您搜索了: so this is why i picked my parents to be my heroes (英语 - 南非荷兰语)







so this is why i picked my parents to be my heroes



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good morning class, when i grow up i want to be a pedestrian. i want to help kids. with their health and make sure that they are healthy and grow up fast. i love kids that is why i want to be their doctor to give them help when they are sick for them to be strong and healthy


goeiemôreklas, as ek groot is, wil ek 'n voetganger wees. ek wil kinders help. met hul gesondheid en maak seker dat hulle gesond is en vinnig grootword. ek is lief vir kinders, daarom wil ek hul dokter wees om hulle te help as hulle siek is sodat hulle sterk en gesond kan wees

最后更新: 2023-02-23
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i started playing games on my phone like sub way surfers. i asked my parents to put music on it for me to listen to. my other wish was to have a sister, one day my mom made me do a puzzle and when i completed the puzzle, the puzzle said i was going to be a big brother. i couldn't wait to meet her. skye is my favourite wish come true.


ek het speletjies op my foon begin speel soos surfers onderweg. ek het my ouers gevra om musiek daarop te sit om na te luister. my ander wens was om 'n suster te hê, eendag het my ma my 'n legkaart laat doen en toe ek die legkaart voltooi het, sê die legkaart dat ek 'n groot broer gaan word. ek kon nie wag om haar te ontmoet nie. skye is my gunsteling wens.

最后更新: 2020-04-08
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


my parents are the parents in the world they do any thing me as long my grades are the way they want them to be my parents have being doing alot for since l was born . l only have a mother only she grow me up to being what l am today my mom is one of the best mother's ever she wakes up every day doing to work so that we can be some thing better than her my mom woks alot that is why l want to make my mom proud l want to be a doctor. my mom is very nice and strick at times .now am in school doing


my ouers is die ouers in die wêreld hulle doen enige ding vir my solank my grade is soos hulle wil hê hulle moet wees. my ouers het baie gedoen sedert ek gebore is. ek het net 'n ma net sy het my grootgemaak om te wees wat ek vandag is my ma is een van die beste ma's ooit sy word elke dag wakker om te werk sodat ons iets beter kan wees as sy my ma wok baie dit is hoekom ek wil my ma trots maak ek wil 'n dokter wees. my ma is baie gaaf en strick at times .nou is op skool besig

最后更新: 2022-02-26
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too. helping people is a sign to them to show you care. i am sure everyone has helped someone else at least once, as it is a common thing. further on in this essay i will state various times when i have helped someone. like many people, i have a sibling. he is younger than me so i help him many times. i help my brother with many things such as helping him with his homework, keeping him entertained when he is bored and ensuring of his safety. but sometimes there are significant events where he really needs my help such as when he gets bullied or badly injured and there is no one else around who can help him. something like this happened at school. at lunch while i was enjoying my delicious sandwich my brother came up to me and said that his friends were running away from him. as an older sister i was alarmed and angry with those who upset my little brother. so, as most people would do, i took my brother's hand and he lead me to his friends. i told my brother's friends that this was an impolite thing to be doing and was unkind. as i was a senior in the school, my brother's friends did not argue and started to play with my brother. another instance when i have helped someone, was when i spotted a girl a little younger than i was who was injured and crying on the footpath. i approached her cautiously and bent down to ask her what had happened. she told me that she was going on a jog alone but she slipped and grazed her knees and hands and that now she couldn't get up. i straight away knew what to do. i asked her to calm down and not move so i could go and get my parents to assist her. once i had gotten my parents and some bandages she told my parents what her parent's phone number was. we told the girl's parents where she was, and within five minutes they had come and picked her up. you can help people whether you know them or not. usually what i feel is that after you help someone you feel happy and glad about what you have just done. so go and help people in need because it will help you to feel happy too.


最后更新: 2023-11-27
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


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