您搜索了: are we doing the birds and the bee (英语 - 巴斯克语)







are we doing the birds and the bee



从: 机器翻译








but christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.


baina christ seme beçala da bere etchean: ceinen etchea baicara gu, baldin confidançá eta gloriatzen garen sperançá finerano fermu eduqui baditzagu.

最后更新: 2012-05-05
使用频率: 1


you can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. each card is hiding an adding-up sum, or the answer to the sum. an adding-up sum looks like this: 2 + 2 = 4 the numbers on one side of the equals sign (=) have to be the same as the number on the other side. so 2 (1, 2) and 2 more (3, 4) makes 4. count aloud when you work this out, and count on your fingers, because the more ways you do something, the better you remember it. you can also use blocks, or buttons, or anything you can count. if you have lots of brothers and sisters, you can count them! or the kids in your class at school. sing counting songs. count lots of things, for practice, and you'll be very good at adding-up! in this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of an adding-up sum (also called an addition sum). you need to find the two parts of the sum, and bring them together again. click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole sum. you can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. you're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a proper sum. when you do that, both those cards disappear! when you've made them all disappear, found all the sums, you've won the game! :)


karta batzuk ikus ditzakezu, baina ezin duzu ikusi haien bestaldean dagoena. karta bakoitzak batuketa ezkutatzen du, edo batuketaren emaitza. batuketa batek honelako itxura du: 2 + 2 = 4 berdintasun ikurraren (=) alde batekoak bestaldekoaren zenbakia eduki behar du. hori dela eta, 2 (1 edo 2) gehi 2 (3 edo 4) batuketaren emaitza 4 da. zenbatu zenbakiak ahoskatuz eta baita eskuko hatzekin ere, zenbat eta bide gehiago jorratu hobeto gogoratuko baitituzu gauzak. blokeak, botoiak edo zenbatzeko balio duen edozein elementu erabil dezakezu. anai-arreba asko badituzu, zenbatu ditzakezu! edo ikastolako gelako lagunak zenbatu. abestu zenbakiak zenbatuz. trebatzeko gauza asko zenbatu ditzakezu, eta oso ona izango zara batuketetan. joko honetan kartek batuketen bi zatiak ezkutatzen dute. batuketaren bi zatiak aurkitu behar dituzu, batera jartzeko. egin klik karta batean ezkutatzen duen zenbakia ikusteko, gero saiatu berarekin batuketan bat datorren beste karta, batuketa burutzeko. txanda bakoitzean bi karta bakarrik jar ditzakezu buruz gora. beraz, ezkutuan dauden kartak gogoratu behar duzu, batuketaren beste zatia aurkitzeko. berdintasun ikurraren lana egin behar duzu, eta zenbakiek behar zaituzte elkarrekin jarri eta batuketa zuzena egiteko. behin batuketa zuzena denean bi kartak desagertu egingo dira. karta guztiak desagertzen direnean (batuketa guztiak aurkitu dituzun seinale) jokoa irabazi duzu! :)

最后更新: 2014-08-20
使用频率: 6


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