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going to room after finishing my duty



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at 6pm the doctor fed my grandmother then i fed my grandmother and gave her the medicine that my mother came and looked after my grandmother there i immediately took a shower in the hospital bathroom after finishing the shower i ate after finishing my meal to my grandmother's room and took turns guarding my grandma until 2 am i stayed up late looking after her because my grandmother wanted to be massaged and in the fan fan right because my grandmother felt hot even though there


pada pukul 6 sore dokter memberikan makan kepada nenek saya lalu saya menyuapi nenek saya dan memberikan nya obat serelah itu ibu saya datang dan menjaga nenek saya disana saya pun langsung mandi di kamar mandi rumah sakit setelah selesai mandi saya pun makan setelah selesai makan saya ke kamar nenek saya dan bergantian menjaga nenek saya hingga pukul 2 pagi saya bergadang menjaga nya karena nenek saya ingin di pijat pijat dan di kipas kipas kan karena nenek saya merasa panas padahal disana sud

最后更新: 2023-03-18
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


my activity yesterday 07.00 i have breakfast and take a shower to start learning after learning i change clothes and after that lunch after lunch i go to sleep and i wake up at 04.00 and i see my friends come out calling me then i play after i play i go home to helping to clean the house such as washing dishes sweeping the yard, sweeping the house, and mopping after i finish taking a shower after finishing my shower i do the task my teacher gave me after that i have dinner after that i sleep sou


aktivitas saya kemarin 07.00 saya sarapan dan mandi untuk mulai belajar setelah belajar setelah belajar saya mengganti pakaian dan setelah makan siang setelah makan siang saya tidur dan saya bangun jam 04.00 dan saya melihat teman-teman saya keluar menelepon saya maka saya bermain setelah saya bermain saya pulang untuk membantu membersihkan rumah seperti mencuci piring menyapu halaman , menyapu rumah, dan mengepel setelah saya selesai mandi setelah menyelesaikan mandi saya, saya melakukan tugas yang diberikan guru saya setelah itu saya makan malam setelah itu saya tidur sou

最后更新: 2021-01-25
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


assalamualaikum wr wb introduction my name is eni rohayati, i am a student at sultan thaha state university syaifudinn jambi. here i will tell you about my daily activities. starting from the morning i wake up at 5 am and i do not forget to read prayer after waking up, then i clean my bed to be neat then go to the bathroom to shower and do not forget also wudoo' to perform dawn prayers, after finishing my morning prayers sem


assalamualaikum wr wb perkenalan nama saya eni rohayati, saya mahasiswi di universitas negeri sultan thaha syaifudinn jambi. di sini saya akan menceritakan kegiatan sehari hari saya. di mulai dari pagi hari saya bangun pada pukul 5 pagi dan saya tidak lupa untuk membaca doa setelah bangun tidur, kemudian saya membereskan tempat tidur saya agar rapi lalu pergi ke kamar mandi untuk mandi dan tidak lupa juga berwudhu untuk melaksanakan sholat subuh, setelah selesai sholat subuh saya sem

最后更新: 2020-10-17
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


morning activities before leaving for school before sunrise, i went to the bathroom. in the bathroom i rushed to take a shower and after showering i had breakfast eating the dishes my mother had prepared at the dinner table. after finishing my meal, i went to school on foot, because my school was close to my home. when i arrived at school, not a single person came to my class, so i repeated the lesson while waiting for a friend


aktivitas pagi sebelum berangkat ke sekolah sebelum matahari terbit, saya beranjak ke kamar mandi. di kamar mandi saya bergegas untuk mandi dan setelah mandi saya sarapan pagi dengan memakan masakan yang sudah ibu saya siapkan di meja makan. setelah selesai makan, saya berangkat ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki, karena sekolah saya dekat dengan rumah saya. sesampainya di sekolah, belum ada satu orang pun yang datang di kelas saya, maka daripada itu saya mengulang pelajaran sembari menunggu teman

最后更新: 2023-02-14
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


hello! i will describe my daily activities for this week from monday to friday i usually wake up at 5 am in the morning, go straight to the bathroom for wudhu, shubuh prayer and continue reading the al-quran. after that, i tidied up the bed and clean the living room. after everything is finished, i continue breakfast making a glass of milk and bread while watching television gathered together in the living room. i immediately took a shower. after i finished taking a shower i am getting ready for online lecture, because it is now in a pandemic that all activities are turning online. after finishing the lesson, i usually continue with lunch and dzuhur prayer. after dzuhur i returned to study for the second lecture. after the online lecture finished. i pray asr immediately, after that usually i spend the afternoon with my family. and i also don't forget to pray maghrib and dinner then continue with prayer isya. before going to bed i usually finish tasks if i have one, and rush to bed. and unlike saturdays and sundays, i usually like to do a hobby of making cakes together, such as lava cake, brownies, and so on. in addition, on holidays i usually spend more time relaxing and hanging out with family. and usually i also like to go out to meet friends to complete tasks together, chat, play and don't forget to use health protocols. and that's my daily activity this week. thank you


最后更新: 2020-09-12
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


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