您搜索了: fresh food and water (英语 - 南非荷兰语)







fresh food and water



从: 机器翻译








absolutely loves food and water


absoluut lief vir kos

最后更新: 2023-06-09
使用频率: 1


wash your hands with soap and water


reinig u hande met 70 persent alochliese sanitzer

最后更新: 2020-06-16
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


add condensed milk and water to the strawberries


was aarbeie, sny dit in die helfte en giet in die blender

最后更新: 2023-05-04
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


my dog eats dog food and meat


my hond eet hondekos

最后更新: 2024-01-24
使用频率: 1

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lion like's to hunt zabra.the lion like to collect food and eat and drink water


hoe lyk 'n le

最后更新: 2021-03-16
使用频率: 1

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only the best food and drink are ever served here!


asof betower, sê alles: hoe sjarmant!

最后更新: 2016-10-27
使用频率: 7

参考: 匿名


and having food and raiment let us be therewith content.


maar as ons voedsel en klere het, moet ons daarmee vergenoeg wees.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


owk i have just learned about afrikaans food and it was so interesting


dit is 'n rukkie sedert ek jou gesien het my vriend

最后更新: 2021-10-07
使用频率: 1

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but we shall also give them free food and lodging for 40 days and nights.


u onteer ons posisie as gaste

最后更新: 2016-10-27
使用频率: 7

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mexican people speak spanish and eat very spicy food and they make very nice food unique food


meksikaanse mense praat spaans en eet baie pittige kos en hulle maak baie lekker unieke kos

最后更新: 2021-08-18
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prove thy servants, i beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.


stel tog u dienaars tien dae lank op die proef, en laat hulle ons van die groente gee om te eet en water om te drink;

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1

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he doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment.


wat reg verskaf aan die wees en die weduwee, en die vreemdeling liefhet, sodat hy hom brood en klere gee.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


my role model is xiluva mbowani miss mpumalanga xiluva lives in new york she works there xiluva is my role model because most of people in here area edinburgh respect her for who she is xiluva maintain her body by eating fresh food like vegetables and fruits xiluva never eats papa the only time she eats papa is when there are parties or these other special events xiluva brought her mother a a house with her first salary she even bought a car polo gti with four pipe she bought that car because he


my rolmodel is xiluva mbowani juffrou mpumalanga xiluva woon in new york sy werk daar xiluva is my rolmodel, want die meeste mense in hier area edinburgh respekteer haar vir wie sy is xiluva handhaaf haar liggaam deur vars kos soos groente en vrugte te eet xiluva eet nooit pappa nie die enigste keer wat sy pappa eet, is wanneer daar partytjies is of hierdie ander spesiale geleenthede xiluva het vir haar ma 'n huis gebring met haar eerste salaris het sy selfs 'n motorpolo gti gekoop met vier pype, sy het die motor gekoop omdat hy

最后更新: 2024-07-25
使用频率: 1

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people in the rural areas also have a right to electricity and water, flush toilets, roads, entertainment and sport centres; as well as better shopping centres like those in the cities.


mense in die landelike gebiede het ook ´n reg tot elektrisiteit en water, spoeltoilette, paaie, ontspannings- en sportsentrums, sowel as beter winkelsentrums soos dié in die stede.

最后更新: 2011-10-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


during my december holidays my family and i went flag farm as soon as we arrived my cousins and i were so excited we then went to watch the reptile show there were so many snakes after the show they allowed us to touch the snakes after that we went on many rides and walked around the farm to see all the animals they also had a show about a cow and we got to milk the cow later on we decided to have a braai while the braai was on we went to look at the huskys they were so cute we ate our food and. then went to the water park


tydens my desember vakansie het ek en my gesin vlagplaas gegaan. sodra ons aankom was ek en my neefs en niggies so opgewonde ons het toe na die reptielvertoning gaan kyk daar was so baie slange na die show het hulle ons toegelaat om aan die slange te vat. daarna het ons gegaan op baie ritte en op die plaas rondgeloop om al die diere te sien. hulle het ook 'n show gehad oor 'n koei en ons het die koei gemelk. later het ons besluit om te braai. terwyl die braai aan was, het ons na die husky's gaan kyk. hulle was so oulik ons het ons f geëet

