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reports from february (when the majority of the cases had still been confined to china) have documented racist sentiments expressed in various groups worldwide of chinese people deserving the virus or receiving what has been claimed as justified retribution.


laporan dari bulan februari (ketika mayoritas kasus masih terbatas di tiongkok) mencatat sentimen rasis yang diungkapkan dalam berbagai grup di seluruh dunia bahwa orang tionghoa pantas menerima virus atau menerima hal yang mereka klaim sebagai ganjaran yang setimpal.

最后更新: 2020-08-25
使用频率: 1


chatgpt 4o mini masuk anda bilang: konten dihapus konten ini mungkin melanggar kebijakan penggunaan kami. chatgpt bilang: chatgpt here’s the translation into english: kijang was instructed to do certain tasks. after completing his training, he had to dig a hole near the old man’s house. kijang agreed, and the old man said, "that place is sacred; there is a building you must not enter." "why can't i go there?" kijang asked. "that place is where the king of jinn resides. i have locked it to prevent the jinn from escaping." "alright, grandpa." nine years later, kijang had completed the task and the once empty land now had a large hole as part of his training. one day, kijang decided to visit the forest but ended up at the sacred place. there, he saw a beautiful girl and approached her. unknowingly, he was pulled inside, and the beautiful girl turned out to be a door. kijang had accidentally unlocked the place where the king of jinn was sealed, causing the jinn to awaken and destroy the place. the jinn exclaimed, "finally, i am free! that foolish one had confined me in a cramped space." then the old man arrived and said, "why did you escape?" the jinn replied, "because this youth opened the seal." "then i will destroy you here without leaving a trace." a fierce battle ensued between the old man and the king of jinn, making the weather turn bad. kijang, still shocked by his actions, gathered the knowledge he had learned and launched a powerful attack that made the king of jinn vanish completely. kijang approached the old man and said, "grandpa, don't die. i’m sorry i broke your command." the old man replied, "if i die, please bury me in the place you dug." "i will do so, as your final wish." the old man breathed his last, and kijang buried him as instructed. after burying the old man, heavy rain came, flooding the grave and turning it into a lake. after this, kijang returned to his village with the original goal of driving away the jinn in his village.


chatgpt 4o mini masuk anda bilang: konten dihapus konten ini mungkin melanggar kebijakan penggunaan kami. chatgpt bilang: chatgpt here’s the translation into english: kijang was instructed to do certain tasks. after completing his training, he had to dig a hole near the old man’s house. kijang agreed, and the old man said, "that place is sacred; there is a building you must not enter." "why can't i go there?" kijang asked. "that place is where the king of jinn resides. i have locked it to prevent the jinn from escaping." "alright, grandpa." nine years later, kijang had completed the task and the once empty land now had a large hole as part of his training. one day, kijang decided to visit the forest but ended up at the sacred place. there, he saw a beautiful girl and approached her. unknowingly, he was pulled inside, and the beautiful girl turned out to be a door. kijang had accidentally unlocked the place where the king of jinn was sealed, causing the jinn to awaken and destroy the place. the jinn exclaimed, "finally, i am free! that foolish one had confined me in a cramped space." then the old man arrived and said, "why did you escape?" the jinn replied, "because this youth opened the seal." "then i will destroy you here without leaving a trace." a fierce battle ensued between the old man and the king of jinn, making the weather turn bad. kijang, still shocked by his actions, gathered the knowledge he had learned and launched a powerful attack that made the king of jinn vanish completely. kijang approached the old man and said, "grandpa, don't die. i’m sorry i broke your command." the old man replied, "if i die, please bury me in the place you dug." "i will do so, as your final wish." the old man breathed his last, and kijang buried him as instructed. after burying the old man, heavy rain came, flooding the grave and turning it into a lake. after this, kijang returned to his vi

最后更新: 2024-09-01
使用频率: 1


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