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i don't think it's a good place



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i don't think so.



最后更新: 2021-09-21
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i don't think about what a bath is


aku gak mikir tentang mandi

最后更新: 2023-12-17
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i don't think i've ever eaten it.


mungkin suatu saat aku akan mencobanya

最后更新: 2022-09-22
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


are you looking for me i don't think so


apakah kamu mencari ku?

最后更新: 2021-08-15
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


so people don't be too welcome to other girls, then they will think it's a mat


jadi orang tuh jangan terlalu selamat datang sama cewe lain,nanti di kira keset

最后更新: 2020-04-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


yes, i like my name,i don't think it exists, because i think all names are good and have their meanings.


saya memiliki saudara yang bernama wills, nama yang menarik bagi saya dan mungkin berbeda dari yang lain.

最后更新: 2022-03-24
使用频率: 2

参考: 匿名


i don't think you've sent pi container 3 yet. can you send it now, so i can send it back soon?


saya rasa anda belum mengirimkan pi container 3. apakah anda bisa mengirimkannya sekarang, agar saya dapat mengirimkan kepada anda kembali segera?

最后更新: 2022-02-17
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


all employers want to hire employees who have many qualifications and good experience. the higher the level of education they get, the greater they can work where they want. actually, when it comes to work, i don't think there's a problem without qualifications because in certain jobs only skills are needed without qualifications, in other words, being a manual worker. but


semua atasan pasti ingin memperkerjakan karyawan yang mempunyai banyak kualifikasi dan pengalaman yang bagus. semakin tinggi jenjang pendidikan yang mereka dapatkan semakin besar pula mereka dapat bekerja ke tempat yang mereka inginkan. sebenarnya kalau untuk masalah pekerjaan, menurut saya tanpa adanya kualifikasi juga tidak menjadi masalah karena dalam beberapa pekerjaan tertentu hanya dibutuhkan skill yang memang diperlukan tanpa adanya kualifikasi dengan kata lain menjadi pekerja kasar. tapi

最后更新: 2021-09-20
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


yesterday i celebrated easter at ppa, the location in songgokerto i went there with my father and my sister. once there we comply with health protocols by washing our hands and using hand sanitizer. the show's over and we're home. this year's easter event i don't think is as fun as last year but i am grateful to still be able to follow this easter event even with strict health protocols


kemarin saya merayakan paskah di ppa, lokasinya di songgokerto saya pergi kesana bersama ayah saya dan adik saya. sesampainya di sana kita mematuhi protokol kesehatan dengan mencuci tangan dan memakai hand sanitizer. acara dimulai dan kita duduk harus sosial distancing, acar selesai dan kita pulang. acara paskah tahun ini menurut saya tidak menyenangkan seperti tahun lalu tetapi saya bersyukur masih bisa mengikuti acara paskah ini meskipun dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat

最后更新: 2021-04-24
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


nobody knows our relationship now how people only know that we are happy outside laughing so much fun. in the end here i am embraced by your attitude which is somehow hard to explain now i miss the past i really miss you were not cold like now i know that it changes only you just covered it up from me so i don't think weird right? i am not forcing you to stay with me, if you tell me to look for your replacement, sorry i'm not


tidak ada yang tahu hubungan kita sekarang bagaimana orang hanya tau kita diluar bahagia tertawa menyenangkan sekali.pada akhirnya disini aku yang terlukan dengak sikapmu yang entah mengapa susah kujelaskan sekarang aku rindu yang dulu sangat rindu dulu kamu tidak dingin seperti sekarang aku tahu bahwa itu berubah hanya saja kamu menutupinya dari aku agar aku tidak berfikiran aneh iya bukan? aku tidak memaksamu untuk menetap bersamaku,jika kamu menyuruhku untuk mencari penggantimu,maaf aku tidak

最后更新: 2019-10-31
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


my sister helped me prepare the tools and ingredients. then i mix all the materials according to the video we watched. the next step i was told to shake all the ingredients for 10 minutes until it became foam. but at this step i've been stirring for more than 15 minutes and nothing has happened. instead of turning into foam, the dalgona i made melted down like it was all over again. i've tried it a few times but it failed. i don't think making dalgona is such a good idea.


kakak perempuanku membantuku menyiapkan alat dan bahannya. kemudian saya mencampurkan semua bahan sesuai dengan video yang kami tonton. langkah selanjutnya saya disuruh untuk mengocok semua bahan selama 10 menit hingga menjadi busa. tetapi pada langkah ini saya sudah mengaduk lebih dari 15 menit dan tidak ada hasilnya. bukannya berubah menjadi busa, dalgona yang saya buat tetap cair seperti semula. sudah beberapa kali aku mencobanya tetapi tetap gagal. aku pikir membuat dalgona bukanlah ide yang

最后更新: 2022-04-07
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


since the first case of the corona virus in indonesia in recent months. the government decided to limit direct social interaction and close public places including schools. so that all learning is done online at home. there are many difficulties faced in this online learning. some students even complained about the limitations of learning media such as laptops, cellphones and the internet. in fact, i think it's a bad day since the covid-19 pandemic and the government is restricting outside activities to prevent the spread of the virus. after going through the difficulties of learning online at that time. finally the holidays have arrived, i spend my day at home and it makes me very bored. sometimes i play online games, watch youtube and watch movies all night long. even i watched it until morning and made my mother angry with me. one of the films that i watched at that time was fantastic beasts. this film tells the story of a newt scamander as the main character who goes to america and accidentally releases a rare creature from the wizarding world which makes america chaotic because the animal plus america is also experiencing a commotion due to strange things that are thought to be related to magic. this film is one of my favorite films. the next few days came the new year holiday 2021, my brother and i decided on a new year with roasted corn, grilled sausages, and other foods in the front yard of the house. but on new year's eve it rained. so that day adds to feelings of annoyance and adds to boredom at home. maybe enjoying a vacation in the midst of a pandemic is very boring. but i can enjoy the fun and spend time at home with my family and that's enough. and i hope that the pandemic will end soon and we can all do our activities as before.


最后更新: 2021-02-28
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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