您搜索了: keep doing it you'll regrate (英语 - 南非荷兰语)







keep doing it you'll regrate



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i'm doing it for them indeed and the beautiful mother


my ma koop vir my 'n mooi ding

最后更新: 2023-10-17
使用频率: 1


this is the lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.


dit het van die here gekom; dit is wonderbaar in ons oë.

最后更新: 2012-05-06
使用频率: 1


, hey how are you doing it's been a while we haven't talked been a long time how was your week did you enjoy yourself


hallo my skat hoe gaan dit met jou, ek het jou gemis, jy is so 'n sonneblom hey ek mis jou goed hoe was jou week het jy skool geniet8

最后更新: 2023-09-16
使用频率: 1


my favourite sport is basketball i love basketball it abite to challenging i love it that i bit everyone in it it fun and people around you cheering for you lwandle lwandle lwandle and having lot of fun and happiness on and proud for what you doing it my favourite sport ever in my life


my gunsteling sport is basketbal, ek hou van basketbal, dit hou my af om dit uit te daag, ek hou daarvan dat ek almal daarin gebyt het, dit is lekker en mense rondom jou juig vir jou lwandle lwandle lwandle en het baie pret en geluk op en trots op wat jy dit doen my gunsteling sport ooit in my lewe

最后更新: 2021-05-19
使用频率: 1

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we were playing outside and then we were chasing chicken's and we were carrying sticks and hiting the ground and then we hit the chicken by mistake and and the chicken fanited and fell we tried to hide and we had regret doing it and we tried to play the regret off and we kept going to it and we sore that it was brithing and the gilt was off and my friend's mother found out and we got shouted and the chicken woke up and we were so happy that it is alive but we think that it lot it's memory


ons het buite gespeel en toe jaag ons hoender s'n en ons dra stokke en huur die grond en toe slaan ons die hoender per ongeluk en die hoender waai en val ons probeer wegkruip en ons is spyt dat ons dit gedoen het en ons het probeer om die spyt af te speel en ons het aangehou en ons het seer dat dit brithing was en die vergulde was af en my vriend se ma gevind uit en ons het geskree en die hoender het wakker geword en ons was so bly dat dit lewendig is, maar ons dink dat dit baie mem is

最后更新: 2023-03-07
使用频率: 1

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the best way i have made money on the holidays was to go house to house washing people's windows we made the fifty rand per window if the window was big they payed seventy five ran the best thing about being handy is that you get rid of being in trouble like doing bad things with your friends all the time when you are bored washing windows has been a great activity we have saved a lot of money people needed us during the holidays because they were planning a lot so they weren't free to wash their windows we never thought of washing windows it just came up one morning when we were just sitting outside under a big tree then my father walked out of his car and asked us to wash the windows in the yard then he said he'll pay fifty ran for each window so we agreed so we started doing it in the neighborhood so we started buying soaps for our business and we ended up making a lot of money.


最后更新: 2024-02-28
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


afrikaans essay a friend who saved my life on august 26, 2008, at twenty four minutes past midnight, i left my first comment on a fascinating blog i had started reading called, “internet monk.” an article with the intriguing title “wretched urgency” had been re-posted, and i found it compelling. here was my response to the post’s author, michael spencer: you tell the truth. the main problem with the evangelical church (baptist and otherwise) is that it has taken believers out of real life where they might follow christ in truly renewed human lives and relationships. instead, it has substituted its own manufactured programs and methods, covering them with a pseudo-biblical veneer to justify them. and we’ve been doing it for so long, that most of us actually think it’s the real thing. i’m with you. it’s not. when i hit “enter” on that early morning five years ago and left my comment for the internet monk, a wind blew across the sands of the wilderness in which i was wandering, and i began to spy the vague markings of a path toward home. in other words this blogger, michael spencer, emerged as an important person who was to play an integral part in the saving of my life. this post is not about me, but about michael, so i won’t bore you with the details of my journey, except to express my gratitude for god’s providential guidance in allowing me to know michael and benefit from his friendship and ministry. his bio describes him like this: michael was a libertarian-leaning conservative politically and an adventurous pilgrim theologically. he owed much to baptists, the apostles’ creed, raymond brown, ed beavins, eugene peterson, paul zahl, robert capon, c.s. lewis, the gospel of mark, michael horton, n.t. wright, shakespeare, his dad, several pastors and always martin luther. sadly, michael died three years ago today in his home surrounded by his family, on easter monday, the opening day of baseball season, and far too soon for all who knew and loved him. on that day, having been asked by michael to continue the work of the blog, i wrote the following on internet monk: with them, we mourn his passing. with them, our tears fall. with them, we express gratitude that michael is at peace and no longer suffering. with them, we cry out to god in pain because our suffering has just increased. with them and with all creation, we groan, awaiting the day when this sad world will be put to rights. with them and with all the saints, we put our trust in christ alone, crucified, buried, risen, ascended, and coming again. we continue to mourn. we continue to pray for comfort and strength for his dearest, denise, and his children noel (with her husband ryan) and clay, and his grandson silas. michael_spencer1we continue to put our hope in the one in whose presence michael rests.


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最后更新: 2016-08-28
使用频率: 1

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