您搜索了: desperation (英语 - 印地语)










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my desperation made me an innovator .


इस इश्क ने ही मुझे अविष्कारक बना डाला ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 5


have suffered undue frustration and desperation .


अनावश्यक निराशा और हताशा को सहते रहे हैं .

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


but soon we received another letter written in desperation .


तभी जल्दी में उसका दूसरा पत्र मिला ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


in desperation , mofuli put on his last burst of speed .


हताश होकर मोफुली ने अपनी बची - खुची पूरी शक्ति लगा दी ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


of grassroots activists that have been born of desperation in communities like mine ?


आम आदमी से कुछ शिक्षा लें और कुछ सक्रिय कदम उठाएं ?

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


in sheer desperation , they decided to strike at the root of the organisation .


फलस्वरूप क्रोधोन्मत्त भाव से वह संगठन की जड़ काटने नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस पर अमादा हो उठी ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration , desperation , perspiration and inspiration .


सफलता वह सौभाग्य है जो कि उच्चाकांक्षा , साहस , पसीना बहाने और प्रेरणा से प्राप्त होता है .

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


as the master realizes the universal folly of man he feels a painful desperation in the resultant verses .


गुरु , मनुष्य की इस विश्वव्यापी मूर्खता को पहचानते हैं ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


in desperation she threw hereself in the river ravi one day , but was saved from drowining by a sikh saint .


इसी उधेडबुन में वह एक दिन स्वयं रावी को समर्पित हो गई परन्तु एक सिक्ख संत द्वारा बाहर निकाले जाने पर बच गई ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


in desperation , pakistan turned to actions such as the large - scale massacre of innocent civilians .


हताशा होकर पाकिस्तान निर्दोष नागरिकों के व्यापक नरसंहार जैसी कार्रवाइयां करने लगा ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


and a son who pressed the trigger of an assault rifle on his parents and relatives with desperation made lethal by alcohol and drug .


और पुत्र के बारे में , जिसने शराब और नशीली दवा के सेवन से घातक रूप ऐतयार कर चुकी हताशा के चलते अपने माता - पिता और दूसरे सगे - संबंधियों को गोली मार दी .

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


a mood of desperation was beginning to set in and they also started making frantic efforts to collect as large an army as possible to defend kittur .


निराशा का वातावरण छाता जा रहा था और उन्होंने भी क्रोधोन्मत होकर कित्तूर की रक्षा के लिए अधिकाधिक सेना जुटाने के प्रयत्न प्रारंभ कर दिए ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


it would have been very natural for her to evince such emotions like extreme terror , or desperation or disappointment , but he had seen none in her eyes .


भयावह डर एवं मृत्यु का भय अथवा हताश होना ही तो स्वाभाविक था , लेकिन उसकी आँखो में भय तो ऐसा नहीं था ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


had they been spoken out of a reckless desperation , in her struggle for survival , or was it i who failed to understand its real purport ?


जिंदा हरने के लिए जिस किसी भी तरह का अर्ज था , या कि समझने में मैंने भूल की थी ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


and us print media hacks , in our desperation to compete with the showiness and superficiality of tv journalism , race from one sensational story to the next leaving little time for contemplation or analysis .


पत्र - पत्रिकाओं के मेरे जैसे कलमघिस्सू पत्रकार टीवी पत्रकारिता की आड़ंबरी और सतही पत्रकारिता की होड़े में सनसनीखेज खबरों के पीछे भागते रहते हैं , लिहाजा , विश्लेषण और चिंतन के लिए समय ही नहीं बचता .

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 1


in desperation , he even planned to make an attempt to cross into the soviet union entirely on his own with the help of an absconder from peshawar who was living on the afghan - russian frontier .


हताश होकर वे अफगान - रूस सीमा - क्षेत्र में रहनेवाले पेशावर के एक भगोड़े की मदद से , अपने ही बूते , सोवियत संघ में घुसने की योजना भी बनाने लगे थे ।

最后更新: 2020-05-24
使用频率: 2


lives a rather than walking around in the history of the remaining houston removed at least or no removed two but none of my business under the covers room duck pond and of adopting at this point i think that these trees wiping let a little over the number of mine a game motherhood to clean the place and where i want to leave the game opening up in a painted out so it's uh... living in the plot to blow up but israeli upto remotely when he and i think that the temple important numbers written on the wall made america but not really restricted you know a thorough going to be sure that you know that they can you bring your liver you know anything about the fellowship in not never paid attention to biggest coming when they're going to get ready nobody ran around them you get people into a dozen yet independently ronningen you know anything about his girlfriend neff militant union were you know anything about any phone call each other and he made system that part of what you placed don't know that the other i don't the you know that i just returned here why don't you and i can find no hempstead almost one delivering them to bother with about the roar of approval i didn't know the problem you wouldn't mind that when the barber somewhere in that room with a will be working for the overlook the up but the the return of the balcony time recruitment but then one day almost a week every birthday made the final who the uh... the again i'd like to that were worded with and invented crazy though with that and have a group of women room right landing look i think you have blamed if you wanna you know what i like about you lose your spirit of cooperation yet lengthened to help them well-intentioned letting the will lead to it the then isn't bad but in the there rather than martin with a reporter for the feel like there's a lot of income randomly mondale woman written that'd be the the but alot of the beaver them too record number the ran or for mine but the problem i've got mr shared her write what i wanted but they've had ordered by detective mark employees not private plan for the cap finally began calling the number six nine four five within every possible alternative in uh... mister schaffer then remember mom at work out which should read uh... what are lower i want charlie shavers action uh... really are operable about battle upon them with all the more they are it but not normal them in desperation market the number and also the album federal investigators bob either through the telephone company other than the militant phone number i've tried everything that was an does not want to be a long distance calls within one hour that number is you haven't done anything about their montana than then another million to one them on the trip is called problem but you want to know six months of luck with the gain surround the parliament get out of the report where we're going to with with the problem with that they will not or go far enough admitted that the pure worker work as long as you're wonderful on quitting that what no with a look at that wellman their demand six nine four five medford oregon to seven or template working outside i think i can right through the content of charlie shape uh... people believe liberal these are the two two seven org and please where people charles b shoot meant one of the rather than a lot and included notify more rabbit forty five minutes later the late maybe at different that uh... limit that that given by you that that position paul remembered buildup of the most armed with with the but that isn't what bobby caper in net but are looking into the lead and one day at the railway station in that book right annual market collected by the name paper uh... that it will return habitat bird back for trial but what if something happens that you'll be able to defend itself would do anything to keep that get tough rajitha nanum yes but you've already spent two days in the hospital were not well enough to be a no plaza without the day the perspective of the of the or k_ hair coating understandable it had along to your incomplete but doesn't that mean that in my life while at the mild line like into cattle uh... what we know and back in the butt of panic button on top of a political beliefs at allied attorney excitement market oh off but not meant you realize that this might be next or every one of the right now that handcuff and not a completely lawful a replica lip often there helpless other major remove mahal bookclub bookclub notifier happily places in the public by the credit from top companies article could be pardoned field that might get landed eat the scene at the battle reflects paper prize pickup


最后更新: 2019-07-06
使用频率: 4


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