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acknowledgment of debt


erkenning van skuld

最后更新: 2024-06-13
使用频率: 1


receipt acknowledgment of correspondence


ons herken ontvangs van korrespon densie

最后更新: 2021-08-10
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


acknowledgment of receipt of documents


erkenning van ontvangs van dokumente

最后更新: 2020-02-10
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


receipt acknowledgment of letter sample


ontvangs erkenning van brief voorbeeld

最后更新: 2023-10-26
使用频率: 2

参考: 匿名


example of debt recognition


voorbeeld van skulderkenning

最后更新: 2021-09-08
使用频率: 2

参考: 匿名


example of recognition of debt agreement


voorbeeld van erkenning van skuld ooreenkoms

最后更新: 2019-01-09
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


attachments of debt due to the maintenance debtor.


skuld verskuldig aan die onderhoudsskuldenaar.

最后更新: 2011-10-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.


maar aan hom wat werk, word die loon nie na guns toegereken nie, maar na verdienste;

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


search enhancing municipal service delivery may 10, 2018 media and news, our programmes 5 ways municipalities can enhance service delivery through data optimisation delivery of free basic services to indigent people remains an ongoing challenge for south african municipalities. according to paul smith, local government support at kagiso trust, this may be attributed to poor data management, which impacts on all aspects of functioning, from customer management to revenue collection. here, smith outlines how data optimisation can help improve service delivery to the country’s poorest households. 1. understanding the customer base smith explains that although there is only one account holder in each indigent household, there may be many more residents within the households. unless municipalities have an accurate grasp of who can afford to pay and who cannot afford to pay and maintained understand the scope of their customer base, they cannot plan properly for free basic service delivery. 2. improving available information unreliable data makes it almost impossible for municipalities to deliver efficiently: understated indigent registers have implications in terms of debt for local government, while overstated indigent registers impact on revenue, smith says. 3. improving revenue collection and debt management municipalities’ ability to provide free basic services is negatively affected by inefficiencies related to revenue collection and debt management, as municipalities are expected to cross subsidize the cost of fbs with own revenue. under collection of revenue compromises their ability to make payment to bulk service providers like eskom and the water boards. smith points out that, accurate data can help municipalities forecast revenues more accurately and implement effective credit control measures. 4. enhancing internal capacity smith insists that municipalities’ optimal functioning depends on adopting an approach that focuses as much on staff development as customers. “no institution can operate efficiently if it is inadequately resourced; if skills, attitude and capacity are not at appropriate levels. unfortunately, this is the scenario facing most of our municipalities. people development must therefore be a central pillar for any solution aiming to improve municipal delivery of services . we need to ensure that staff are equipped, empowered and motivated to do their jobs properly. this will decrease municipalities’ reliance on external consultants and thus contribute to their sustainability.” less emphasis must be placed on providing technical solutions to dysfunctional municipalities until municipal staff are suitably ready to embrace innovation and technology. 5. creating an exit strategy for the indigent the ultimate goal for municipalities is to help indigent citizens become economically active, increasing the municipal tax based and addressing social economic challenges. for this to happen, municipalities require data related to the skills, capacity and experience among their unemployed to feed into a well planned and executed local economic development program. smith reveals that kagiso trust has developed a tool called the kagiso data optimisation system (“k’dos”), which helps municipalities validate their customer data through an online web interface, thus improving operational efficiency and billing accuracy and promoting local government sustainability. previous post next post search for: recent posts kagiso trust’s tyala impact fund june 23, 2021 media release may 19, 2021 kagiso trust and financial self-sustainability march 12, 2021 covid-19: a catalyst for change annual report 2019/20 march 4, 2021 in brief december 2020 december 14, 2020 categories annual report (5) media and news (60) our programmes (12) our publications (20) research (9) uncategorized (5) © copyright kagiso trust


swak dienslewering in my gemeenskap

最后更新: 2021-06-29
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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