您搜索了: eu vreau sa slabesc 2, 3kg dar nu 10 (罗马尼亚语 - 英语)







eu vreau sa slabesc 2, 3kg dar nu 10



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vreau sa pleci, dar nu imi e usor


i want you to leave, but it's not easy for me.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


110 madalina liviu ionita - eu vreau sa ne (originala) manele 591


142 madalina liviu ionita - eu vreau sa ne (originala) manele 591

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 23


dar este doar o poveste. iar eu vreau sa mergem mai departe si sa facem mai mult.


but it's just a story. and i want to go beyond the story, and go to something more.

最后更新: 2015-10-13
使用频率: 1


eu vreau sa cant o piesa. "ei bine, asta te va ajuta la partea de control"


i need to play a piece of music." "oh, well, this will help your control!"

最后更新: 2015-10-13
使用频率: 1



136 madalina liviu ionita - eu vreau sa ne (originala) - mp3 manele 591


226 madalina liviu ionita - eu vreau sa ne (originala) - mp3 manele 591

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 19


vreau sa zic, ati auzit ca am luat o amenda pentru viteza in timp ce faceam cercetare pentru cartea mea cu beneficiile incetinirii, si e adevarat, dar nu e tot.


i mean, you heard that i got a speeding ticket while i was researching my book on the benefits of slowness, and that's true, but that's not all of it.

最后更新: 2015-10-13
使用频率: 1


vreau să rezerv un transfer de un drum spre aeroport, dar nu vreau sa zbor, este acest lucru posibil?


i want to book a one way transfer to the airport but i’m not taking a flight is this possible?

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


si cand john kiely a aflat ca eu vreau sa subliniez o parte din banii in scopuri caritabile pentru orfani si copii intr-o situatie critica din satele indepartate ale republicii moldova el a platit de 2,5 ori mai mult.


and when he learned that i want to highlight some of the money to charity for orphans and children in a critical situation of the remote villages of the republic of moldova john keighley pay 2,5 times more.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


acesta este lungul mars al istoriei, realitatea pe care o vedem sub ochii nostri, dar nu vreau sa sugerez ca nu exista idealuri sau ca, din punct de vedere economic, capitalismul nu ar fi cel mai bun sistem: chiar este. daca va reusi sa se impuna in viitor este o alta problema, dar este condamnat sa o faca deoarece reprezinta singura pozitie rationala.


this is the long march of history, the reality of what happens, but i don't mean to say by that that there are no ideals or that capitalism is not the best ideal economically: it is. whether it will succeed in future history is another question, but it is bound to win out eventually because it is the only rational position.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


ai o alegere anul viitor,dar nu vrei sa te uiti la viziunea ta la ceea ce se intampla imediat *---vreau sa vad unde crezi ca ecuadorul va merge pe tremen lung,si unde america de sud va merge.se pare,la un anumit grad ca sunt o multime de lucruri bune...sti,aceasta integrare mare in america de sud,standardele de a trai sau fost crescute,cantitatea de influenta pe care america si alte tari din afara americii latine,sa poate aplica asta,este de asemenea in scadere,dar unde vei crede ca va ajunge in 10 sau 20 de ani?


you have an election next year, but i don’t want to look at your vision for what happens immediately after - i want to look at where you think ecuador is going in the long term, and where south america is going in the long term. it seems, to some degree that there's... there's a lot of good things... you know, this greater integration in south america, the standards of living have been increased, the amount of influence that the united states and other countries outside latin america can apply to it is also decreasing, but where do you think it is going in ten years, 20 years?

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


decinin primul rand,vreau sa spun,faptul este ca iraq-ul este un stat democrat acum.constient de pozitia noastra cand a fost invadat---si credem ca a fost o invazie,america nu avea nici un drept sa invadeza tara---dar realitatea este ca iraq este un stat democrat azi si din cauza vointei iraqienilor care vroiau sa fie democratici si vroiau sa scape de dictatori,si acea democratie poate avea un impact pozitiv,este posibil,dar nu ceea ce a fost facut de cheney sau de...ce a fost facut,deoarece americani,de la inceput,ei nu au vrut sa aschimbe acele regime,nu vroiau sa schimbe regimul din egipt,nu vroiau sa schimbe regimul.vreau sa spun,...tu vezi acum,de exemplu,bahrain este un model bun.iraq-ul este ,probabil cel mai aproape de noi,statul democratic, dar americanii sunt impotriva democratiei in bahrain acum.


well, first of all, i mean, the fact is iraq is a democratic state now. aware of our position when it was invaded – and we think that was an invasion, america has no right to invade the country – but the reality is iraq is a democratic state today and because of the will of the iraqis who wanted to have democracy and they wanted to get rid of the dictators, and that democracy might have a positive impact, it’s possible, but not that what has been done by cheney or by… what has been done, because the americans from the beginning, they didn’t want to change those regimes, they didn’t want to change the regime in egypt, they didn’t want to change the regime. i mean, at…you see now for example, bahrain is a good model. iraq is maybe the closest to us democratic state but americans are against democracy in bahrain now.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

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