最后更新: 2022-01-22
使用频率: 1

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cause we went to gold reef city and i enjoyed myself so when we got there me and my family went on the anaconda and then after that we had breakfast then when we where done we where walking around looking for rides and saw one and went on the ride it is called the golden loop and so we where playing games we went and watched a movie and then we went to the candy shop and bought us candy and we went home cause it was getting late then we stopped at mc donalds got us food and went home and after t


want ons het goudrif stad toe gegaan en ek het dit geniet so toe ons daar aankom het ek en my gesin op die anaconda gegaan en daarna het ons ontbyt geëet, toe ons klaar is het ons rondgeloop opsoek na ritte en een gesien en op die gegaan ry dit word die goue lus genoem en so ons het speletjies gespeel, ons het 'n fliek gekyk en toe gaan ons lekkergoed winkel toe en koop vir ons lekkergoed en ons is huis toe want dit het laat geword toe stop ons by mc donalds het vir ons kos gekry en huis toe gegaan en na t

最后更新: 2022-04-08
使用频率: 1

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my birthday party was the best.when my friends came in the house they saw all my balloons and food.after we are a bunch of food and we got full.then we went to go play outside and at night we played.after we all went to sleep at the sleepover


my verjaarsdagpartytjie was die beste. toe my vriende in die huis kom, het hulle al my ballonne en kos gesien. daarna is ons 'n klomp kos en het ons vol geword. toe ons buite gaan speel en saans het ons gespeel.

最后更新: 2024-07-31
使用频率: 1

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they are concerned about some developments in our economy, especially the steady increase in interest rates, food and fuel prices which further impoverish especially the poor. some among these worry about the possible impact on our own economy of the threat of economic recession in the united states.


hulle is besorg oor sekere verwikkelings in ons ekonomie, veral die bestendige toename in rentekoerse en kos- en brandstofpryse wat die veral die armes nog armer maak. sommige mense is bekommerd oor die moontlike uitwerking wat die dreigende ekonomiese reses in die verenigde state op ons eie ekonomie mag hê.

最后更新: 2011-10-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


the study reveals that a vast majority of consumers see advertising as playing a key role in the economy: 80% of the world’s consumers believe that advertising helps create jobs and 72% say advertising contributes to economic growth. about 68% of the respondents believe it helps to reduce prices by stimulating competition. a clear majority of consumers across all markets also understand the importance of advertising and sponsorship as a critical source of funding for sports, the arts and the media. 1. noise: advertisements: it is just that much advertising gets lost in the noise of competing brands, and some advertising merely adds to the noise. 2. it promotes materialism: it creates the desire and taste for new products which are not actually necessities of life and income of consumers will not let them enjoy. it encourages people to buy things they do not need. it widens the gap between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. obesity among children and allegations that unrestricted consumption of fast food and beverages are the factors leading to it is because of materialism. industry says that it is basically an argument against capitalist approach to marketing. 3. advertising is harmful to children: children cannot make informed choice or cannot differentiate between real life and the life portrayed in the world of ad. industry says that they target the appropriate audiences and they do not encourage irresponsible behaviour. ads targeting children are released even before the claims are verified like complain. advertisements: about some years back, a young man had jumped from a building attempting to imitate akshay kumar’s dare-devilry stunts shown in thums up’s ad. in september, 2010, an eleven year old child killed himself allegedly under the influence of an ad done by a heinz india drink, ‘complan’, claimed to make children ‘taller’. 4. advertising reinforces stereotypes: it reduces people or objects into classes based on inferences that are made from an individual or social context, like “all professors are absent-minded”, “all blonds are dumb”, etc. industry says that they merely reflect society’s attitudes. evidence suggests that advertising generally lags behind social trends rather than shaping them. the depiction of working woman has been shown too late. the new series of 13 tv ads promoting tata docomo’s network connectivity with a tagline ‘no getting away’ – released across national channels – is being criticized for “showing class bias”, “cozying up to harmful social prejudices”and being indecent. a mad finds a mobile phone while cleaning the house and hides it inside her blouse. but just as she is about to exit, the phone rings and her employer gets to know. 5. the misleading ads: according to k v thomas, minister, govt of india, piramal healthcare ad – ‘getting complete energy in 8 days or moneyback’ , airtel digital tv on ‘free regional pack for life’ and ‘fair skin’ by fmcg producers were misleading. drugs and magic remedies (objectionable advertisements) act and the cable television network regulation act have failed to prevent misleading ads. advertisment


nadele van advertensies

最后更新: 2023-12-15
使用频率: 3

参考: 匿名

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