko: njenge: njengoko: phi kwi: phi apho: naphi: iphi: noba: yiphi: xa: noxa: ngubani: noba ngubani: epheleleyo: ubani: nabani: yekabani: kutheni: izaku: nge: nge: ngaphandle: ayinaku: sebenza: wasebenza: usebenza: uyasebenza: izaku: ayizuku: ewe: nangona: u: uza: uzaku: eyakho: ungu: yeyakho: wena ngokwakho: ezenu: une


above: about: according: across: actually: adj: after: afterwards: again: against: all: almost: alone: along: already: also: although: always: among: amongst: and: another: any: anyhow: anyone: anything: anywhere: are: aren: arent: around: became: because: become: becomes: becoming: been: before: beforehand: begin: beginning: behind: being: below: beside: besides: between: beyond: billion: both: but: can: cant: cannot: caption: could: couldnt: did: didnt: does: doesnt: dont: down: during: each: eight: eighty: either: else: elsewhere: end: ending: enough: etc: even: ever: every: everyone: everything: everywhere: except: few: fifty: first: five: for: former: formerly: forty: found: four: from: further: had: has: hasnt: have: havent: hence: her: here: hereafter: hereby: herein: heres: hereupon: hers: herself: hes: him: himself: his: how: however: hundred: inc: indeed: instead: into: isnt: its: itself: last: later: latter: latterly: least: less: let: like: likely: ltd: made: make: makes: many: may: maybe: meantime: meanwhile: might: million: miss: more: moreover: most: mostly: mrs: much: must: myself: namely: neither: never: nevertheless: next: nine: ninety: nobody: none: nonetheless: noone: nor: not: nothing: now: nowhere: off: often: once: one: only: onto: others: otherwise: our: ours: ourselves: out: over: overall: own: page: per: perhaps: rather: recent: recently: same: seem: seemed: seeming: seems: seven: seventy: several: she: shes: should: shouldnt: since: six: sixty: some: somehow: someone: something: sometime: sometimes: somewhere: still: stop: such: taking: ten: than: that: the: their: them: themselves: then: thence: there: thereafter: thereby: therefore: therein: thereupon: these: they: thirty: this: those: though: thousand: three: through: throughout: thru: thus: tips: together: too: toward: towards: trillion: twenty: two: under: unless: unlike: unlikely: until: update: updated: updates: upon: used: using: very: via: want: wanted: wants: was: wasnt: way: ways: wed: well: were: werent: what: whats: whatever: when: whence: whenever: where: whereafter: whereas: whereby: wherein: whereupon: wherever: wheres: whether: which: while: whither: who: whoever: whole: whom: whomever: whose: why: will: with: within: without: wont: work: worked: works: working: would: wouldnt: yes: yet: you: youd: youll: your: youre: yours: yourself: yourselves: youve

最后更新: 2011-10-23
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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