您搜索了: after you realize it ' s lost (英语 - 南非荷兰语)







after you realize it ' s lost



从: 机器翻译








do you realize?


besef jy?

最后更新: 2016-10-27
使用频率: 7


i'm looking after you.


ek sorg vir jou

最后更新: 2016-10-27
使用频率: 7


after you have throughly read this


after you have throughly read this

最后更新: 2011-10-24
使用频率: 1


wow, i didn't realize it was so big.


ek kon my nie voorstel dat dit so groot was.

最后更新: 2016-10-27
使用频率: 7


struve 's lost nebula


suid koreacountry name ( optional , but should be translated )

最后更新: 2011-10-24
使用频率: 1


close the door after you when you leave the room.


maak die deur agter jou toe as jy die kamer verlaat.

最后更新: 2014-02-01
使用频率: 1


in order to resume the game after you paused it, perform one of the following:


om die spel weer te hervat nadat dit tydelik gestop is, doen een van die volgende:

最后更新: 2014-08-20
使用频率: 1


and by their prayer for you, which long after you for the exceeding grace of god in you.


terwyl hulle ook in die gebed vir julle na julle verlang vanweë die uitnemende genade van god aan julle.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1


sticky keys has been enabled . from now on , modifier keys will stay latched after you have released them .


klewerige sleutels is nou geaktiveer . van nou af sal verander sleutels gehak bly nadat jy dit gelos het .

最后更新: 2011-10-24
使用频率: 3


for he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had been sick.


want hy het na julle almal verlang en was besorg, omdat julle gehoor het dat hy siek was.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1


and she said unto her servants, go on before me; behold, i come after you. but she told not her husband nabal.


en sy het aan haar jongmanne gesê: trek voor my uit; kyk, ek kom dadelik agter julle aan. maar aan haar man nabal het sy niks te kenne gegee nie.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1


and i will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.


en ek sal julle onder die volke verstrooi en 'n swaard agter julle uittrek; en julle land sal 'n wildernis en julle stede puinhope word.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1


sometimes you realize that your problem is a very small one against that of other people. that's what coenie also realized when he heard from precious's. the accident that made everyone a big impression, however, made two people deep into the suffering of the others and tried to help.


soms kom mens agter dat jou probleem maar 'n baie klein enetjie is teen dié van ander mense. dis wat coenie ook agtergekom het toe hy van precious s'n hoor. die ongeluk wat op almal 'n groot indruk gemaak het,het egter twee mense diep in die ander se leed laat inkyk en probeer help.

最后更新: 2018-10-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


and what he did unto the army of egypt, unto their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the lord hath destroyed them unto this day;


en wat hy gedoen het aan die leër van egipte, aan sy perde en aan sy strydwaens waaroor hy die waters van die skelfsee laat aanstroom het toe hulle julle agtervolg het, sodat die here hulle omgebring het tot vandag toe;

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too.


最后更新: 2023-11-27
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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