art. 21 (1) furnizorii au obligaÅ£ia sÄ publice, pe pagina web de start a serviciului, la loc vizibil:
art. 21.- (1) the audiovisual media services providers shall publish on the web page of the service in a visible place the following:
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1
(2) à n cazul campaniilor care presupun colectarea de fonduri de la public pentru un obiectiv anume, furnizorii au obligaţia de a informa publicul cu privire la rezultatele concrete ale acestor campanii.
(2) for campaigns that involve the collection of funds from the public for a specific objective, suppliers are obliged to inform the public about the concrete results of these campaigns.
最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1